
Trying to extract audio from AVI creates infinitely growing file

  • Adam Kessel

    Adam Kessel - 2015-02-23

    I'm extracting audio from what I believe to be an ordinary AVI file with a few recent MP4Box releases (e.g. 0.5.1-DEV-rev5324 from Debian; I've also tried some 0.5.2 builds) using the command line MP4Box -aviraw audio "in.avi" -out "out.aac" , and the result is a never-ending process where the aac grows until I kill the task. This message repeats constantly on STDERR:

    Error writing data (Success): -1 blocks to write but 4096 blocks written

    Any tips for how to troubleshoot?

  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2015-02-24

    That's likel a bug in the AVI lib we use. Could you share the file ?

  • Adam Kessel

    Adam Kessel - 2015-03-27

    Sorry, just saw this response! I can provide it privately if you can give me a contact address.