
tandy rmcobol

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  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    All of ACAS as well as all my other applications written in Cobol are Open Source with the FSF Copying clauses set v3 I seem to recall.

    You can do what you like for your own or company personal use but may NOT sell, rent or otherwise release for money without an agreement with me first.

    I would always be interested in any proposals from any one in this regard.

    Vincent B Coen FBCS (ret).

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2024-04-03

      All of ACAS as well as all my other applications written in Cobol are Open Source with the FSF Copying clauses set v3 I seem to recall.

      You can do what you like for your own or company personal use but may NOT sell, rent or otherwise release for money without an agreement with me first.

      I don't think this works that way as the (L)GPL clauses allow you to use the software for any purpose. To reach what you've described you would need to adjust from a free to dual-license (commercial + an only open-source license with additional restrictions).

      If you really feel that's necessary / useful, the later may be reached that with a modified BSD license, see for a reasonable note on that.

  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    Akk my Cobol source are OS under the FSF license for own use.

    For purposes of sales. rent or or other payment for usage you would have to send me your proposals.

    Most of my applications are on SF user user vcoen.

  • John Ritter

    John Ritter - 2024-05-10

    Nothing new really to contribute, but managed to create a SCO UnixWare 7.1.4 VM with RM/COBOL 85 and everything from 40 years ago compiles without any errors. The original code was written on a DEC VAX 11/785 with AT&T System V UNIX. Even got Microsoft Multiplan to run! Now who remembers that one? Too bad I can't remember how to use it though with no manual. Naturally it only runs on this VM, but it was fun to bring the old applications back to life once again!

    • pottmi

      pottmi - 2024-05-10


      Wanna do a show and tell at an online meetup?

      On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 2:24 PM John Ritter

      Nothing new really to contribute, but managed to create a SCO UnixWare
      7.1.4 VM with RM/COBOL 85 and everything from 40 years ago compiles without
      any errors. The original code was written on a DEC VAX 11/785 with AT&T
      System V UNIX. Even got Microsoft Multiplan to run! Now who remembers that
      one? Too bad I can't remember how to use it though with no manual.
      Naturally it only runs on this VM, but it was fun to bring the old
      applications back to life once again!

      tandy rmcobol

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    • John Grillot

      John Grillot - 2024-05-11

      What cobol software were you able to compile? Was it the Tandy accounting
      system? I used multiplan on the TRS 6000 & Model4p back in the 80s. The
      menu is activated with the / key. If I recall correctly it was written by
      Microsoft way before Excel.

      -----Original Message-----
      From: On Behalf Of John Ritter
      Sent: Friday, May 10, 2024 2:25 PM
      To: [gnucobol:discussion]
      Subject: [gnucobol:discussion] tandy rmcobol

      Nothing new really to contribute, but managed to create a SCO UnixWare 7.1.4
      VM with RM/COBOL 85 and everything from 40 years ago compiles without any
      errors. The original code was written on a DEC VAX 11/785 with AT&T System V
      UNIX. Even got Microsoft Multiplan to run! Now who remembers that one? Too
      bad I can't remember how to use it though with no manual. Naturally it only
      runs on this VM, but it was fun to bring the old applications back to life
      once again!


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  • John Ritter

    John Ritter - 2024-05-12

    I wouldn't mind a show and tell. Unfortunately it will have to wait because I did something really, really stupid by upgrading my RHEL system without asking the clowns at VMware/Broadcom if it was OK. So now VMware Workstation doesn't run. Of course it's the exact same problem they've refused to fix for 10 years. And Broadcom has the most idiotic web site to navigate. My daughter's cat could do a better job. Might have to get a copy of VMware that runs on (ugh) Windows if it isn't fixed fast.

    With that rant out of the way, these applications started on a Xenix TRS 6000 (or was it a Model 16?) with RM/COBOL. Then moved to a VAX 11/785 running AT&T System V. Then a brief spell on Novell Netware, and finally to SCO UnixWare 7.1.4. Everything after the VAX was 386 and 486 computers. That's the nice thing about pseudo code: Just need the proper runtime for the OS and it still works.

    I purchased the entire Real World Accounting suite source code: AP, AR, GL, OE and I forget what others. That's what screen.cbl is from. Remember: It's still considered proprietary software. I even wrote a Job Costing module for a company that interfaced with all of it. This is when it came on those 8" floppy disks. They might have even been double sided!! No idea where the software is now. It might be backed up to DAT 72 tapes, but I don't have a working drive. Should have kept better track of them over the past 40 years.

    The application I'm talking about now is a tax return application suite for a Fortune 100 corporation. It did the company's federal, state and international tax returns. It was the largest single consolidation of data in the company as it collected financial data from about 600 business units. We used uucp to send files to other servers all over the world, and printed to LaserJet compatible printers globally.

    We were able to write scripts that passed keystrokes to the applications so they could run unattended, and the applications even created Multiplan files (I think it was SYLK format) on the fly. The bean counters loved that. And even back then we were able to call C programs, and printing was built-in. Many aspects far better than today's GnuCOBOL.

    We even had a Xerox 3700 laser printer that had a hard drive on it. We could upload pre-printed forms, (about 150) then call them down from COBOL, populate rows and columns with data and print them on demand.

    The compiler was always RM/COBOL. Started around version 1.7, and last version was 2.1A1.

    Hard as it may be to understand, this is more of a passing fun-time project. Gives me something to fend off boredom on many cross-country plane rides.

    • John Grillot

      John Grillot - 2024-05-12

      I totally understand the value of a passing fun-time project. Thanks for the
      interesting history lesson.

      -----Original Message-----
      From: On Behalf Of John Ritter
      Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2024 8:03 PM
      To: [gnucobol:discussion]
      Subject: [gnucobol:discussion] tandy rmcobol

      I wouldn't mind a show and tell. Unfortunately it will have to wait because
      I did something really, really stupid by upgrading my RHEL system without
      asking the clowns at VMware/Broadcom if it was OK. So now VMware Workstation
      doesn't run. Of course it's the exact same problem they've refused to fix
      for 10 years. And Broadcom has the most idiotic web site to navigate. My
      daughter's cat could do a better job. Might have to get a copy of VMware
      that runs on (ugh) Windows if it isn't fixed fast.

      With that rant out of the way, these applications started on a Xenix TRS
      6000 (or was it a Model 16?) with RM/COBOL. Then moved to a VAX 11/785
      running AT&T System V. Then a brief spell on Novell Netware, and finally to
      SCO UnixWare 7.1.4. Everything after the VAX was 386 and 486 computers.
      That's the nice thing about pseudo code: Just need the proper runtime for
      the OS and it still works.

      I purchased the entire Real World Accounting suite source code: AP, AR, GL,
      OE and I forget what others. That's what screen.cbl is from. Remember: It's
      still considered proprietary software. I even wrote a Job Costing module for
      a company that interfaced with all of it. This is when it came on those 8"
      floppy disks. They might have even been double sided!! No idea where the
      software is now. It might be backed up to DAT 72 tapes, but I don't have a
      working drive. Should have kept better track of them over the past 40 years.

      The application I'm talking about now is a tax return application suite for
      a Fortune 100 corporation. It did the company's federal, state and
      international tax returns. It was the largest single consolidation of data
      in the company as it collected financial data from about 600 business units.
      We used uucp to send files to other servers all over the world, and printed
      to LaserJet compatible printers globally.

      We were able to write scripts that passed keystrokes to the applications so
      they could run unattended, and the applications even created Multiplan files
      (I think it was SYLK format) on the fly. The bean counters loved that. And
      even back then we were able to call C programs, and printing was built-in.
      Many aspects far better than today's GnuCOBOL.

      We even had a Xerox 3700 laser printer that had a hard drive on it. We could
      upload pre-printed forms, (about 150) then call them down from COBOL,
      populate rows and columns with data and print them on demand.

      The compiler was always RM/COBOL. Started around version 1.7, and last
      version was 2.1A1.

      Hard as it may be to understand, this is more of a passing fun-time project.
      Gives me something to fend off boredom on many cross-country plane rides.


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    • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

      Do you have access to the manuals for the accounting s/w still  and is
      it available as .pdf files ?

      I could not find any for the Cobol implementation for the Tandy, only
      for older system written in Basic some of which included the basic code
      within. This reminded me of the books available around that time that
      did the same but the suites was poorly completed with large holes in the
      functionality but as I run a distributor that sold these (amongst other
      such as Osborne books), they did reasonably well sales wise.

      The request for any such documents is to see how they differ from my O/S
      released ACAS accounting system which you can find on SF and from my
      website as a nightly build (for updates etc including manuals).

      Note that ACAS has been migrated over to GnuCobol  some 10 + years ago.

      Current version also supports usage of RDBMS in the form of Mysql and
      Mariadb subject to user requirements as well as tools to transfer Cobol
      files to RDB if required.

      Note O/S  = Open Sourced as I discontinued selling the product as a
      commercial system some years back having becoming 70 years young :)

      All current users at that time were switched to using these versions
      (v3.01 and the latest as v3.02) with no maintenance or rental charges
      etc and they use a range of differing hardware and OS systems with the
      one proviso that they can run the GnuCobol compiler..

      On 12/05/2024 01:03, John Ritter wrote:

      I wouldn't mind a show and tell. Unfortunately it will have to wait
      because I did something really, really stupid by upgrading my RHEL
      system without asking the clowns at VMware/Broadcom if it was OK. So
      now VMware Workstation doesn't run. Of course it's the exact same
      problem they've refused to fix for 10 years. And Broadcom has the most
      idiotic web site to navigate. My daughter's cat could do a better job.
      Might have to get a copy of VMware that runs on (ugh) Windows if it
      isn't fixed fast.

      With that rant out of the way, these applications started on a Xenix
      TRS 6000 (or was it a Model 16?) with RM/COBOL. Then moved to a VAX
      11/785 running AT&T System V. Then a brief spell on Novell Netware,
      and finally to SCO UnixWare 7.1.4. Everything after the VAX was 386
      and 486 computers. That's the nice thing about pseudo code: Just need
      the proper runtime for the OS and it still works.

      I purchased the entire Real World Accounting suite source code: AP,
      AR, GL, OE and I forget what others. That's what screen.cbl is from.
      Remember: It's still considered proprietary software. I even wrote a
      Job Costing module for a company that interfaced with all of it. This
      is when it came on those 8" floppy disks. They might have even been
      double sided!! No idea where the software is now. It might be backed
      up to DAT 72 tapes, but I don't have a working drive. Should have kept
      better track of them over the past 40 years.

      The application I'm talking about now is a tax return application
      suite for a Fortune 100 corporation. It did the company's federal,
      state and international tax returns. It was the largest single
      consolidation of data in the company as it collected financial data
      from about 600 business units. We used uucp to send files to other
      servers all over the world, and printed to LaserJet compatible
      printers globally.

      We were able to write scripts that passed keystrokes to the
      applications so they could run unattended, and the applications even
      created Multiplan files (I think it was SYLK format) on the fly. The
      bean counters loved that. And even back then we were able to call C
      programs, and printing was built-in. Many aspects far better than
      today's GnuCOBOL.

      We even had a Xerox 3700 laser printer that had a hard drive on it. We
      could upload pre-printed forms, (about 150) then call them down from
      COBOL, populate rows and columns with data and print them on demand.

      The compiler was always RM/COBOL. Started around version 1.7, and last
      version was 2.1A1.

      Hard as it may be to understand, this is more of a passing fun-time
      project. Gives me something to fend off boredom on many cross-country
      plane rides.

      tandy rmcobol

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      • John Ritter

        John Ritter - 2024-05-22

        Unfortunately I don’t have any of the documentation. This goes back to the early 80’s, so no PDF files.

        From: On Behalf Of Vincent (Bryan) Coen
        Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 8:29 AM
        To: [gnucobol:discussion]
        Subject: [gnucobol:discussion] Re: tandy rmcobol

        Do you have access to the manuals for the accounting s/w still and is
        it available as .pdf files ?

        I could not find any for the Cobol implementation for the Tandy, only
        for older system written in Basic some of which included the basic code
        within. This reminded me of the books available around that time that
        did the same but the suites was poorly completed with large holes in the
        functionality but as I run a distributor that sold these (amongst other
        such as Osborne books), they did reasonably well sales wise.

        The request for any such documents is to see how they differ from my O/S
        released ACAS accounting system which you can find on SF and from my
        website as a nightly build (for updates etc including manuals).

        Note that ACAS has been migrated over to GnuCobol some 10 + years ago.

        Current version also supports usage of RDBMS in the form of Mysql and
        Mariadb subject to user requirements as well as tools to transfer Cobol
        files to RDB if required.

        Note O/S = Open Sourced as I discontinued selling the product as a
        commercial system some years back having becoming 70 years young :)

        All current users at that time were switched to using these versions
        (v3.01 and the latest as v3.02) with no maintenance or rental charges
        etc and they use a range of differing hardware and OS systems with the
        one proviso that they can run the GnuCobol compiler..

        On 12/05/2024 01:03, John Ritter wrote:

        I wouldn't mind a show and tell. Unfortunately it will have to wait
        because I did something really, really stupid by upgrading my RHEL
        system without asking the clowns at VMware/Broadcom if it was OK. So
        now VMware Workstation doesn't run. Of course it's the exact same
        problem they've refused to fix for 10 years. And Broadcom has the most
        idiotic web site to navigate. My daughter's cat could do a better job.
        Might have to get a copy of VMware that runs on (ugh) Windows if it
        isn't fixed fast.

        With that rant out of the way, these applications started on a Xenix
        TRS 6000 (or was it a Model 16?) with RM/COBOL. Then moved to a VAX
        11/785 running AT&T System V. Then a brief spell on Novell Netware,
        and finally to SCO UnixWare 7.1.4. Everything after the VAX was 386
        and 486 computers. That's the nice thing about pseudo code: Just need
        the proper runtime for the OS and it still works.

        I purchased the entire Real World Accounting suite source code: AP,
        AR, GL, OE and I forget what others. That's what screen.cbl is from.
        Remember: It's still considered proprietary software. I even wrote a
        Job Costing module for a company that interfaced with all of it. This
        is when it came on those 8" floppy disks. They might have even been
        double sided!! No idea where the software is now. It might be backed
        up to DAT 72 tapes, but I don't have a working drive. Should have kept
        better track of them over the past 40 years.

        The application I'm talking about now is a tax return application
        suite for a Fortune 100 corporation. It did the company's federal,
        state and international tax returns. It was the largest single
        consolidation of data in the company as it collected financial data
        from about 600 business units. We used uucp to send files to other
        servers all over the world, and printed to LaserJet compatible
        printers globally.

        We were able to write scripts that passed keystrokes to the
        applications so they could run unattended, and the applications even
        created Multiplan files (I think it was SYLK format) on the fly. The
        bean counters loved that. And even back then we were able to call C
        programs, and printing was built-in. Many aspects far better than
        today's GnuCOBOL.

        We even had a Xerox 3700 laser printer that had a hard drive on it. We
        could upload pre-printed forms, (about 150) then call them down from
        COBOL, populate rows and columns with data and print them on demand.

        The compiler was always RM/COBOL. Started around version 1.7, and last
        version was 2.1A1.

        Hard as it may be to understand, this is more of a passing fun-time
        project. Gives me something to fend off boredom on many cross-country
        plane rides.

        tandy rmcobol &page=1#1514

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

        tandy rmcobol

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

        • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

          Any chance of  the Cobol source code?


          On 22/05/2024 02:19, John Ritter wrote:

          Unfortunately I don’t have any of the documentation. This goes back to
          the early 80’s, so no PDF files.

 On Behalf Of Vincent (Bryan) Coen
          Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 8:29 AM
          To: [gnucobol:discussion]
          Subject: [gnucobol:discussion] Re: tandy rmcobol

          Do you have access to the manuals for the accounting s/w still and is
          it available as .pdf files ?

          I could not find any for the Cobol implementation for the Tandy, only
          for older system written in Basic some of which included the basic code
          within. This reminded me of the books available around that time that
          did the same but the suites was poorly completed with large holes in the
          functionality but as I run a distributor that sold these (amongst other
          such as Osborne books), they did reasonably well sales wise.

          The request for any such documents is to see how they differ from my O/S
          released ACAS accounting system which you can find on SF and from my
          website as a nightly build (for updates etc including manuals).

          Note that ACAS has been migrated over to GnuCobol some 10 + years ago.

          Current version also supports usage of RDBMS in the form of Mysql and
          Mariadb subject to user requirements as well as tools to transfer Cobol
          files to RDB if required.

          Note O/S = Open Sourced as I discontinued selling the product as a
          commercial system some years back having becoming 70 years young :)

          All current users at that time were switched to using these versions
          (v3.01 and the latest as v3.02) with no maintenance or rental charges
          etc and they use a range of differing hardware and OS systems with the
          one proviso that they can run the GnuCobol compiler..

          On 12/05/2024 01:03, John Ritter wrote:

          I wouldn't mind a show and tell. Unfortunately it will have to wait
          because I did something really, really stupid by upgrading my RHEL
          system without asking the clowns at VMware/Broadcom if it was OK. So
          now VMware Workstation doesn't run. Of course it's the exact same
          problem they've refused to fix for 10 years. And Broadcom has the most
          idiotic web site to navigate. My daughter's cat could do a better job.
          Might have to get a copy of VMware that runs on (ugh) Windows if it
          isn't fixed fast.

          With that rant out of the way, these applications started on a Xenix
          TRS 6000 (or was it a Model 16?) with RM/COBOL. Then moved to a VAX
          11/785 running AT&T System V. Then a brief spell on Novell Netware,
          and finally to SCO UnixWare 7.1.4. Everything after the VAX was 386
          and 486 computers. That's the nice thing about pseudo code: Just need
          the proper runtime for the OS and it still works.

          I purchased the entire Real World Accounting suite source code: AP,
          AR, GL, OE and I forget what others. That's what screen.cbl is from.
          Remember: It's still considered proprietary software. I even wrote a
          Job Costing module for a company that interfaced with all of it. This
          is when it came on those 8" floppy disks. They might have even been
          double sided!! No idea where the software is now. It might be backed
          up to DAT 72 tapes, but I don't have a working drive. Should have kept
          better track of them over the past 40 years.

          The application I'm talking about now is a tax return application
          suite for a Fortune 100 corporation. It did the company's federal,
          state and international tax returns. It was the largest single
          consolidation of data in the company as it collected financial data
          from about 600 business units. We used uucp to send files to other
          servers all over the world, and printed to LaserJet compatible
          printers globally.

          We were able to write scripts that passed keystrokes to the
          applications so they could run unattended, and the applications even
          created Multiplan files (I think it was SYLK format) on the fly. The
          bean counters loved that. And even back then we were able to call C
          programs, and printing was built-in. Many aspects far better than
          today's GnuCOBOL.

          We even had a Xerox 3700 laser printer that had a hard drive on it. We
          could upload pre-printed forms, (about 150) then call them down from
          COBOL, populate rows and columns with data and print them on demand.

          The compiler was always RM/COBOL. Started around version 1.7, and last
          version was 2.1A1.

          Hard as it may be to understand, this is more of a passing fun-time
          project. Gives me something to fend off boredom on many cross-country
          plane rides.

          • John Ritter

            John Ritter - 2024-05-22

            This is proprietary source code that I paid for and is licensed. It wouldn’t be appropriate to distribute it.

            From: On Behalf Of Vincent (Bryan) Coen
            Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 8:10 AM
            To: [gnucobol:discussion]
            Subject: [gnucobol:discussion] Re: tandy rmcobol

            Any chance of the Cobol source code?


            On 22/05/2024 02:19, John Ritter wrote:

            Unfortunately I don’t have any of the documentation. This goes back to
            the early 80’s, so no PDF files.

   On Behalf Of Vincent (Bryan) Coen
            Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 8:29 AM
            To: [gnucobol:discussion]
            Subject: [gnucobol:discussion] Re: tandy rmcobol

            Do you have access to the manuals for the accounting s/w still and is
            it available as .pdf files ?

            I could not find any for the Cobol implementation for the Tandy, only
            for older system written in Basic some of which included the basic code
            within. This reminded me of the books available around that time that
            did the same but the suites was poorly completed with large holes in the
            functionality but as I run a distributor that sold these (amongst other
            such as Osborne books), they did reasonably well sales wise.

            The request for any such documents is to see how they differ from my O/S
            released ACAS accounting system which you can find on SF and from my
            website as a nightly build (for updates etc including manuals).

            Note that ACAS has been migrated over to GnuCobol some 10 + years ago.

            Current version also supports usage of RDBMS in the form of Mysql and
            Mariadb subject to user requirements as well as tools to transfer Cobol
            files to RDB if required.

            Note O/S = Open Sourced as I discontinued selling the product as a
            commercial system some years back having becoming 70 years young :)

            All current users at that time were switched to using these versions
            (v3.01 and the latest as v3.02) with no maintenance or rental charges
            etc and they use a range of differing hardware and OS systems with the
            one proviso that they can run the GnuCobol compiler..

            On 12/05/2024 01:03, John Ritter wrote:

            I wouldn't mind a show and tell. Unfortunately it will have to wait
            because I did something really, really stupid by upgrading my RHEL
            system without asking the clowns at VMware/Broadcom if it was OK. So
            now VMware Workstation doesn't run. Of course it's the exact same
            problem they've refused to fix for 10 years. And Broadcom has the most
            idiotic web site to navigate. My daughter's cat could do a better job.
            Might have to get a copy of VMware that runs on (ugh) Windows if it
            isn't fixed fast.

            With that rant out of the way, these applications started on a Xenix
            TRS 6000 (or was it a Model 16?) with RM/COBOL. Then moved to a VAX
            11/785 running AT&T System V. Then a brief spell on Novell Netware,
            and finally to SCO UnixWare 7.1.4. Everything after the VAX was 386
            and 486 computers. That's the nice thing about pseudo code: Just need
            the proper runtime for the OS and it still works.

            I purchased the entire Real World Accounting suite source code: AP,
            AR, GL, OE and I forget what others. That's what screen.cbl is from.
            Remember: It's still considered proprietary software. I even wrote a
            Job Costing module for a company that interfaced with all of it. This
            is when it came on those 8" floppy disks. They might have even been
            double sided!! No idea where the software is now. It might be backed
            up to DAT 72 tapes, but I don't have a working drive. Should have kept
            better track of them over the past 40 years.

            The application I'm talking about now is a tax return application
            suite for a Fortune 100 corporation. It did the company's federal,
            state and international tax returns. It was the largest single
            consolidation of data in the company as it collected financial data
            from about 600 business units. We used uucp to send files to other
            servers all over the world, and printed to LaserJet compatible
            printers globally.

            We were able to write scripts that passed keystrokes to the
            applications so they could run unattended, and the applications even
            created Multiplan files (I think it was SYLK format) on the fly. The
            bean counters loved that. And even back then we were able to call C
            programs, and printing was built-in. Many aspects far better than
            today's GnuCOBOL.

            We even had a Xerox 3700 laser printer that had a hard drive on it. We
            could upload pre-printed forms, (about 150) then call them down from
            COBOL, populate rows and columns with data and print them on demand.

            The compiler was always RM/COBOL. Started around version 1.7, and last
            version was 2.1A1.

            Hard as it may be to understand, this is more of a passing fun-time
            project. Gives me something to fend off boredom on many cross-country
            plane rides.

            tandy rmcobol

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

            • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

              OK,  save me having something to do but have enough with ACAS any way.

              Have to find extra things to do to occupy myself at the young age of 77.

              On 22/05/2024 18:26, John Ritter wrote:

              This is proprietary source code that I paid for and is licensed. It
              wouldn’t be appropriate to distribute it.

     On Behalf Of Vincent (Bryan) Coen
              Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 8:10 AM
              To: [gnucobol:discussion]
              Subject: [gnucobol:discussion] Re: tandy rmcobol

              Any chance of the Cobol source code?


              On 22/05/2024 02:19, John Ritter wrote:

              Unfortunately I don’t have any of the documentation. This goes back to
              the early 80’s, so no PDF files.

     On Behalf Of Vincent (Bryan) Coen
              Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 8:29 AM
              To: [gnucobol:discussion]
              Subject: [gnucobol:discussion] Re: tandy rmcobol

              Do you have access to the manuals for the accounting s/w still and is
              it available as .pdf files ?

              I could not find any for the Cobol implementation for the Tandy, only
              for older system written in Basic some of which included the basic code
              within. This reminded me of the books available around that time that
              did the same but the suites was poorly completed with large holes in the
              functionality but as I run a distributor that sold these (amongst other
              such as Osborne books), they did reasonably well sales wise.

              The request for any such documents is to see how they differ from my O/S
              released ACAS accounting system which you can find on SF and from my
              website as a nightly build (for updates etc including manuals).

              Note that ACAS has been migrated over to GnuCobol some 10 + years ago.

              Current version also supports usage of RDBMS in the form of Mysql and
              Mariadb subject to user requirements as well as tools to transfer Cobol
              files to RDB if required.

              Note O/S = Open Sourced as I discontinued selling the product as a
              commercial system some years back having becoming 70 years young :)

              All current users at that time were switched to using these versions
              (v3.01 and the latest as v3.02) with no maintenance or rental charges
              etc and they use a range of differing hardware and OS systems with the
              one proviso that they can run the GnuCobol compiler..

              On 12/05/2024 01:03, John Ritter wrote:

              I wouldn't mind a show and tell. Unfortunately it will have to wait
              because I did something really, really stupid by upgrading my RHEL
              system without asking the clowns at VMware/Broadcom if it was OK. So
              now VMware Workstation doesn't run. Of course it's the exact same
              problem they've refused to fix for 10 years. And Broadcom has the most
              idiotic web site to navigate. My daughter's cat could do a better job.
              Might have to get a copy of VMware that runs on (ugh) Windows if it
              isn't fixed fast.

              With that rant out of the way, these applications started on a Xenix
              TRS 6000 (or was it a Model 16?) with RM/COBOL. Then moved to a VAX
              11/785 running AT&T System V. Then a brief spell on Novell Netware,
              and finally to SCO UnixWare 7.1.4. Everything after the VAX was 386
              and 486 computers. That's the nice thing about pseudo code: Just need
              the proper runtime for the OS and it still works.

              I purchased the entire Real World Accounting suite source code: AP,
              AR, GL, OE and I forget what others. That's what screen.cbl is from.
              Remember: It's still considered proprietary software. I even wrote a
              Job Costing module for a company that interfaced with all of it. This
              is when it came on those 8" floppy disks. They might have even been
              double sided!! No idea where the software is now. It might be backed
              up to DAT 72 tapes, but I don't have a working drive. Should have kept
              better track of them over the past 40 years.

              The application I'm talking about now is a tax return application
              suite for a Fortune 100 corporation. It did the company's federal,
              state and international tax returns. It was the largest single
              consolidation of data in the company as it collected financial data
              from about 600 business units. We used uucp to send files to other
              servers all over the world, and printed to LaserJet compatible
              printers globally.

              We were able to write scripts that passed keystrokes to the
              applications so they could run unattended, and the applications even
              created Multiplan files (I think it was SYLK format) on the fly. The
              bean counters loved that. And even back then we were able to call C
              programs, and printing was built-in. Many aspects far better than
              today's GnuCOBOL.

              We even had a Xerox 3700 laser printer that had a hard drive on it. We
              could upload pre-printed forms, (about 150) then call them down from
              COBOL, populate rows and columns with data and print them on demand.

              The compiler was always RM/COBOL. Started around version 1.7, and last
              version was 2.1A1.

              Hard as it may be to understand, this is more of a passing fun-time
              project. Gives me something to fend off boredom on many cross-country
              plane rides.

              tandy rmcobol

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