
#752 New icons for wgnuplot text window

Version 5
Windows (12)

This patch changes the icons used for the wgnuplot text window to more modern icons.
Icons are taken from and are licensend according to the following terms:

2 Attachments


  • Bastian Märkisch

    And here's a screenshot of how the new toolbar icons look like on Windows 10.

  • Karl Ratzsch

    Karl Ratzsch - 2017-06-20

    While at it, that "screendump" button could probably get removed. The function is unclear to me, anyway. Why an extra button to run a command that is there to not have to do mouse interaction?

    Generally, I find those "modern" icons (similar ones are used in e.g. jabref and other java-based programs) not much of an improvement. The opposite, rather, they are not well discernible at all to me.

    It's also a matter of taste probably, but why are they b&w? Looks stylish, but not functional. ymmv

    • Bastian Märkisch

      Shrug. I guess design in general is a matter of taste indeed. To me, the proposed icons look nice and clear.

      The prime reason for me to aim for new icons is that the current standard icons are just way too small on high resolution screens. Plus they make wgnuplot look like from the 90s. But underneath wgnuplot has seen some major work (unicode, docked windows), which I would like to show up visually, too. Any suggestion for an alternative icon set?

      Moreover, I'd prefer a consistent look for the three interactive terminals (window, qt, wxt), too. Also the menus haven't seen a major upgrade since version 4.0. I do not ever the menu myself, though.

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2017-06-20

    The Qt libraries provide a set of standard icons (QStyle::StandardPixmap) but they don't match the functions we want, like zoom/unzoom and refresh.  libgtk+ also has a library of standard icons that would be the equivalent on the wxt side.

    I don't see much point in trying to have Qt and wxt match each other, since presumably only one of the two will be in use.  It would make more sense to match the user's preferred desktop icon scheme if that's possible. I really don't know how a 3rd-party program like gnuplot it supposed to query the desktop about preferred icons.  


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