Thotheolh - 2008-04-03

Hi. After looking at the screen shots and the short write up on GloboNote, I am impressed by it's capabilities. Finally, an open source Java based software that can be a rival of 3M's Digital Post It notes. 3M's version can allow users to include pictures which is what the current GloboNote can do ... especially written in Java. So far, I have not found any Java , made Notes that can allow you to properly add a picture at the very line you want the picture to enter except GloboNote. The flexibility and easy of use is very convenient and can rival that of 3M's.

The ability to shrink the notes to display just the titles is a very useful idea because it can be very very cluttered if you have too many things open.

I am looking forward to the many disabled options on the right click pop up menu. I am also looking forward to the encryption abilities of the notes. I would like to add a suggestion... how about a password protected note for sensitive stuff ? You can globally protect the entire GloboNote with a master password and also have an individual password to protect individual notes just in case you decide to protect a handful of notes while not wanting to protect the rest. The idea of individual note protection would also be useful win situations when you left your machine and someone just walks in and physical plays around your non-lockdown machine and your GloboNote have been unlock because you were using it a few minutes ago before leaving your work space for a short break. In such situation, the non-sensitive notes can be viewed but when it comes to the sensitive ones, an additional password for the individual note is required and this would make it difficult for the attacker to look at those private data. The two tier locking mechanism (Master Password and Individual Password) would be very useful especially to protect private data.