
has the GNUplot been ported to Macintosh?

  • A.T.S.

    A.T.S. - 2003-12-08

    As the Mac OS X is now UNIX-compliant (through the X11), I'm wondering if there is any app that has ported the GNUplot to the GUI for Mac's, and without the hash to enter the command line gibberish. At the Gnuplot Central ( and the gnuplot wiki ( web pages I found a "reference" for a carbonized app that is supposed to do this, but it seems that this page no longer exists. Any help would be welcomed.

    • Hans-Bernhard Broeker

      1) the program's name is 'gnuplot' --- no "the", and not uppercase "GNU".

      2) What you seem to be looking for is not a port of gnuplot to MacOS at all, but a GUI interface to such a port. And we do object to our command line interface syntax being called 'gibberish'.

      3) Ports to MacOS have existed since well before MacOS 10,
      and as far as we know, they continue to exist.  Why their web pages are down is nothing we could tell --- the Macintosh port has always been done by people unconnected to the core gnuplot team.

      4) For MacOS 10, you don't really need a port anymore --- the normal Unix-style build procedure should work out of the box, provided your MacOS 10 box is equipped with a C toolchain and utilities.

    • Manabendra Ray

      Manabendra Ray - 2004-01-21

      Intention: Running gnuplot with aquaterm

      While compiling gnuplot-3.8j.0 (I have MacOSX 10.1.5) or gnuplot-3.8i.0 with ./configure then make, the problem arises in creating plot3d.o and problem is in line 1031 of plot3d.c (3.8j.0).
      How do I compile it? If necessary I can email the error messages

    • Hans-Bernhard Broeker

      Yes, please do send that error message.  It's quite
      hard to guess what the problem might be without seeing any hard facts.

      OTOH, maybe you had better start off the CVS version.  MacOS seems to have some strange quirks, some of which only got changed in CVS so far.  Its preprocessor behaves strangely, and starting with some  version it predefines an object named S_OUTPUT which conflicts with a name used internally by gnuplot.

    • Manabendra Ray

      Manabendra Ray - 2004-01-21

      By tomorrow I will email that to you. I need to bring the file from home (no internet at home). What is CVS version? I downloaded from The errors are at the preprocessor stage.

      Thank you for being so prompt

    • Hans-Bernhard Broeker

      CVS is the system the latest sources are being maintained in.  See the link "CVS" right at the top of the webpage you're viewing this in.

      If it's a preprocessor problem, I guess it's the known one, which is already fixed in CVS.

    • Manabendra Ray

      Manabendra Ray - 2004-01-21

      Could not understood the CVS way of updates. Can you post a short cut way to get the version I needed (you know the problem about preprocessr).


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