
#425 connection lines of histgrams


In Japan, we often connect the corresponding components of stacked histogram graph wit lines.
See attached example.
But it is difficult to make such graphs by gnuplot of current version. We want such option for histogram.

1 Attachments


  • Rainald Koch

    Rainald Koch - 2017-02-26

    It is not often used, I think (tried Google), and for a good reason: Most of the time, if boxes are used (stacked or not), lines have no meaning and vice versa.

    Here is an approximation of what you want (imho, less unpleasant to the eye as with the steeper lines you aim at):

    $data << EOD
    1920 55 21 24
    1940 45 26 29
    1960 33 29 38
    1980 11 34 55
    2000 5 30 65
    set boxwidth 0.7 relative
    set style fill solid
    set key noautotitle outside center left reverse spacing 2 samplen 1.5
    set xrange [1907:2013]
    plot $data \
     using 1:($2+$3+$4) w l lc rgb 'black', '' \
     using 1:($2+$3)    w l lc rgb 'black', '' \
     using 1:2          w l lc rgb 'black', '' \
     using 1:($2+$3+$4) w boxes title 'cat 3', '' \
     using 1:($2+$3)    w boxes title 'cat 2', '' \
     using 1:2          w boxes title 'cat 1'

    I started using 'histogram rowstacked' but failed adding the lines.


    Last edit: Rainald Koch 2017-02-26
  • Shigeharu TAKENO

    Thanks for your reply. I know several ways to write such graph (in fact, attached graph is also made by gnuplot), but they are not simple. For example, using array and set arrow.

    set style fill solid
    set key noautotitle outside center left reverse invert spacing 2 samplen 1.5
    bw = 0.7
    set boxwidth bw
    set style histogram rowstacked
    stats $data using 1 nooutput name 'A'
    set xrange [-bw:A_records-1+bw]
    array d1[A_records]
    array d2[A_records]
    stats $data using (j=j+1, d1[j] = $2, d2[j] = $2+$3) nooutput
    set style arrow 1 nohead lt 1 lc black dt 2
    set for [j=2:A_records] arrow from (j-2+bw/2),d1[j-1] to (j-1-bw/2),d1[j] as 1
    set for [j=2:A_records] arrow from (j-2+bw/2),d2[j-1] to (j-1-bw/2),d2[j] as 1
    plot $data \ using 2:xtic(1) with hist, '' \ using 3 with hist, '' \ using 4 with hist

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2023-09-17

    This kind of plot can be constructed in gnuplot 6.1 using the newly introduced plot style with hsteps. However the available options are quite different from with histogram.

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2023-09-17
    • status: open --> pending-accepted
    • Group: -->
  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2023-12-30
    • status: pending-accepted --> closed-accepted

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