
#633 Add keyboard shortcut for hiding all lines in wxt

wxt (2)

When plotting many aspects of a dataset in a single graph, it is often convenient to be able to hide all lines and then only selectively enable those that are of interest. The attached patch makes 'c' a keyboard shortcut for doing this in wxterminal.

The patch currently adds a case to wxtPanel::OnKeyDownChar for handling this. In the long term, a better solution might be to dispatch a command like "hide line 1" to the main gnuplot process, which then triggers a replot, but then there first has to be a way of targeting a command to a specific line.

Patch has been tested against the latest CVS version on Arch Linux x64.

1 Attachments


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  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-07

    Also submitted as a pull request on GitHub:

  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-07

    Modified patch that will actually set the lines to hidden, not just invert the hidden value.

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2013-08-07

    How is this different or preferable to the current mechanism of toggling the lines on/off by clicking on the corresponding key entry?

  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-07

    When plotting graphs with a substantial number of lines, having to click each key entry quickly becomes tedious. For example when plotting data from experiments where you would preferably plot a lot of data by default just to see if something sticks out, but then if nothing seems out of the ordinary, you'll hide most of the lines and focus on only a few.

    For example, for a set of experiments I'm currently running, I frequently plot graphs with 20+ lines, but I usually only focus on 2-4 at the time. Having to hide the 20 others one by one is very annoying. See for an example.

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2013-08-07

    Fair enough.

    I think that if we're going to add something like this, it should be
    via a mechanism that applies to all terminals, not just wxt. I
    would suggest writing a generalized internal function toggle_all()
    that flips the current on/off state of all plots in the graph. Then
    one could bind this to whatever key you like
    bind all "alt-c" builtin-toggle-all

  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-07

    Yeah, that is what I meant by the second paragraph in the initial post. I wasn't aware that gnuplot keeps an on/off state per plot in the graph? From what I can tell from the code, wxt keeps its own state to track whether a particular plot is visible or not?

    I don't have a lot of experience with the gnuplot codebase, so the following might be way off, but presumably this would entail adding state to the gnuplot core for tracking whether a particular plot is to be shown or not. And then code would have to be added to each terminal that supports hiding/showing lines to sync any such changes with that state somehow. This would again mean we have to implement a "set visible <plot-id> true/false" command, where plot-id specifies which plot should be shown/hidden. That would increase the size of the patch quite significantly. Also, the format of plot-id would have to be determined as I don't think there are currently any gnuplot commands that target only a single plot?

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2013-08-07

    I haven't given a lot of thought to it, but I think the mechanism would be to have the core code send a "toggle everything" request to the terminal, which would then be responsible for modifying whatever internal state variables it needs to. The request could be implemented via a new terminal entry point, or perhaps it could piggyback on an existing terminal entry point, for example term->layer(TERM_LAYER_TOGGLE_ALL)

    So far as implementing this for the wxt terminal is concerned, the main difference from your original patch would be that the trigger would come in through a terminal call, e.g. wxt_layer(), not through wxtPanel::OnKeyDownChar()

  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-07

    Ah, okay, so only provide a "hide all" command, not a "hide a specific plot" command. I'll try coding it up and submit a new patch.

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2013-08-07

    On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Jon Gjengset wrote:

    When plotting graphs with a substantial number of lines, having to click each key entry quickly becomes tedious. For example when plotting data from experiments where you would preferably plot a lot of data by default just to see if something sticks out, but then if nothing seems out of the ordinary, you'll hide most of the lines and focus on only a few.

    For example, for a set of experiments I'm currently running, I frequently plot graphs with 20+ lines, but I usually only focus on 2-4 at the time. Having to hide the 20 others one by one is very annoying. See for an example.

    Fair enough.

    I think that if we're going to add something like this, it should be
    via a mechanism that applies to all terminals, not just wxt. I
    would suggest writing a generalized internal function toggle_all()
    that flips the current on/off state of all plots in the graph. Then
    one could bind this to whatever key you like
    bind all "alt-c" builtin-toggle-all

  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-07

    Two thoughts:
    1. I'm looking at adding a hide_plots function to the terminal interface, but the README says quite clearly that adding new interfaces should be an exceptional thing. Would you say it is appropraite in this case, or is piggybakcing on another existing function better?
    2. What would be preferable, a function that toggles the visibility of all plots, or one that simply clears the plot? They have slightly different use cases. For me the latter is more useful, but I can see that the former could also be good to have in some scenarios.

  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-07

    Attached is a patch which:

    • Adds hide_plots to the terminal interface
    • Binds hide_plots to 'H'
    • Implements hide_plots for wxterminal

    Let me know what you think.

  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-08

    Here is a more generic implementation which:

    • Adds modify_plots(int) to the terminal interface. The parameter is a bitmask of operations to be applied to every plot in the graph
    • hash-defines the operations MODPLOT_SET_VISIBLE and MODPLOT_SET_INVISIBLE, as well as the bitwise-or of them to be MODPLOT_TOGGLE_VISIBILITIES
    • Binds 'v' to modify_plots(MODPLOT_SET_INVISIBLE), 'V' to SET_VISIBLE and 't' to TOGGLE_VISIBILITIES
    • Implements modify_plots for wxterminal

    Last edit: Jon Gjengset 2013-08-08
  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-08

    Attached is an updated patch that merges cleanly against 1.4526

  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-10

    Resolved merge conflict in ChangeLog

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2013-08-10

    I tried to test this, but all I get is an immediate crash if I hit one of the hot-keys. The screen output is

    gnuplot> plot for [n=2:10] sin(x*n)/n title 'plot '.n lw (13-n)/2
    gnuplot> # plot is fine at this point.  Try hitting 'V'
    gnuplot> <unknown>: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0.
    [Thread 0xb581bb70 (LWP 6317) exited]
    Program exited with code 01.
  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2013-08-10

    OK. Got it. You need to synchronize the refresh call with a mutex:

  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-11

    Ah, nice catch! I think that might then also be needed in wxt_check_for_toggle(). Strange how the code worked without the mutex on my machine...

    Attached patch has the following changes:
    - Added mutex around cairo_refresh call
    - s/toggle/invert/, and changed hotkey for inverting from 't' to 'i'
    - Made 'v' show all and 'V' hide all (used to be the other way around)
    - Fixed a bug that caused show all to behave like invert
    - Made modify_plots take an unsigned int instead of an int (not strictly necessary, but makes more sense for a bit field)

    Note that the ChangeLog entry still says 2013-08-08. Don't know if you want to change that or not?

    • Ethan Merritt

      Ethan Merritt - 2013-08-11

      I think that might then also be needed in wxt_check_for_toggle().

      Maybe. I'll double check. It may be that that check happens in the same thread that executes the display list, so no interlock is necessary. Anything from the command line definitely executes in a different thread.

      Strange how the code worked without the mutex on my machine...

      What platform are you running on?

      • Jon Gjengset

        Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-11

        Strange how the code worked without the mutex on my machine...

        What platform are you running on?

        Linux x64

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2013-08-11

    Don't worry about the ChangeLog entry.

    Your patch is causing me to think again about how plots should be tracked for toggling. As long as the only mechanism for toggling was to click on the key entry, it made sense for only plots with a key entry to be tracked. Since your patch is now opening up the possibility of toggling plots from the command line, I'm thinking that maybe it would be better to create a visibility flag for all plots, whether or not they have a key entry. Then we could introduced a command "toggle 3" or "toggle all" or "toggle 4-6,8" that would do the same thing as clicking on the corresponding key entries except that wouldn't actually have to be a key entry.

    Before accepting your patch

    • I'd like to think some more about the above. This may or may not affect the patch much.

    • It should support at least 2 terminals in addition to wxt. This might, for instance, show that it would be good to have an additional parameter for term->modify_plots(). Window number? graph number (in a multiplot)? Other people can help with this.

    • "modify plot" sounds more general than "toggle visibility". Are there other plot modifications that you had in mind, or could imagine? Again this might suggest additional parameters to the call in order to provide more flexibility.

  • Jon Gjengset

    Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-11

    Yeah, that was my thinking in a comment further up somewhere too. It would probably increase the size and complexity of the change quite a bit though.

    • Fair enough.
    • Ah, hadn't thought of multiplots. Yes, an addtional graph id parameter could be a good addition. The ideal would be if gnuplot kept an incrementing id for each graph the user plots and also stores which window shows each graph. That would also make it substantially easier to implement a command like "toggle 3". It would also mean we would only need one additional parameter giving the graph id, rather than one for the window and one for the graph number within that window.
    • I made it more generic in case additional features that modify all plots in a graph might be added in the future; those features would then also not have to modify term_api.h, which would certainly be a win. I didn't have any particular ones in mind, but something like "cycle colors" or "set/unset bold" maybe?. The user might want to limit these to only some of the plots though, so perhaps modify_plots should take graph-id and plot-id, where plot-id is interpreted as "all" if it is set to 0?

    I'll have a look at adding this to 2 more terminals. qt and x11 are the two other I can think of that are interactive?

    • Ethan Merritt

      Ethan Merritt - 2013-08-11

      The other ones currently are canvas, svg, and win

      • Jon Gjengset

        Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-11

        canvas and svg aren't interactive though?
        They don't react to keypresses ('g' does not work for example), nor can I see how you could in an svg?

        • Ethan Merritt

          Ethan Merritt - 2013-08-11

          Both svg and canvas are interactive in that they respond to mouse clicks, and both support toggling the plots on/off. Canvas also responds to hot-keys, although the necessary HTML wrapper to enable them is unfortunately browser-dependent. Actually, the svg standard says it can do hotkeys, but gnuplot doesn't currently include code to support them.

          Because the hotkey support for canvas is somewhat problematic, I usually provide a separate icon for, e.g., toggling the grid. You can see how this works in any of the demos with a grid, including the one on the top page of the demo site.
          Somewhere near the top of my project list is a near total re-write of the .js code supporting the canvas terminal. Among other things it can be made to use the key entries as a toggle, just like the other terminals, in addition to using a separate icon. The point is that it's trivial to write a small .js routine to toggle the state of all plots. It can then be hooked to an icon or mouse event or hot key or whatever.

          But yeah, neither svg nor canvas can do anything in response to commands on the gnuplot command line once they are being displayed.

          • Jon Gjengset

            Jon Gjengset - 2013-08-11

            Hmm, but in order to keep the bindings in sync (that is, respect the bindings set in gnuplot), the canvas code would then have to parse the table of bindings to figure out which key is bound to the various modplot actions, which seems brittle at best, no? With wxt and qt, this is handled through communication with the gnuplot core.

            I could easily write up some js to show/hide plots in response to the same keys that are set by default, but dynamically discovering the bindings might not be quite so trivial.

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