
#1170 In compound ancestor/descendant queries, relation list bad

Mac OS X
OBO-Edit (934)

An extremely frustrating bug

Try any query of the form

find terms that ... the [value] <blah> in Ancestor that can be reached via []

the pick list constantly resets itself to 'Any type', so that is is impossible to scroll down to choose a relation further down the list.

This is particularly obvious with the Drosophila anatomy ontology
( )
which now has quite a long list of relations.

Note - that these types of queries are extremely useful and are unique to OE - there's no other way to do them apart from resorting to scripting. So, not being able to do them is a big loss.

system details:

OE 2.1.1-beta6 (also seen in 2.1) running at 64bit on OSX 10.6.8,
djs93% java -version
java version "1.6.0_29"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_29-b11-402-10M3527)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.4-b02-402, mixed mode)


  • Nomi Harris

    Nomi Harris - 2012-02-21
    • priority: 8 --> 6
    • summary: Query bug makes choosing relation impossible --> In compound ancestor/descendant queries, relation list bad
  • Nomi Harris

    Nomi Harris - 2012-02-21

    It turns out that this happens only when you have a compound query, both parts of which have ancestor/descendent clauses. With just one query panel, it doesn't happen.
    The problem started in 2.1-b16 (released in July 2011). Before that, the ontology-specific relations didn't even appear in the pulldown list. After that, they do appear in the pulldown lists, but when you have compound queries, the pulldown list acts weird and makes it hard to choose the relation you want.

  • Nomi Harris

    Nomi Harris - 2012-02-27
    • assigned_to: nobody --> nomi
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Nomi Harris

    Nomi Harris - 2012-02-27

    Fixed in 2.1.1-b7


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