
#31 Allow posting full screen with one keypress


Hi :) I just tried out your application and i simply LOVED it! I've been looking for something grabup like for windows for long. Good work! I just would want two small new features..

1. When you press print screen it comes up with a selector to select the part of the screen which is nice, but I would love an option for automatically taking full screen.

2. This one is mostly only for my laziness.. I would also like an option to open the web browser once image is uploaded insted of clicking on the tray, but no. 1 is most important.. Again Thank You very much for making this :)


  • Sam

    Sam - 2009-02-07
    • assigned_to: nobody --> galets
  • Sam

    Sam - 2009-02-07

    DEV-NOTE: Both features could be implemented, but both are a little off the philosophy of the tool for the following reasons:

    - With the screen resolutions as they are right now, the screenshots could be in 2-3 megapixel range even for a single-screen computers. Making full screenshot will essentially kill performance. Sending/downloading the links will also be cumbersome, basically the whole user experience will suffer across the board.

    - Making more than one shortcut will also significantly complicate the menu, especially for computers with multiple screens. Part of the tool's appeal is that it's simple as it could be, which unfortunately means some functionality will have to be sacrificed :(

    Here's what I'll try to do for this feature request: I will code the functionality, but will not expose it through the menu. In order to enable functionality, you will need to go to registry editor and enable features manually (all will be documented of course). This will ensure the simplicity of the tool will stay, but with a little effort, advanced options would also be available.

  • Sam

    Sam - 2009-11-07

    VVCap is intended for usage as a screenshot exchange tool, not as much as an image hosting service. This is primarily done due to resource issue. Saving whole screen would, certainly, run contrary to this intent.

    I will review this feature, once VVCap starts having some advertisements to support the server.

    Item #2 will be implemented as a separate feature, probably not in 1.4 though

  • Sam

    Sam - 2009-11-07
    • summary: Two small requests --> Allow posting full screen with one keypress

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