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  • Jack Tearle

    Jack Tearle - 2021-07-13

    I just created a new system using Linuxmint 20.2 and gnucobol 3.2.1
    When I compile the following program, it runs but does not display the screen or wait for input.
    However if I copy the compiled program to my old machine with Linuxmint 19.3 it does run correctly.

           PROGRAM-ID. PY01.                                                        
           DATA DIVISION.
           FILE SECTION.
           01  SC-FUNC                 PIC 99.
           01  LK-PYRL PIC XX.
           01  LK-PSWD PIC XXX.
           SCREEN SECTION.
               02  LINE 05 COLUMN 36 VALUE 'F1 = EXIT'.
           01  SCRN-1.
               02  LINE 08 COLUMN 33 VALUE '  PAYROLL SIX    '
                 FOREGROUND-COLOR 6.
           01  SCRN-OPER-DATA.
               02  SCRN-PYRL.
                 03  LINE 13 COLUMN 31 VALUE 'PAYROLL NUMBER'.
                 03  LINE 13 COLUMN 49 PIC XX USING LK-PYRL AUTO.
               02  SCRN-PSWD.
                 03  LINE 15 COLUMN 31 VALUE 'PASSWORD'.
                 03  LINE 15 COLUMN 49 PIC X(3) TO LK-PSWD SECURE AUTO.
               DISPLAY SCRN-1.
               DISPLAY SCRN-EXIT.
               DISPLAY SCRN-OPER-DATA.
               ACCEPT SCRN-OPER-DATA.
                if sc-func not equal zero
                add 1 to sc-func.
               IF SC-FUNC = 00 NEXT SENTENCE
               ELSE IF SC-FUNC = 02 STOP RUN.
               display "not fkey 1".

    It does not matter which system I compile the program on, it only works on the old system.
    Am I missing a library, or is it something else?


    Last edit: Simon Sobisch 2021-07-13
  • Jack Tearle

    Jack Tearle - 2021-07-13

    Compiled with:
    cobc -x -std=mf p.cbl

  • Simon Sobisch

    Simon Sobisch - 2021-07-13

    What is the output of cobcrun -v --info?
    I assume your old environment has extended screenio compiled into libcob, the new one doesn't.


    Last edit: Simon Sobisch 2021-07-13
  • Jack Tearle

    Jack Tearle - 2021-07-13

    This line is missing from the new install:
    extended screen I/O : ncurses, version 6.1.20180127 (CHTYPE=64, WIDE=1)
    xterm with 256 colors
    mouse support : yes
    Thanks, will do more reading.

  • Jack Tearle

    Jack Tearle - 2021-07-13

    I installed libcurses-6.2-20210710 and when I re-run configure and make , I get the following error:
    /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../lib/libncurses.a(lib_addch.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `TABSIZE' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
    /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: bad value
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    Should I go back to an older version of ncurses?

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2021-07-14

      It uses the static library of ncurses, I suggest to remove that, then install libncurses5-dev, then re-configure and make.

  • Jack Tearle

    Jack Tearle - 2021-07-14

    Thanks, that worked.
    In retrospect it may have been easier to install Gnucobol2-2 from the software manager, and then upgraded to version 3 as the software manager would have handled all the prerequisites.

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2021-07-14

      Not sure, because a build normally needs "dev" packages (and make and ...) what the packaged versions normally don't have (those commonly have a dependency to the much smaller runtime pacakges only).

      But as GC 2.2 is "outdated" I suggest to get in contact with the package managers, asking for an update to GC 3.1.2 (then adding libxml2 and jsonc - to include those additional functions of GC 3).

  • Juan Carlos Escartí

    As part of our migration from MF to GNUCOBOL we need the SCREEN SECTION to work the same as MF.
    We can only address this for NCURSES and LINUX.
    We do not have the resources or knowledge to address this for Windows.
    Would anyone be interested in starting a collaboration for this?

    • Ralph Linkletter

      For Juan.
      Although the . MP4 depicts CICS, the dialog also works for CLI or called.
      Chuck H has created Linux / Windows versions of the primitives used by the dialog.


      Last edit: Ralph Linkletter 2024-08-25
    • Alain Reymond

      Alain Reymond - 2024-08-26

      Dear Juan,
      If I am not mistaken, both the binaries of Gnucobol for Windows provided from Superbol or Arnold Trembley include ncurses. So it should not be a problem for the screen section.

      • Eugenio Di Lorenzo

        The binaries of Gnucobol for Windows provided from Superbol or Arnold Trembley include pdcurses not ncurses.

  • Chuck H.

    Chuck H. - 2024-08-27

    I'm just finishing up the last steps to post my builds for supporting multiple windows with GNUCOBOL. I should have a post with downloads ready by early evening my time.

         Chuck Haatvedt
    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2024-09-07

      Sorry for leading to a topic drift... let's discuss the CISAM compat in a separate new topic - please give the details above and possibly more in that. I do think that this should work out.

      Please also specify the exact version of VBISAM you've used and if you configured that using --with-compatcisam which seems necessary to fully support those old files.

  • Juan Carlos Escartí

    To Ralph
    I don't know CICS, I don't know how exactly the source code that compiles the CICS processing routines can help the SCREEN SECTION work as MF does. Help is welcome. Thanks.

    To Alain and Eugenio
    I think Pdcurses and Ncurses don't work exactly the same as what I know of ncurses, the edited numeric and many functionalities require a lot of specific code.

    To Jack
    From what I know ADIS is an extension of MF to increase compatibility. We don't plan to incorporate it, for now.

    To Chuck
    I've seen that you have advanced work, especially in the treatment of numeric fields. We don't plan to repeat the work that has been done. We are very interested in it. Thanks.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2024-09-01

      To manage a numeric field on the screen (sign, decimals ...) , I think the best way, at the moment, is described here:

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2024-09-01

        And I think the best way to manage «input/edit» fields is... NOT USING...

        ...SCREEN SECTION... all!

        One field at a time...


        ...and with IF THEN... GO TO «label»...

        ...with each «field» beeing a separate entity!

        If we get a «field» with an «inconsistent» or «dependent» value... (from other field)

        ...we can send it to... hell...

        ...unless, each field have implicit... exceptions «anexed» to it!

        But that's just me!

        Mário Matos


        • Eugenio Di Lorenzo

          DISPLAY and ACCEPT of a screen with multiple fields present in SCREEN SECTION requires a screen management technique of the same type as that required by CICS on mainframe with its SEND and RECEIVE MAP (from a MAPSET).
          The user can type just one or all of the fields of a screen before pressing ENTER and returning control to the program.
          With both SCREEN SECTION and CICS MAP you could also define a SCREEN or a MAP with a single field and manage them individually (but this is not a very common choice).
          Normally all the fields of the same screen are received together from the program.
          The COBOL program then checks each field and reports to the user, the various errors of the individual fields if there are any.
          With visual/graphical interfaces the logic is usually different.
          Usually each field is checked by the program as it is typed by the user.
          Normally a concept similar to SCREEN SECTION or CICS MAP on the mainframe is not used whit visual/graphical interfaces.
          This behavior of managing the checks of the individual fields, as they are typed, can be replicated with the various COBOL compilers on UNIX and WINDOWS and also with GnuCOBOL using single DISPLAY and ACCEPT of the individual fields (GnuCOBOL has everything you need).
          In this case the technique that I indicated in my previous post to check the numeric fields, in my opinion, is the best in the state of the art.
          SCREEN SECTION is a feature that should be used when convenient, it is not a mandatory requirement to interact with the user.

          A complete and working example can be found here:

          There is a complete and working suite of some programs GC71CRUDExxx.COB.
          Among them C71CRUDECUD.COB also performs singe fields DISPLAY / ACCEPT and checks on some numeric fields with commas and decimals.

          Obviously the above expresses a personal opinion and a contribution to the discussion that reflects my experience.

          • Anonymous

            Anonymous - 2024-09-01

            Sometimes , Eugenio,

            you make me feel... stupid!

            I know that's not on purpose!


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2024-09-01

        About the alternatives to SCREEN SECTION, one can use a PERFORM with a «field index»... with tables...

        ...with LINE/COLUMN references...

        ...and... colors and/or attributes!

        It's fine, too!

        Mário Matos


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2024-09-01

      «We don't plan to repeat the work that has been done. We are very interested in it. Thanks.»

      What do you expect, then?


  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    'The' best way to process accepting numbers etc, is to use Chuck's routine ACCEPT_NUMERIC which is a C routine that you call having preset some variables along with the target address field.

    • Eugenio Di Lorenzo

      I would like to report my opinion on the CBL_ACCEPT_NUMERIC function created by Chuck.

      This function actually replaces the ACCEPT instruction but does not have all its capabilities and features. So at the moment in my opinion it is not advisable.

      This function allows the management of numeric fields with USAGE DISPLAY but also of fields with USAGE COMP etc etc. As an example I remember that the Microfocus compiler limits the accept of numeric fields to only USAGE DISPLAY. It is not necessary to complicate your life to make the user type a field that is defined as COMP in the program.

      In conclusion I confirm that, at the state of the art, the best solution is to use what is present in the FAQ at
      And everything in the COBOL standard and therefore completely portable.

      In the long run, what is needed and what is still missing in GnuCOBOL is a management of the numeric field done by the system automatically when you execute an ACCEPT of a numeric field (PIC 9) with sign and with decimal digits that is in USAGE DISPLAY format.

      The document I am attaching describes how the system should behave.
      Having this automatic function, it would not be necessary to do any formal program checks. As is the case for PIC X fields.


      Last edit: Eugenio Di Lorenzo 2024-09-01
      • Chuck H.

        Chuck H. - 2024-09-01


        My intent was to create a simple function which could be used from a COBOL program to accept a numeric field which did all of the editing to ensure that the value input matched the COBOL field passed to it.

        If there is functionality which you which you think that should be added to the ACCEPT_NUMERIC function, please expand on that. Additional functionality could be added to the existing function. It has been a while since I created this so I would have to refresh my memory of it. I think that it has implemented most of the points you have in you document, at least the major ones.

        However since a number of people are using the current function, we would have to consider how to implement any changes with minimal impact to those using the current function.

        Chuck Haatvedt
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