
gerbv — a Gerber (RS-274X) viewer / News: Recent posts

Development has restarted on GitHub

Thanks to several people the development has restarted. It is now running from GitHub ( First order of business is gathering and applying as many patches as possible floating around out there. Then start doing releases. The first updated version is about to get updated. Please get in contact if you have a patch or similar that could be used.

Posted by Stefan Petersen 2021-11-04

2.6.1 released

gerbv 2.6.1 released.

  • Report aperture parameters for selected items in specified measure units
  • Report selected arcs and line length
  • Toggle all layers on/off functionality
  • Fixes
Posted by Sergey Alyoshin 2013-07-22

2.3.0 released

gerbv 2.3.0 released. Major bug fixes and rotate/mirror/scale operations added. For more information on what's new and fixed, see the release announcement on .

Posted by Stefan Petersen 2009-08-03

gerbv switched website

gerbv has joined the other gpleda projects website and is now available on

Posted by Stefan Petersen 2009-08-02

gerbv: 2.1.0 released

Gerbv is an open source Gerber file (RS-274X only) viewer. Gerbv lets you load several files on top of each other, do measurements on the displayed image, etc. Besides viewing Gerbers, you may also view Excellon drill files as well as pick-place files.


This is to announce the release of gerbv-2.1.0! Gerbv is an open source
Gerber file (RS-274X only) viewer for Linux and other unix flavors. Besides
viewing Gerbers, you may also view Excellon drill files as well as XYRS
(pick-place) files. For more information, browse to gerbv's web site:... read more

Posted by Stuart Brorson 2008-09-08

gerbv-2.0.0 released


This is to announce the release of gerbv-2.0.0! Gerbv is an open source
Gerber file (RS-274X only) viewer. Besides viewing Gerbers, you may also
view Excellon drill files as well as XYRS (pick-place) files. For
more information, browse to gerbv's web site:

Gerbv is allied with the gEDA Project, an open-source collaborative
which has produced an end-to-end tool chain for PCB design on Linux and
other flavors of unix. The gEDA Project's website is here:... read more

Posted by Stuart Brorson 2008-01-13

gerbv-2.0.0-beta released


This is to announce the beta test release of gerbv-2.0.0!

Release 2.0.0 represents a a whole new look for gerbv. Most importantly, the
layer control GUI has been made much more powerful through the outstanding
work of Julian Lamb. Julian has also re-worked the GUI's button and menus to
make them more convenient to use. We are certain that you will find
gerbv-2.0.0 even easier to use than before because of Julian's amazing work!... read more

Posted by Stuart Brorson 2008-01-10

gerbv-1.0.3 released

This is to announce the fourth release in the stable branch of
gerbv, 1.0.3.

This release represents a point release incorporating a few patches made
against the 1.0.X source over the last 1 1/2 years. Specific updates

* Incorporate changes from Joost Witteveen to support extended
%SR% commands.
* Fix endless loop bug when gerbv encountered an unknown
% code. Patch from Joost Witteveen.
* Fixed initial scale setting for %MOMM% Gerber files.
Patch from Joost Witteveen.
* Fixed format for small drillfiles. Patch from Trevor Blackwell.
* Fix setting of the initial window size when the screen
is larger than the display. Patch from David Carr.... read more

Posted by Stuart Brorson 2007-11-28

1.0.2 released

gerbv-1.0.2 in the stable branch was released. Lot's of minor bugfixes that was caused by gerbv roting away. GTK1 support dropped.

Posted by Stefan Petersen 2006-07-30

1.0.1 Released

gerbv-1.0.1 in the stable branch was released. Minor bugfixes, but essential.

Posted by Stefan Petersen 2005-02-22