
Up-to-date syntax diagrams for GnuCOBOL

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  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    As previously requested please only use the bug reporting system for
    problems with the manual


    1. All GC users can see and subscribe to the bug reports
    2. It assumes that all users subscribe to all of the discussions
    3. They read them including the updated notes. I do not get them so
      often will miss postings.

    It cuts down on me wasting time scanning such where looking at the bug
    reporting system is quicker even though the search system on it is not
    good as there is NO OPEN search only tags. @Simon please fix.

    On 21/07/17 14:29, Eugenio Di Lorenzo wrote:

    OPTIONS paragraph in the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION is also missing.
    see Edward HART grammar.pdf in this thread.

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2017-07-21

      I think is enough (you can order the search for status to get the open issues first).

      And yes: reports should fo there.

      @Eugenio: please move your goood reports there. If there's something not correct with the ACCEPT OMITTED just post to the ticket which is there for it already.

      Thank you both.

      • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

        Thanks did not spot that you can change STATUS as a search.

        On 21/07/17 15:44, Simon Sobisch wrote:

        I think
        is enough (you can order the search for status to get the open issues

        And yes: reports should fo there.

        @Eugenio: please move your goood reports there. If there's something
        not correct with the ACCEPT OMITTED just post to the ticket which is
        there for it already.

        Thank you both.

  • Eugenio Di Lorenzo

    some bug in the manual:

    Tests the given string for conformance to the rules used by FUNCTION NUMVAL.
    Returns 0 if the value conforms, a character position of the first non conforming charater, or the length plus one for other cases such as all spaces.
    Return TRUE or FALSE is incorrect !

    May be same error for other “TEST-NUMVAL-xxx “ Functions…

    The correct syntax is
    ACCEPT OMITTED AT line-col WITH extended-attributes END-ACCEPT


  • Edward Hart

    Edward Hart - 2017-08-06

    @Vincent If you want, feel free to include (part of) the Grammar's Changelog into the Programmer's Guide. It might come handy to those upgrading from GnuCOBOL 1.1 and it saves you writing a similar list of changes from scratch.


    Last edit: Edward Hart 2017-08-06
    • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

      On my list of TODO as soon as I can work out how to that is.

  • Simon Sobisch

    Simon Sobisch - 2017-08-06

    Hi Ed, I've just tried to compile the PDF and run into a lot of problems with the packaged 2013 version of texlive. After removing the tex-referencing packages and manually installing the 2017 version in "basic scheme" and afterwards installing "some" packages (tlmgr install erewhon newtx roboto booktabs multirow microtype appendix koma-script symbol zapfding cyrillic ly1 etoolbox xkeyval fontaxes fontaxes mweights xcolor tcolorbox pgf l3packages l3kernel trimspaces listings boondox ec txfonts - the packages for the fonts were found by manual lookup on - just in case someone needs this in the future) the PDF builds fine (and gnucobol.pdf still builds fine).

    There is one error message left:

    Package xkeyval Error: erewhon' undefined in familiesntxmath'

    Is this something that relates to my setup or the tex source files?


    • Edward Hart

      Edward Hart - 2017-08-07

      Thanks very much for testing this, Simon!

      installing "some" packages (tlmgr install erewhon newtx roboto booktabs multirow microtype appendix koma-script symbol zapfding cyrillic ly1 etoolbox xkeyval fontaxes fontaxes mweights xcolor tcolorbox pgf l3packages l3kernel trimspaces listings boondox ec txfonts)

      I'll copy that command into the README to save future users time.

      Package xkeyval Error: erewhon' undefined in familiesntxmath'
      Is this something that relates to my setup or the tex source files?

      It's probably to do with you using more up-to-date packages than me. Where exactly is the error reported?

      • Simon Sobisch

        Simon Sobisch - 2017-08-24

        Package xkeyval Error: 'erewhon' undefined in families 'ntxmath'
        Is this something that relates to my setup or the tex source files?

        It has probably to do with you using more up-to-date packages than me. Where exactly is the error reported?

        The context is:

        Package scrlfile, 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (loading files)
                          Copyright (C) Markus Kohm
        ))) (/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/koma-script/tocbasic.sty)
        `erewhon' v1.05, 2016/02/05 Style file for Erewhon (m_sharpe), based on Heurist
        ica (a_panov) and, ultimately, Utopia.
        `newtxmath' v1.25, 2014/04/07 Math macros based on txfonts (msharpe)
        For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
        ! Package xkeyval Error: `erewhon' undefined in families `ntxmath'.
        See the xkeyval package documentation for explanation.
        Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
        l.75 \ProcessOptions*

        At this place I always have to ENTER and the creation of the PDF finishes.

        Note: I see you're using the listings package. As I've spotted no highlighting so far: did you tried to set the listing language to COBOL (it is listed as being supported in the listings package)? If you don't like the results you maybe want to switch to the minted package.

        BTW: I like the new Appendix B :-)

        • Edward Hart

          Edward Hart - 2017-10-01

          I think the cause of the error might be the old version of newtx. Does upgrading to newtx v1.527 fix it?

          • Simon Sobisch

            Simon Sobisch - 2017-10-10

            Actually I had a much newer version installed already - but had an old version in my tex home folder kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME - I've just renamed the local folder after ensuring the system one had all these in and it run without warnings or errors.
            Thank you for the note, I wouldn't have checked the version by hand otherwise - and it was still a good occasion to run tlmgr update --self && tlmgr update --all which updated (along to others) newtx to the current version you've referred, to - still works ;-)

  • Edward Hart

    Edward Hart - 2017-09-07

    Attached is the PDF of the official release version of the Grammar.

    For those seeking the latest version of the Programmer's Guide, PDFs can be found in the repo under /external-doc/guide/PDFs.

  • Eugenio Di Lorenzo

    Hi Edward, wonderful job but .... can you change some colors ? example at page 18 it is not readable !

    • Edward Hart

      Edward Hart - 2017-09-08

      Attached is a version with a lighter shade of blue and hatching instead of grey text. What do you think?

      • Eugenio Di Lorenzo

        now it is much better !

  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    For the Prog. Guide (and quick ref) bugs 422 & 424 sorted.

    Updated .pdf files are available.

  • James Lemmon

    James Lemmon - 2017-09-09

    Hi Edward,

    Thanks for your contribution.

    I notice that you show SOURCE FORMAT VARIABLE as only for Gnu. I have used this format in MF for some years already.

    Thanks to all for your efforts to make this an outstanding compiler.

    • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

      The Programmers Guide has had at a syntax level VARIABLE added but I do
      not know if GnuCobol actually supports it and if it does how it behaves
      as not found any GC notes for it.

      What else is new.


      On 09/09/17 20:00, James Lemmon wrote:

      Hi Edward,

      Thanks for your contribution.

      I notice that you show SOURCE FORMAT VARIABLE as only for Gnu. I have
      used this format in MF for some years already.

      Thanks to all for your efforts to make this an outstanding compiler.

  • Frank Swarbrick

    Frank Swarbrick - 2017-09-10

    For the PG, or perhaps elsewhere, I wonder if there could be references to items being standard vs. extension. Take STOP RUN for example. There are now three different ways one can set an operating system return code. One (RETURN-CODE) is an IBM extension. One (RETURNING/GIVING is another extension). Only STOP RUN [WITH] { ERROR / NORMAL } [STATUS] is part of any COBOL standard (2002/2014). How does one choose which one to use!

    By the way, STOP RUN ERROR works, but STOP RUN NORMAL does not compile:
    D:\src\cobol>cobc -F -x --save-temps -debug file1.cob
    file1.cob: in section 'file-error':
    file1.cob: 40: error: 'normal' cannot be used here

    • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

      Forgot to mention many of us oldies tend to use GOBACK but it does
      depend on what extra functions you need at EOJ as to what you use.

      There again the old faithful of setting return-code to non-zero if
      errors have occurred against zero also works well..


      On 10/09/17 17:14, Frank Swarbrick wrote:

      For the PG, or perhaps elsewhere, I wonder if there could be
      references to items being standard vs. extension. Take STOP RUN for
      example. There are now three different ways one can set an operating
      system return code. One (RETURN-CODE) is an IBM extension. One
      (RETURNING/GIVING is another extension). Only STOP RUN [WITH] { ERROR
      / NORMAL } [STATUS] is part of any COBOL standard (2002/2014). How
      does one choose which one to use!

      By the way, STOP RUN ERROR works, but STOP RUN NORMAL does not compile:
      D:\src\cobol>cobc -F -x --save-temps -debug file1.cob
      file1.cob: in section 'file-error':
      file1.cob: 40: error: 'normal' cannot be used here

  • Eugenio Di Lorenzo

    Hi Edward
    I was pleased to report a copuple of corrections to the Grammar.
    The STRING verb is missing the term END-STRING instruction.
    Same for the UNSTRING verb, the indication of the term END-UNSTRING is missing.

  • Edward Hart

    Edward Hart - 2018-12-14

    Attached is the Grammar updated to [r2798].

    @Eugenio: Thanks for reporting those errors, I've now fixed them.

  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    Hi Edward, a few ommisions to Grammar:

    Procedure Div:
    No SORT table present.

    Under B.2. Optional language element list

    1. Report writer: The syntax is recognised, but no functionality is claimed.
      RWRC is fully supported. for v3.0

    Not sure but
    8. Locale support and related functions: The syntax is recognised, but no functionality
    is claimed.

    Thought this was supported.

  • Eugenio Di Lorenzo

    Hi Ed, your manual is a great job.
    However I would like to give a suggestion to improve its use.
    We developers really like to have a printed copy of the manuals on paper.
    In this case your grammar has been set with many (too many ?) page breaks.
    This causes a really huge waste of paper.
    To avoid this it would be sufficient to eliminate the page jump between these chapters:
    from 3.1 to 3.23
    from 7.10.1 to 7.10.81
    from 9.1 to 9.106
    What do you think about it ? it would be a really significant savings of paper.

  • Edward Hart

    Edward Hart - 2019-12-27

    For those who do not want to install LaTeX and compile the Grammar themselves, find attached the Grammar for GnuCOBOL 3.2-early-dev as of [r3404].

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