
Xiphos (see github) / News: Recent posts

Xiphos 4.0.0

It has been literally years since we thought to update news here. The 3.1 series was long-lived, but represented a somewhat dry period in Xiphos development. 2014 was a much better year, as a close-out 3.1.6 release was made in January, but then many new features and enhancements occurred during the briefly-lived 3.2 series.

On Christmas Eve, Xiphos 4.0.0 was released. Version 4 is a huge step forward in many areas, most notably in the support of alternate versification (av11n) by which Xiphos now exercises the full capabilities of the Sword engine to provide access to Bibles with Apocrypha as well as other, less serious differences in BCV (book/chapter/verse) layout. As well, the arrival of a mature BibleSync shared navigation facility, new support for module authors in CSS controls and for the Xiphos user himself in default CSS, plus countless enhancements to improve the user's experience in GTK3, make v4 by far the best, most featureful release of Xiphos ever. Our file area contains unofficial builds for major platforms, and regular Linux repos are gaining the updated release. The Win32 installer is present here.... read more

Posted by Karl Kleinpaste 2015-01-24

Xiphos 3.1 is released

We are very pleased to announce Xiphos 3.1, a Bible study system built on the foundation of The Sword Project's cross-platform libraries from CrossWire Bible Society. Xiphos provides a feature-rich environment in which to study Biblical texts, commentaries, and other resources suitable to sound theological learning.

This release adds features to our Windows version, text-to-speech and transliteration (now near parity with Linux); improves on module manager, journal/prayerlist, and bookmark support; adds new capabilities to the exporter; corrects some problems with RtoL (right-to-left) languages; adds automatic lemma lookup in ancient texts; plus other minor updates and bug fixes too numerous to list here.... read more

Posted by Karl Kleinpaste 2009-05-24

Xiphos 3.0.1 is released

As an urgent bugfix release, we have just put 3.0.1 out the door. Xiphos is the best free Bible software ever produced, based on GNOME libraries and the The Sword Project's underlying cross-platform framework and modules.

This release was necessary due to the discovery of incompatibilities with Windows' filesystem (NTFS) in the face of users whose login names contain characters beyond the ASCII lower 128. Such names previously caused grief in NTFS because of the need for UTF16 encoding. This release corrects this problem as well as a few other minor issues.... read more

Posted by Karl Kleinpaste 2009-02-20

Xiphos 3.0 Bible study software released

We are proudly pleased to announce the release of Xiphos 3.0, a Bible study system built on the foundation of The Sword Project's cross-platform libraries from Crosswire Bible Society. Xiphos provides a feature-rich environment in which to study Biblical texts, commentaries, and other resources suitable to sound theological learning.

Formerly known as GnomeSword, we have changed our project's name due to the perception of our old name as being too obscure. Our new name is the transliteration of ξίφος, one of several Greek words for Sword.... read more

Posted by Karl Kleinpaste 2009-02-10