
Git Extensions / News: Recent posts

Git Extensions is now hosted on GitHub

Please update your bookmarks and use the links below for downloading and reporting issues.

Posted by Martin Steinisch 2020-01-21

Git Extensions: 2.48.05 released

Git Extensions 2.48.05 is packed with Git 1.9.5-preview20141217.

Version 2.48.05 (16 May 2015)
  • Fixed issue #2493: StartBrowseDialog failed after clone
  • Fixed issue #2783: Fixed crash when right click on blank line in 'File Tree'
  • Enter/Return in file tree acts as double click
  • Support Git for Windows path for Linux tools
Version 2.48.04 (8 May 2015)
  • Fixed issue #1643: Do stage of 16506 files and GUI becomes Not Respoding
  • Fixed issue #2591: VSAddin solutionItem.ProjectItem == null when selected 'References' item in C# project
  • Fixed issue #2587, #2601: VSAddin fixed StackOverflowException
  • Fixed issue #2584: Escape the last backslash from paths before running GitExtensions to avoid escaping the double-quote
  • Fixed issue #2574: MSysGit updated to version 1.9.5-preview20141217
  • Fixed issue #2649: Refreshing the ignored files set every 10 minutes instead of every 500 miliseconds
  • Fixed issue #2525: Additional handling for strings passed to RichTextBox
  • Fixed issue #2700: Fix filtering by branch name
  • Fixed 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when right clicking of the table header of 'Resolve merge conflicts' window'
  • Fix performance for RevisionGrid... read more
Posted by Arkady Shapkin 2015-05-15

Git Extensions: 2.48.04 released

Git Extensions 2.48.04 is packed with Git 1.9.5-preview20141217.

Version 2.48.04 (8 May 2015)
  • Fixed issue #1643: Do stage of 16506 files and GUI becomes Not Respoding
  • Fixed issue #2591: VSAddin solutionItem.ProjectItem == null when selected 'References' item in C# project
  • Fixed issue #2587, #2601: VSAddin fixed StackOverflowException
  • Fixed issue #2584: Escape the last backslash from paths before running GitExtensions to avoid escaping the double-quote
  • Fixed issue #2574: MSysGit updated to version 1.9.5-preview20141217
  • Fixed issue #2649: Refreshing the ignored files set every 10 minutes instead of every 500 miliseconds
  • Fixed issue #2525: Additional handling for strings passed to RichTextBox
  • Fixed issue #2700: Fix filtering by branch name
  • Fixed 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when right clicking of the table header of 'Resolve merge conflicts' window'
  • Fix performance for RevisionGrid... read more
Posted by Arkady Shapkin 2015-05-07

Git Extensions: 2.48 released

Git Extensions 2.48 is packed with Git 1.9.4. The latest version can be downloaded from

Version 2.48.03 (9 December 2014)
  • Fixed issue #2538: Fix crash happening when deleting a remote branch
  • Fixed issue #2498: VS Plugin use solution scope if no active document
Version 2.48.02 (29 November 2014)
  • Updated msysgit to 1.9.4 20140929
  • VS plugin menu hotkey changed to Alt+I
  • Updated kdiff3 to version 0.9.98-2 64bit
  • Form pull "Manage remotes" button fixed
  • Resolving conflict for removed submodule fixed
  • Svn clone prefix fixed
  • Fixed issue #2509: Backslash correction turned off for URLs
  • Fixed issue #2420: Indicate change when repository changed
  • Fixed issue #2454: Support changed path to DiffMerge
  • Fixed issue #2450: There is no verification that settings can not contain invalid xml characters
  • Fixed issue #2407: Double appearance of "Current unstaged changes" fixed
  • Fixed issue #2269: Ignore COM exceptions in UpdateJumplist
  • Fixed issue #2165: Pushing HEAD fixed
  • Fixed issue #2463: Crash fixed when selecting a file with no base in the "Resolve merge conflicts" dialog
  • Fixed issue #2448: Freeze while commit many files with warnings
  • Fixed issue #2467, #2483: Installing GitCredentialsHelper fixed
  • Fixed issue #1493: Should fix command bar position saving in some cases... read more
Posted by Arkady Shapkin 2014-12-11

Git Extensions: 2.47 released

Git Extensions 2.47 is packed with Git 1.8.3. The latest version can be downloaded from

Version 2.47.3 (15 November 2013)
  • Fixed issue #2124: GitHub integration not working in 2.47.1
Version 2.47.1 (14 November 2013)
  • Fixed issue #2006: Check for updates using GitHub api. There is a bug in WebClient that causes AV
  • Fixed issue #2117: Create branch/tag command in VS fixed
  • Fixed issue #2114: "Keep dialog open" doesn't work
  • Added IconFileStatusUnknown - when git exits with error then GitExt crashes with IndexOutOfBounds... read more
Posted by Arkady Shapkin 2014-12-11

Git Extensions: 2.46 released

Git Extensions 2.46 is packed with Git 1.8.3. The latest version can be downloaded from

Version 2.46 (26 June 2013)
  • Fixed issue 1387: Shell extensions not work under Windows XP
Version 2.45 (26 June 2013)
  • Setup files moved to sourceforge
  • Putty updated to version 0.62.9768.0 (80% faster for me when cloning repository from GitHub)
  • FormCheckoutBranch behavior fixed again when called from commit dialog
  • Fixed navigation in the blame committer list when double clicking
  • Fixed FormFileHistory selection current revision
  • Fixed issue #1585: IsBinaryAccordingToGitAttribute() rewrited using "git check-attr"
  • Fixed issue #1590: "Show current branch only" fixed
  • Fixed issue #1622: "Show Changes" from Blame window crash fixed
  • Fixed issue #1631: Font size reading from settings fixed
  • Fixed issue #1687: GetSuperprojectCurrentCheckout() now called asynchronously
  • Fixed issue #1727: CreatePullRequestForm crash fixed
  • Updated msysgit to build of version 1.8.3
  • Updated French translation
  • Updated German translation
Posted by Arkady Shapkin 2013-06-28

Git Extensions: 1.62 released

Git Extensions is a toolkit to make working with Git under Windows more intuitive. The shell extension will intergrate in Windows Explorer and presents a nice context menu on files. Source code can be found here:

Git Extensions 1.62 is packed with Git The latest version can be downloaded from sourceforge or from

Posted by Henk Westhuis 2009-04-09

Git Extensions 1.57 released

Git Extensions 1.57 includes many improvements and bug fixes.


Spelling checker added
Added search dialog to most file viewers
Format path improved
Settings dialog improvements
Added support for multiline commit messages
Added recover lost objects function
Staging/unstaging is much faster
Whitespaces are ignored in blame view
Added waitcursors
Added ChangeLog
No more taskbar terror!
Better Visual Studio intergration.
Revision log filter added
Added diff highlighting (+/-) highlighting
Improved performance of commit dialog
32bit and 64bit setup
Added commit revert
Added PuTTY support.

Posted by Henk Westhuis 2009-03-22

Git Extensions 1.50 released

Git Extensions is a feature rich Windows client for Git, including shell extensions and Visual Studio intergration. Highlights for this versions are:
- Much better Visual Studio intergration
- Lots of usability changes
- Performance and memory usage improved
- Lots of bugfixes

Posted by Henk Westhuis 2009-02-21

Git Extensions 1.26 released

Git Extensions is now a pretty complete tool that supports all common Git functions. PuTTY is now also intergrated to provide much better SSH support. PuTTY is the default SSH client for Git Extensions and is destributed in the installer.

Posted by Henk Westhuis 2009-01-20

GitExtensions 1.00 released

GitExtensions version 1.00 released

GitExtensions is now ready to be used on an everyday basis.

- Bugs in delay loading fixed
- Added amend to commit dialog
- Bare repositories are supported
- Added init dialog
- Added init central/bare repository
- Added support for bare repository
- Performance increased
- Several minor bugfixes
- Fixed bug in mergetool.keepBackup setting, this should work now... read more

Posted by Henk Westhuis 2008-12-28

Initial release

Git extensions offers:
- Shell extension for Git
- Visual Studio (2008) plugin for Git
- GUI for Git

The following functions are available for all three forms of Git GUI:
- Add files
- Branch
- Checkout
- Commit
- Push
- Pull
- Single file history
- Full development history
- Basic difference reports
- Cloning
- Browsing repository

There is currently no installer, just unzip the zip file and you will be able to run the UI. ... read more

Posted by Henk Westhuis 2008-11-28