
Add an ISO file

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  • Tarq

    Tarq - 2024-02-23

    I tried this and it failed. I will try the unique disk code

  • Tarq

    Tarq - 2024-02-23


  • Ed  P

    Ed P - 2024-02-23

    Again, without seeing your grub2 parms I can't offer much help.

  • Tarq

    Tarq - 2024-02-23

    I attached a grub file for the operating system that might be useful
    I think the correct one is /boot/grub/loopback.cfg

  • Ed  P

    Ed P - 2024-02-23

    So which one of those 2 txt files did you use to get this msg: "No root device specified. Boot arguments must include a root=parameter."

    Is the mx iso file in a folder on the drive? If so the isopath should include it. No need for the drive letter or drive name.

    The /boot/grub/loopback.cfg does have 2 parmeters that you need to add to your bootparm settings. $root is created by g2wisoboot so that's no problem.

    prefix='('$root')/boot/grub source'
    bootparm= '$prefix'/grub.cfg'

    What's missing is the $isofile in the bootparms.

    • Tarq

      Tarq - 2024-02-23

      File type located on a hard disk partition Disk image file (.iso) Target operating system MX-23.1_fluxbox_386 I did not mention the presence of an ISO file on a folder
      The parameters and commands used are contained in a file --grubwork--cfg.txt
      I'm trying to install two different systems on two laptops


      Last edit: Tarq 2024-02-23
  • Ed  P

    Ed P - 2024-02-23

    The grub2 parms in the grubwork--cfg.txt file you posted above won't work.

     set kernelpath='/** kernel path **'               
     set initrdpath='/** initrd path **'               
     set bootparms='** your linux bootparms **'

    No vmlinuz file, no initrd file, no MX bootparms, no bootparm indicating your iso file.

    If you're "trying to install" a Linux system you're in the wrong forum. Grub2Win is about booting systems not installing them.

    Good luck Tarq.


    Last edit: Ed P 2024-02-23
    • Tarq

      Tarq - 2024-02-23

      The files are there, but I think the problem is not seeing the path to the original ISO file


      Last edit: Tarq 2024-02-24
  • Ed  P

    Ed P - 2024-03-03
  • Ed  P

    Ed P - 2024-03-03

    So Tarq, did you get your MX ISO to boot?

    I did, after many, many, many boots.

    menuentry " MX 23.2 " --class custom --class icon-isoboot {
     set isofile='/ISOs/MX-23.2_fluxbox_x64.iso'
     set kernelpath='/antiX/vmlinuz'                 
     set initrdpath='/antiX/initrd.gz'             
     set bootparms='fromiso='$isofile' bdev=/dev/nvme0n1p7 ' 
     search -f $isofile --set=root
     loopback loop $isofile
     linux (loop)$kernelpath $bootparms
     initrd (loop)$initrdpath

    The hardest parm to find and set was the bdev parm. It had to be specified else the ISO was searching for "USB,CD"s and it wouldn't accept the $root parm's value of hd0,gpt7.

    I didn't use g2wisoboot cause my system is Windows 11.


    Last edit: Ed P 2024-03-03
  • Ed  P

    Ed P - 2024-03-03

    **LOL ** I just reviewed the link I posted earlier. I used the wrong bootparm, Instead of "bdev=/dev/nvme0n1p7" I needed to use "from=all". I switched and it works.

    set bootparms='fromiso='$isofile' from=all ' 
  • Ed  P

    Ed P - 2024-03-08

    You're welcome Tarq.

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