
Pre-bundled maps going a bit outdated

  • john3voltas

    john3voltas - 2012-07-15

    Just found GPSMID. So many questions…
    I've found the pre-bundled maps for GPSMID in here here.
    Most maps are from April, three and a half months ago.
    How often do these pre-bundles get updated?
    I know I can create my own map downloading an extract from Geofabrik and using OSM2GPSMID.
    But when I look at the OSM2GPSMID interface, what area should I select?
    If I select an area that is on the map extract that I load into O2G it works fine. But what if I select areas that are not in the map extract? Will it give an error? Will it still create a fully working GPSMID map?
    Thanks in advance for any replies.

  • sk750

    sk750 - 2012-07-15

    Select no region => whole .osm.pbf will be processed.
    Select region with parts not in osm.pbf => only available parts will be processed

    Btw use latest nightly build of Osm2Gpsmid to create your own midlets
    and choose "fewer but big map tiles" in Osm2GpsMid.

    Midlets with internal map data (inside the jar) usually work best on Nokia.

  • john3voltas

    john3voltas - 2012-07-15

    Thanks a bunch for your reply sk750 :).
    I don't like to use the map inside the midlet because that way my phone takes an eternity to start GPSMID.
    Is it supposed to take so long to start GPSMID when the map is inside the midlet? I mean, I'm talking about 2 or 3 minutes to load a 38MB map.
    When I start it with an external map, it takes 10-15 seconds.
    Could I be doing something wrong?

  • sk750

    sk750 - 2012-07-15

    It's probably S60 scanning the jar contents, takes a while here with 120MB map on Nokia 5800 as well but probably this device is already a bit faster. Might be the "fewer tiles" option improves things a bit but all this is varying on the device.

  • john3voltas

    john3voltas - 2012-07-16

    Then I'll try creating my own map with the "fewer tiles" option and see if it helps.
    Thanks a bunch.

  • Markus Bäurle

    Markus Bäurle - 2012-08-03

    Hi rds_correia,

    I want to answer your original question about update frequency of prebundled Midlets.
    There are a few reasons that added up, so I didn't run another update since April (I have to run it because only I am allowed to know the password required for Midlet signing):
    There were some problems during generation in some regions which should be fixed in newer versions of Osm2GpsMid. So I wanted to wait until we had made a new release.
    Also, at the time I created the prebundled Midlets, it was fair to assume that this was going to be the last CC-BY-SA version of the map and that the transition to ODbL was going to come in a few days. Then a few days more and a few days more. So I wanted to wait for that too.
    For some regions regenerating didn't even make much sense because it seems CloudeMade has pretty much stopped updating their map bundles - their download area still says "Last maps update: 13 December 2011"(!).
    Last but not least, I had a severe lack of time so I could hardly spend any time on GpsMid.

    Now we have a release candidate for 0.7.8 and the official license change to ODbL is supposed to be announced real soon. If these will happen in a few days, I will wait until then with creation. Else I will probably make another run with map69 as I totally agree with you that the data is rather old now. Normally the plan is to update "about once a month" as stated on the download page.

    So long,

  • - 2012-08-03


    I don't know if would be better not to create new midlets until the openstreetmap data is remapped after redaction bot-run… some regions in Germany and at least whole Poland is deleted.

    Personally I saved the old midlets from July 2012…

  • john3voltas

    john3voltas - 2012-08-03

    There are a few reasons that added up, so I didn't run another update since April (I have to run it because only I am allowed to know the password required for Midlet signing): There were some problems during generation in some regions which should be fixed in newer versions of Osm2GpsMid. So I wanted to wait until we had made a new release. Also, at the time I created the prebundled Midlets, it was fair to assume that this was going to be the last CC-BY-SA version of the map and that the transition to ODbL was going to come in a few days. Then a few days more and a few days more. So I wanted to wait for that too. For some regions regenerating didn't even make much sense because it seems CloudeMade has pretty much stopped updating their map bundles - their download area still says "Last maps update: 13 December 2011"(!). Last but not least, I had a severe lack of time so I could hardly spend any time on GpsMid.

    Thanks for clearing up on all the reasons why the bundles haven't been updated.
    Also, let me be clear: I wasn't implying that you shouldn't have stopped building the bundles on the regular schedule, nor was I asking why you had stopped.
    All I originally meant to ask was - since the bundles were not up to date - how would I create my own bundle of a whole country. Nothing more than that.
    I do appreciate your effort on regularly delivering signed bundles. It makes it so much easy for some of us - me included.

    I don't know if would be better not to create new midlets until the openstreetmap data is remapped after redaction bot-run… some regions in Germany and at least whole Poland is deleted.

    Are you kidding? Do you mean that no one from Poland accepted moving to the new license?

  • Jyrki Kuoppala

    Jyrki Kuoppala - 2012-08-03

    IIRC the plan with the OSM license change was to release also the last version of the CC-BY-SA -licensed data.

    I haven't followed whether this has happened yet, or whether plans have changed, but it would be good to publish & keep GpsMid maps built with the last CC-BY-SA data if possible.

  • john3voltas

    john3voltas - 2012-08-03

    … would be good to publish & keep GpsMid maps built with the last CC-BY-SA data if possible.

    Indeed, taking into account the that many people didn't move to the new license, it would be nice if the latest CC-BY-SA bundles would be kept available for some time.

  • Libor Striz

    Libor Striz - 2012-08-03

    I am rather confused what is/will be the impact on us as end users ?
    Any data within OSM  are/will be removed, if source of data does not agree with new policy ?

  • john3voltas

    john3voltas - 2012-08-03

    It has been. Redaction has happened and was finished on the 25th of July.
    All CC-BY-SA data has been removed and the database is now fully prepared to be declared ODbL.
    This means that OSM contributors were asked if they accepted the ODbL license.
    Those who didn't just saw their mapping contributions deleted from the project.
    We can't copy that data back into the project.
    All we can do is remap using (choose redaction in the "VIEW" combo box) to know where remapping is needed.

  • Markus Bäurle

    Markus Bäurle - 2012-09-19

    Hello everybody.

    I wanted to check if it would make sense to regenerate the pre-bundled maps and Midlets before the code signing certificate expires (which happens exactly today, on the 20th).
    So I had a look at the CloudMade download page from which we get some of our country extracts.
    Wow, still says "Last maps update: 13 December 2011". But I wanted to be sure, so I downloaded two extracts (Kenya and Tunisia) and found that the files are exactly the same size as the ones we used last time for generation. So they have really not updated their extracts in 9 months!
    As OSM has now switched to ODBL and the other parts of the extracts from Geofabrik are now also ODBL, renerating would have meant to generate a mixture of 9-month-old maps under CC-BY-SA and up-to-date maps under ODBL, which I think is no option.
    So, no update of pre-bundled maps I'm afraid until either CloudMade updates their extracts or there is some other cleanup of GpsMid's generation process. These come to mind: usage of another source, usage of bigger extracts with bounding boxes for the countries, or removal of those pre-bundled maps for which no up-to-date source is easily available.
    As I'm not spending much time on GpsMid any more, I'm afraid somebody else will have to do this work.
    Maybe somebody from the community is willing to volunteer? It doesn't require knowledge of the source code, just some simple Linux shell and scripting knowledge. An account on the OSM dev server which we use for generation can probably be arranged without much hassle.

    So long,


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