
Jukebox playing internet radio

  • Danny Bogaards

    Danny Bogaards - 2003-09-25


    I'm using the jukebox for a very long time now, and it has replaced my cd-player (and radio) in my livingroom. Because
    I love to listen to live radio stations over the internet, I use the server for this also.

    I have made a perl script which is called from a simple webpage on the server. This script stops the jukebox and launches mplayer with some url of the station.

    When I want to go back to the jukebox, I call another perl script which kills mplayer and starts the jukebox again.

    Has anyone the same 'double duty' use of his/her server and what is your solution?

    I would really like to integrate the two functions in one web application, using the same daemons so that ripping is possible during radio listening.

    Kind regards,

    • Lewis Jardine

      Lewis Jardine - 2003-09-25

      Possibly using Shoutcast mode with a local Shoutcast server, then using a script to switch mplayer between the local server, and internet radios might work?

      • Danny Bogaards

        Danny Bogaards - 2003-09-27

        Hi Lews,

        I've made some integration now and it play's via a new script ( and mplayer. I had to modify some checks done in to prevent the file check.

        Now I have an album called 'Radio Stations' with a number of stations=tracks. The track play continuesly but now I don't have to shut down the box to play them and my family is so used to the frontend of gjukebox, it easy for them to select the station.....and the ripping

        Now I just have to make a nice form to enter the url's......maybe via the unused 'stream' button, or is it in use when you activate streamcast?

        Thanks for your feedback!


        • Lewis Jardine

          Lewis Jardine - 2003-09-29

          Stream button? If it's what I'm thinking of (the button in the left-hand frame (or the top frame in fresh theme)), clicking on it will launch your media player on the machine the web browser is running on, and connect it to the shoutcast server (assuming the shoutcast url is set correctly in the jukebox, and the media player has registered its MIME types correctly).

          If you have no use for this, there's no reason why its real-estate couldn't be used for a more useful purpose (media players can connect to the shoutcast server whether or not the button is present - I use winamp's "bookmark" feature, so I don't have to fire up a web browser, for example).

          It seems to be rendered by theme.php, so you'd probably have to edit theme.php for every theme you want the link to your new form to appear in.

    • Michael Benway

      Michael Benway - 2004-11-20

      I have always wanted this for the Jukebox!
      Can you post your edits as a patch, or as code snippets?




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