Euiseok Jeong - 2017-10-27


I am a beginner of gnuplot.

Now, searching information about show and save simultaneously.

In my case, multiplot graphs are needed to compare results of experiment.

Thus, command "replot" is not available in this script.

My script is shown in below. it can make multiplot graph and save image as .emf file.

I hope I can get your wisdom to solve this problem.

Thank you so much to read this.

unset multiplot
set terminal emf size 600,800
set output 'Graph.emf'
set multiplot layout 4,1 margins 0.10,0.975,0.10,0.975 spacing 0,0
set format x ""
set format y ""
set key inside right top vertical Right reverse enhanced autotitles nobox
plot "No173.txt" with lines lt rgb "red" title "No. 173", "Points.txt" w p pt 11 lt rgb "red" title "Zr2O(PO4)2"
plot "No174.txt" with lines lt rgb "red" title "No. 174", "Points.txt" w p pt 11 lt rgb "red" title "Zr2O(PO4)2"
plot "No175.txt" with lines lt rgb "red" title "No. 175", "Points.txt" w p pt 11 lt rgb "red" title "Zr2O(PO4)2"
set format x
set xlabel "2{/Symbol q} (Deg.)" font "Times Bold,20"
set label 2 "Itensity (a.u.)" offset 7,13 rotate left font "Times Bold,20"
plot "No176.txt" with lines lt rgb "red" title "No. 176", "Points.txt" w p pt 11 lt rgb "red" title "Zr2O(PO4)2"
unset multiplot