
function based definition of color for splot

  • BjOt14

    BjOt14 - 2007-05-04

    I have a parametric surface plot defined as

    splot [u = 0:1] [v = 0:1] Fx(u,v), Fy(u,v), Fz(u,v) with pm3d

    This plots a nice picture where surface areas with a high value for z have a bright color, and for low values of z a dark color. Now I would like to link the color of the surface based on my own function. For instance this could be the curvature of the surface. This is when I define the following function

    C(u,v) = ...

    then need for the surface area located at Fx(u,v), Fy(u,v), Fz(u,v) the color C(u,v).

    If this is possible, could somebody explain to me how to do it?

    Best regards,

    • Hans-Bernhard Broeker

      I don't think this can be done in any released version (up to and including 4.2).  The new special-filename '+' could help here, but so far that's only available as a patch I think.


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