
#1365 Cannot build gnuplot 4.6.5 to use AquaTerm 1.1.1 under OSX 10.7.5


I am trying to install gnuplot on a Mac OSX 10.7.5, and plan to run this with AquaTerm. I
did install AquaTerm 1.1.1 without trouble. When running the configure script as part of
installing gnuplot, I notice that the resulting Makefile will NOT support AquaTerm, as reported
in the output from configure. Release notes for AquaTerm 1.1.1 state:
-- Symbolic links $PREFIX/lib/libaquaterm*.dylib have been removed.
Use '-framework AquaTerm' instead of '-laquaterm'
-- Headers have been removed from $PREFIX/include/aquaterm.
Use '#import <AquaTerm/AQTAdapter.h>' instead of '#import <aquaterm/AQTAdapter.h>'
combined with '-framework AquaTerm'.

I know enough that I cannot track down all that may need to be changed, but it would appear
that the configure script as well as portions of the gnuplot code need to be changed to
enable use of AquaTerm 1.1.1.

Thanks for your time and work on this. -Matt Martin (


  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2014-03-28

    My personal suggestion would be to forget about aquaterm. So far as I know it was never developed to the point of supporting mousing or many of the nice features added to gnuplot over the past 4-5 years of development.

    There have been some teething pains with wxt or qt on OSX, but I think they are both now working and either would be a better choice than aquaterm.

  • Ben Abbott

    Ben Abbott - 2014-07-27

    Macports provides both a Gnuplot 4.6.5 and Aquaterm 1.1.1. I don't know if the patch provided by Macports will break the Gnuplot configure process on others operating systems, but the patch is available on the Macports website.

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2015-02-26

    Current CVS contains a patch from Mojca Miklavec that I think is equivalent to the one Ben points to. If you confirm that the issue is now resolved, I will close this tracker item.

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2016-01-28
    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date
    • Group: -->
    • Priority: 5 -->

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