
#136 Gnuplot 4.6 Compilation wxt qt


Yesterday I was trying to compile the latest Gnuplot release from source, and set the wxt terminal in the makefile to 1 to get it also compiled in the release. It all compiled fine but in the end, there was no entry for the wxt terminal. Also the qt terminal seems not to be integrated, but therefore was also no entry in the makefile i would have changed!


  • Bastian Märkisch

    Compilation with wxt using current 4.6 from cvs works just fine here. I suspect a configuration problem on your system. If you upload your Makefile or add a log of the compilation process we might be able to help you figure out what is going wrong.

    The qt terminal hasn't been "ported" to Windows yet. That's why there's no entry in the Makefile.

    Moving this to "Support request"

  • Bastian Märkisch

    • labels: 1163686 -->
    • status: open --> open-works-for-me
  • Juergen

    Juergen - 2012-03-11
  • Juergen

    Juergen - 2012-03-11
  • Juergen

    Juergen - 2012-03-11

    So I now attached the log file and the makefile. In the makefile, I only changed the option wxt to 1, If I do the same with the pdf option and include their librarys all works fine. I coppied the libraries directly from my gtk+ installation and the two wxwidget libraries from, . The logfile shows only the last 300 lines bcause i didn't manage, to get more lines to display on the VS commandline... Thanks for your support

  • Juergen

    Juergen - 2012-03-11
    • status: open-works-for-me --> open
  • Bastian Märkisch

    Oh, so you are using MSVC for compilation, not MinGW! Personally, I gave up on building wxWidgets, cairo and pango and whatnot with MSVC.

    But a look at your logfile shows that there's at least this one line missing in the Makefile:
    Try to put the above line right below "WXTLIBS = gdlib....". (So it's a bug in the build system after all ;)

    To be honest, I doubt that your GTK libaries will work unless you are using MSVC version 6. Never versions use a different C runtime library, see the "What toolchain to use?" section at

  • Juergen

    Juergen - 2012-03-11

    Thx I will try it out in the evening. THe problem, why i would like the newest version is because of the problem, that under windows, if i don't use the gnuplot command windows and I exit the drawing windo, the process wgnuplot.exe doesn't exit and therefore stays as an zombie prozess. I recognized this only whe using the wxt terminal instead of the windows terminal, but because of the redraw button etc. there is no chance to use the windows terninal...

  • Bastian Märkisch

    Please try one of the CVS builds to see if this still happens. Also, the windows terminal has been much improved lately, so give it a try.
    Btw. did you know that you can `replot` by simply pressing `e` on your keyboard?

  • Juergen

    Juergen - 2012-03-11

    I tried the suggestion specifically to your makefile butthis generated an error during compilation. For the error message see the new attached logfile. When does 4.6 release official, thought it would be official because there is no rc-x . Thx for the tip concerning the replot. I saw that you improved the windows terminal dramnatically and will think aboutt it. Do you mean with cvs builds the binary builds you linked me a post before?

  • Bastian Märkisch

    There will be an official 4.6 binary Windows build soon. Until then I suggest you try to use one of the pre-built binaries which I pointed to earlier.

  • Juergen

    Juergen - 2012-03-11

    One further question, is there also a shortcut for zomming completly out fron the graph like at the beginning?

    Was the problem with the zombiprocess on wxt for windows a known bug ( when i close the graph, but the wgnuplot.exe stays active)?

  • Bastian Märkisch

    Press `h` for help on keyboard shortcuts.

    I am not quite sure that I understood how exactly to reproduce your observed behaviour. Please open a new bug report with a detailed description what "if i don't
    use the gnuplot command windows " means.

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2012-09-14
    • status: open --> closed

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