
how to plot a function like x=y**2-3

Jose Luis
  • Jose Luis

    Jose Luis - 2017-10-03

    Hello to the group,

    I've been looking for an answer that tell how to plot fuctions like x=y²-3 directly, that is, making the y the independent variable, but I haven't found anything.

    I don't know if it is possible or not, or if I need to plot this kind of fuctions calculating the points.

    Thanks in advance, and sorry if this question has been answered before, I haven't found the answer.


    • Hans-Bernhard Broeker

      The key is that that is not a function to begin with, in the usual sense. It's an implicit relation between x and y. In this particular case, where one side is 'x', the easiest approach is parametric mode:

      set parametric
      plot t**2 - 3, t 
  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2017-10-03

    You just want the plot?
    Well, if x=y**2-3 then y = ±sqrt(x+3)

    To plot both branches:
    set xrange [-3:*]
    plot sqrt(x+3) lt 1, -sqrt(x+3) lt 1

  • Jose Luis

    Jose Luis - 2017-10-06


    Thanx for both answers, but parametric plot seems to be the correct aproximation to my needs.

    Thank you very much for your interest.


    Jose Luis


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