

4 hours ago
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  • Juan Carlos Escartí

    Perhaps because it is legacy code and the screen section was added later, accepts and displays are made for fields from both the SCREEN and the Working.
    Is this what causes the compiler to call different functions?
    In the application, DISPLAY AT is used interchangeably for fields from the Working and SCREEN SECTION displays.

  • Juan Carlos Escartí

    For Eugenio
    I'll give you an example screen
    They are apparently simple, however they have dozens of fields related between tables.
    An awk device allows full text searches to be performed with a combination of a dd_ pipe output and a C program that reads the CISAM files.
    I can move through the fields with CURSOR-UP and CURSOR-DOWN and the program handles it.
    They are all generated by an awk script that takes a base or body that we call with the extension _PA.
    It is done field by field, never in blocks.

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 4 hours ago

      I'm confused - can you please post a generated (?) COBOL program that does this (or is the title and data "dynamic" from CISAM)?

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