
Improving "No redirect location set, inte..."

  • Lewis Jardine

    Lewis Jardine - 2004-12-10

    I've been thinking about this error: it occurs a lot, and all it does is confuse people. Not only that, but for more than one person, it appears to occur when logging in for the first time, for reasons we can't work out due to insufficient data.

    What I think might be useful is for it to produce some kind of core-dump, along with an apologetic message, and a suggestion that people asking for help copy/paste said coredump.

    My question is, is there an easy way to do this in PHP? Searching the net and PHP documentation hasn't turned up anything, but I'm hoping someone reading this might know: Is there a way to dump the entire symbol table in PHP?

    Dumping by hand would be possible*, but also time-consuming and hard to maintain. If there's a way to do it in one command, so much the better.

    *(print_r($_GET);, etc. would be a start, but I'd like to be able to print local variables as well, as an aid to working out how the control flow progressed.)

    • Roel Adriaans

      Roel Adriaans - 2004-12-10

      That's possible with phpinfo([int what]).

      With phpinfo(); it dumps a lot information, but with phpinfo(somenumber) it shows only the things you want.. See for more information...

    • Paradxum

      Paradxum - 2004-12-15

      This is defintly possible, and I have noticed this happen (but I believe it was due to a php problem at the time one of the nasty variables not being set due to not exporting globaly ... but it's been awhile....)

      If someone wants to hack up a patch to dump the info then send it down.


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