
g4l integration into a Fedora installation?

  • greyhairweenie

    greyhairweenie - 2011-01-07

    I'm pretty sure I've seen discussion of how to integrate g4l into an existing
    Linux installation, but I'm not finding it now.

    I have a 640Gb portable hard drive that I'd like to put Fedora on and
    integrate several toolsets, including g4l, into it. I know I can put g4l on
    its own partition as though it's a usb drive and hook it into grub.conf as a
    boot option, but since I have several toolsets I want to integrate, it seems
    cleaner to hack it into the main Fedora install. Or maybe not. Any pointers to
    existing discussion of this?

    • Michael Setzer II

      The method that I use to run g4l with various versions is to make it an option on the grub boot menu. Simple option is using the 40_custom option, and then use grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

      Contents of the 40_custom file.


      exec tail -n +3 $0

      This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries. Simply type the

      menu entries you want to add after this comment. Be careful not to change

      the 'exec tail' line above.

      menuentry G4L {
      linux /bz3x17.3 root=/dev/ram0 telnetd=yes
      initrd /ramdisk.lzma

      One then puts the kernel file (in this case the bz17.3 kernel, and then the g4l file system ramdisk.lzma. Then the grub menu will provide option to load the full g4l running from the ram that allows for backing up all partitions.
      Contains the latest versions that I am working on
      Is the files for the release version
      Has the kernel files.
      Is the current latest version

      Recently, I've been also making flashes that can boot the g4l using grub4dos.
      Have a USB 3.0 128GB flash on which I created a 100M Fat32 or NTFS partition, and then installed the files from one of the g4l-lite-fc20 files.

      All the same files, just different compression.
      The files are extracted to the 100M partition, and then use bootlace or the windows exe file to make the flash bootable.
      Then created an ext4 partition with the rest of the flash for storing image files.
      Can then boot from the flash, and do images from or to it.
      In testing, I can restore a 160G Windows 7 image that uses about 40+G of space in about 8 minutes using USB 2 port, but takes just 4 1/2 minutes using the USB 3 port.

  • Michael Setzer II

    g4l can be added directly to the grub using the boot partition.

    copy the kernel that you would use from the cd to the /boot and the ramdisk

    In the past this would be the ramdisk.gz file, but I have recently changed to
    using ramdisk.lzma since it is about 25% smaller.

    My grub.conf file has this lines, added, and it is just a boot option and
    loads the kernel and ramdisk from the boot.

    title G4l

    kernel /bz36.2 ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0

    initrd /ramdisk.lzma

  • greyhairweenie

    greyhairweenie - 2011-01-08

    Thanks, Mike. That's definitely cleaner than dedicating a disk partition. It
    didn't occur to me that everything would be inside the initrd.

    My original thought was to integrate g4l directly into the Fedora installation
    so I could, for example, attach to a machine, boot off my drive, and run
    ophcrack on the XP hashes, mount the volume(s) and zero out the free space,
    and pull an image, all from one boot environment. Thinking about it further,
    that may be too ambitious, anyway. I'd not only have to install anything
    necessary for your script(s) to run, I'd have to devise a way to get necessary
    drivers loaded for unpredictable hardware (as you have done so well).

    I've said it before, but thanks again for g4l and your ongoing
    support/maintenance of it. I use it in an enterprise environment at work, on
    my farm of disparate machines at home, and for pro bono support work.

  • Michael Setzer II

    The g4l scripts can be run from fedora (or other linux) directly. I run the
    cleandrive scripts from the fedora to clear things out. In the latest alphas,
    I have a cleandrive8.dialog script that can mount and clear space.

    As long as the support package are installed and the jetcat-mod program is
    there. It should work, except for not being able to backup mounted partitions.

    In my classroom, I put an ntfsclone image of the XP on a linux partition, and
    have a script that can restore the XP in about 10 minutes. Even added an
    option on the grub menu to do this, so a user can restore the XP by just
    picking a grub option to restore and then reboot in about 10 minutes.

    Note: with ntfsclone images, there is no real reason to clear free space.

  • greyhairweenie

    greyhairweenie - 2011-01-08

    If you can hold my hand just a bit more, what support packages are needed?
    Other than those that will be there in a basic Fedora 14 installation? IIRC,
    you static compile everything, so I can just grab jetcat-mod off the iso, but
    if you know the other packages offhand, you can save me crawling through a
    bunch of "yum whatprovides". Thanks for the help.

  • Michael Setzer II

    The g4l uses a number of packages that may or may not already be installed as
    default on Fedora or other distros.

    The ones that are my own would be jetcat-mod. Note: There is a regular jetcat-
    mod that works on 32 bit installs, but also a 64 bit version since the
    libraries may not be there for the 32 bit one on 64 bit systems. I just copy
    the 64 bit version to the 32 bit name on those machines.

    In the past, I've found that lzop, dialog, ntfsclone, ncftp, udpcast may need
    to be added. There is also aespipe, but only used if encrypting image.

    I have a script on the cd called chkldd that I use to make sure I have all the
    support libraries needed for the programs in each directory. It uses the ldd
    program to check if anything for the programs is missing.

    In the past ncftp needed to be added, but I found that it is not included at
    least with my install of fedora 14.

    Don't hesitate to ask for any help.

  • greyhairweenie

    greyhairweenie - 2011-01-28

    Here's what ended up working.

    1) Basic workstation install of Fedora 14 onto USB hard drive (had to use
    advanced storage options to find the USB drive). I used a single 50Gb /
    physical partition, and made a separate 500Gb /home for data.

    2) Unpacked the latest g4l iso as /opt/g4l

    3) Yum installed lzop and vsftpd

    4) ln -s /opt/g4l/g4l /usr/local/bin/g4l;ln -s /opt/g4l/usr/bin/jetcat-mod

    With this as root I can launch g4l from a command line and use network mode
    with localhost as the ftp server and do basic lzop images and restores. There
    were too many quirks and presumptions in local mode to work with that, e.g. it
    seems to want the images in the root level of an unmounted filesystem on a
    physical partition. Have not tested nfts stuff, etc.

    There are some quirks to getting the external USB drive booting consistently
    on different platforms. Booting rescue mode off the F14 install CD 1 ON A
    MACHINE WITH NO OTHER LINUX INSTALLATIONS, e.g. a Windows box, chrooting
    /mnt/sysimage, and doing a "grub-install /dev/sda" seems to have made it
    consistent (make sure /dev/sda is what you're chrooted on by looking at
    "mount") . Don't know what Anaconda may have done differently that made its
    boot work on some machines and not others.

    If you have problems with some hardware booting from USB, you can use a PLOP
    Boot Manager CD or diskette in conjunction with the USB drive. Google "plop
    boot manager", download the zip, and use the iso or img from the cli folder.

    •  nano

      nano - 2014-11-21

      What's g4l file in new versions?

      1) Basic workstation install of Fedora 14 onto USB hard drive (had to use
      advanced storage options to find the USB drive). I used a single 50Gb /
      physical partition, and made a separate 500Gb /home for data.

      2) Unpacked the latest g4l iso as /opt/g4l

      3) Yum installed lzop and vsftpd

      4) ln -s /opt/g4l/g4l /usr/local/bin/g4l;ln -s /opt/g4l/usr/bin/jetcat-mod

  • Michael Setzer II

    Two things.

    The 0.36 version is now based on Fedora 14, so it should only require the
    actual g4l script (g4l30o9) and the jetcat-mod in one of the path directories.
    The other files would be those not included in the install.

    The second thing would be you would need the 64bit jetcat-mod if your using a
    64bit version of Fedora or have the 32 bit libraries installed.

  • greyhairweenie

    greyhairweenie - 2011-01-29

    Thanks for all the help, Mike, on this and previous issues.

    I don't understand "The other files would be those not included in the
    install.", though. In any case, I have something that works for walking up to
    a machine and imaging it with the plus that I also have gparted, etc,
    available in the same session. I'm looking now at configuring this to also
    serve as a pxeboot server so I could walk into a lab or datacenter, boot one
    machine from my drive, then pxe boot others and image them. Looks pretty

  • Michael Setzer II

    The g4l script uses other support programs, and many are included with a
    regular install of Fedora.

    Others that may not have been included like the lzop, ntfsclone, jetcat-mod,
    udpcast, and others.

    As an example. I have in the past created little archives that allow g4l to
    work on other live cds.

    Did one for finnix from last november

    It includes most of the extra programs that were not included with the finnix
    lived .













    That doesn't have the latest version of the script, but would work.

    I also have been working on g4l-win.exe that has the latest kernel, and
    ramdisk that can be added to a windows partition by using grub4dos to load it.

    With my Fedora machines, I have just added the kernel and ramdisk to the boot
    directory and grub menu.

    I have not yet done a PXE setup of g4l, so that is something I have yet to do.

    Have done a flash boot, but have found that one has to play with bios settings
    on many machines to get it to work.

    Thanks for the messages.

  • Michael Zintakis

    I use FC15 and would like to prepare a kickstart file which would install two
    separate versions of g4l - 32 and 64bit - on a separate usb stick. After
    downloading the development package I found the whole thing very confusing!
    Could you enlighten me as to what packages do I need to add in my kickstart
    file please? I do not wish to use any of the binaries present in that
    "development" archive as these are tied up/compiled for a specific arch/kernel
    versions and I don't want that really.

    The kickstart file also gives me the possibility of configuring and executing
    script actions and that is where I plan to add the g4l scripts at the end of
    the installation process - I understand that this is the only essential part
    of g4l - the rest are package dependencies, which can be compiled/downloaded
    with most common distros currently available.

    The end product would be a single usb stick capable of using g4l - both 32 and
    64 bit (via grub-selected boot options) - depending on the target machine on
    which g4l is to be executed. I can easily update that image by executing the
    kickstart file when needed to do refresh the packages already installed.

    I have been using version 0.26 up until now where I used to copy files3.tar.gz
    on top of my installation image, but that was only for 32 bit and only for a
    specific version(s) of the kernel. I see that much has changed since then!

    Help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

  • Michael Setzer II

    Running g4l from grub or grub4dos or syslinux is generally just a matter of
    adding the kernel and ramdisk.lzma files to the boot directory, and then
    adding the lines to the grub.conf or menu.lst or syslinux.cfg.

    On my Fedora 14 machines (both 32 and 64 bit) I just add the following to the

    title G4L

    kernel /bz3x0.4 ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 telnetd=yes

    initrd /ramdisk.lzma

    The kernel is a 32 bit, but it runs fine on 64 bit machines, and the file
    system has all the all the support files and libraries.

    The files option was normally to add the g4l as a run option for other live
    cds in which the g4l cd would not work, but I've generally found that the new
    kernel builds work. They don't have the xwindows, but g4l doesn't use it.

    As for 32 versus 64 bit, I don't think there would be much advantage in a 64
    bit version running, since it is mostly io based. Might be some advantage in
    the compression, but it is usually the io part that holds things back.

    As far as the development kit, I copy the libraries that the programs require.
    I have a script called chkfiles on my built machine that compares the files
    currently in the g4l directories with those in the matching system
    directories, and can then copy the newer versions when updates change them. To
    test on the cd image that I didn't miss anything, I have another script called
    chkldd, and it runs ldd on all files in the current director, and I check for
    not found messages.

    Using the kernel and ramdisk.lzma file works best as I see it, since it is all
    running from ram, and can copy all images.

    Also, one doesn't have to bother with the development kit.

    Note: one can also add the run="options..." to the menu line to get it to
    automate the process.

    Example: In my lab, I have dual boot with Fedora 14 and XP, and XP can get
    messed up in many ways, so wanted a quick way to restore it. Have an ntfsclone
    image of the xp partition on /dev/sda6. The following lines allow for an user
    to just select it, and it will restore the XP in about 12 minutes.

    title G4L Restore XP

    kernel /bz3x0.4 ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 telnetd=yes run="mount
    /dev/sda6 /mnt/local && cd /mnt/local && ./reimagexp "

    initrd /ramdisk.lzma

    Loads the kernel and filesystem in ram, and then mounts /dev/sda6 and then
    runs the reimagexp script that does and ntfsclone restore to partition
    /dev/sda1 and then reboots.

  • Michael Zintakis

    msetzerii, you've completely missed my point!

    I wish to prepare and build the entire g4l - both 32 and 64 bit versions -
    from sources/rpms using kickstart. For that, I need to know what part forms
    the g4l "package" (scripts etc) and what are its dependencies.

    I am also building the kernel separately - in Fedora environment. So far from
    reading the posts above, I figured that the following packages are required:

    lzop: lzop

    ncftp: ncftp ncftpget ncftpls ncftpput

    fuse-sshfs: sshfs

    udpcast: udp-receiver udp-sender

    aespipe: aespipe

    What is also missing, at least from your post dated 30 Jan 2011, is what forms
    the "g4l" package itself as well as and jetcat-mod. I figured the
    jetcat-mod bit as it is in the contrib directory and I can build a separate
    .spec file from this and create the rpm necessary for kickstart installation.
    I also presume there must also be a dependency (not specified in any of the
    posts above) on ntfs-3g package as well as g4l deals with ntfs partitions.

    What I need to know is all the other stuff which forms "g4l" - stuff I can
    package into a separate rpm (called g4l) and include it as part of the
    kickstart installation process. In the "development" archive there are a lot
    of scripts, particularly in the rootfs directory, which I am not certain
    whether they form part of g4l or whether they are part of some obscure program
    I haven't heard of.

    I hope I've made my points a bit clearer this time.

  • Michael Setzer II

    I still don't see why you are trying to it that way???

    I use a single kernel for both 32 and 64 bit Fedora 14 and 15 machines, but if
    that is what you need.

    You would have to basically check for all the programs in the following
    directories to see if they exists on the machine.







    On my fedora 14 build machine, I have all programs available and can just run
    the g4l script and it works.

    Note: the /mnt/local directory does need to exist for many operations.

    Some programs are not Fedora RPMs, but newer vresions of programs complied
    from source.

    I had created the filesx.gz stuff long ago to add to knoppix, since it booted
    machines that the g4l kernels didn't.

    Back then I had programs statically compiled, so they were large, but didn't
    require the libraries.

    I recall created a script about a year ago that used which to check for all
    the files that were in any of the binary directories.

    Ran this on a finnix livecd, since it had libraries that match for the most
    part, knoppix had much older libraries. Most of the files were already there,
    but a few were not, and those I included in the finnix3.gz file on the server.

    I didn't include all the missing programs, but the important ones that were
    not included.

    Note: Running the g4l script from a mounted system doesn't allow for imaging
    that disk or mounted partitions. Running it from the grub is all in ram, so it
    is free to backup everything, and it does see LVM partitions as well.

  • Michael Setzer II

    I just made this script with the g4l0.39 that I am working on to do the check
    I mentioned.

    Used this to run script.

    ./g4lwhich >g4lwhich.out 2>g4lwhich.miss

    The g4lwhich.miss shows the files that are not on the system.

    I should also note that jetcatmod program needs to be included, which is my
    own program for piping the data thru for the progress bar. The 32 and 64 bit
    binaries are on the cd, since the clean scripts use them.

    The g4lwhich script to check if the files are available.

    which bash

    which bicode.o3

    which bkey

    which busybox

    which cat

    which chgrp

    which chkldd

    which chmod

    which chown

    which cleandrive8

    which cleandrive8.dialog

    which comm

    which cp

    which date

    which dd

    which df

    which diff

    which dmesg

    which dumpkmap

    which echo

    which efg4l

    which egrep

    which eject

    which exg4l

    which false

    which fdflush

    which fg4l

    which fgrep

    which ftpd

    which fusermount

    which g41

    which g4l

    which g4lmenu

    which getopt

    which grep

    which gunzip

    which gzip

    which hostname

    which iostat

    which ipaddr

    which ipcalc

    which kill

    which lblank7

    which less

    which ln

    which login

    which ls

    which lzop

    which lzopcat

    which mdev

    which mkdir

    which mknod

    which more

    which mount

    which mpstat

    which mv

    which nbd-client

    which netstat

    which ntfs-3g

    which ntfs-3g.probe

    which ntfs-3g.secaudit

    which ntfs-3g.usermap

    which ntfscat

    which ntfsck

    which ntfsclone.txt

    which ntfscluster

    which ntfscmp

    which ntfsdecrypt

    which ntfsdump_logfile

    which ntfsfix

    which ntfsinfo

    which ntfsls

    which ntfsmftalloc

    which ntfsmount

    which ntfsmove

    which ntfsreloc

    which ntfstruncate

    which ntfswipe

    which ntpclient

    which openvt

    which pidof

    which ping

    which powertop

    which printenv

    which ps

    which pwd

    which rm

    which rmdir

    which sed

    which sh

    which sleep

    which startftpd

    which strings

    which stty

    which sync

    which tar

    which tcpsvd

    which telnetd

    which touch

    which true

    which udhcpc

    which umount

    which uname

    which unlzop

    which which

    which xg4l

    which xprogress

    which zexg4l

    which zxg4l

    which agetty

    which blkid

    which blockdev

    which dosfsck

    which e2fsck

    which ethtool

    which fdisk

    which freeramdisk

    which fsck

    which fsck.cramfs

    which fsck.ext2

    which fsck.ext3

    which fsck.ext4

    which fsck.ext4dev

    which fsck.jfs

    which fsck.minix

    which fsck.msdos

    which fsck.vfat

    which fsck.xfs

    which halt

    which hdparm

    which hwclock

    which ifconfig

    which init

    which insmod

    which jfs_fsck

    which jfs_fscklog

    which klogd

    which loadkmap

    which losetup

    which lsmod

    which lvchange

    which lvconvert

    which lvcreate

    which lvdisplay

    which lvextend

    which lvm

    which lvmchange

    which lvmconf

    which lvmdiskscan

    which lvmdump

    which lvmsadc

    which lvmsar

    which lvreduce

    which lvremove

    which lvrename

    which lvresize

    which lvs

    which lvscan

    which makedevs

    which mkdosfs

    which mke2fs

    which mkfs

    which mkfs.cramfs

    which mkfs.ext2

    which mkfs.ext3

    which mkfs.ext4

    which mkfs.ext4dev

    which mkfs.jfs

    which mkfs.minix

    which mkfs.msdos

    which mkfs.vfat

    which mkfs.xfs

    which mkswap

    which modprobe

    which mount.cifs

    which mount.fuse

    which mount.nfs

    which mount.nfs4

    which mount.ntfs

    which mount.ntfs-3g

    which mount.ntfs-fuse

    which nologin

    which ntfsclone

    which ntfscp

    which ntfslabel

    which ntfsresize

    which ntfsundelete

    which parted

    which pivot_root

    which poweroff

    which pvchange

    which pvck

    which pvcreate

    which pvdisplay

    which pvmove

    which pvremove

    which pvresize

    which pvs

    which pvscan

    which reboot

    which resize2fs

    which rmmod

    which route

    which rpcbind

    which sfdisk

    which swapoff

    which swapon

    which syslogd

    which tune2fs

    which umount.cifs

    which umount.nfs

    which umount.nfs4

    which vgcfgbackup

    which vgcfgrestore

    which vgchange

    which vgck

    which vgconvert

    which vgcreate

    which vgdisplay

    which vgexport

    which vgextend

    which vgimport

    which vgimportclone

    which vgmerge

    which vgmknodes

    which vgreduce

    which vgremove

    which vgrename

    which vgs

    which vgscan

    which vgsplit

    which watchdog

    which arping

    which awk

    which base64

    which basename

    which bc

    which beep

    which bootchartd

    which bunzip2

    which bzcat

    which bzip2

    which chvt

    which clear

    which cmp

    which cut

    which ddrescue

    which dd_rescue

    which dd_rhelp

    which deallocvt

    which dialog

    which dirname

    which dnsd

    which dnsdomainname

    which dos2unix

    which du

    which env

    which expr

    which fdformat

    which fgconsole

    which find

    which flock

    which fold

    which free

    which gpg

    which head

    which hexdump

    which hexedit

    which hostid

    which id

    which inetd

    which install

    which ip

    which ipcalc

    which iplink

    which iproute

    which iptunnel

    which jetcat-mod

    which killall

    which ldd

    which lddlibc4

    which length

    which loadfont

    which logger

    which logname

    which md5sum

    which mesg

    which mkfifo

    which modinfo

    which nano

    which nc

    which nslookup

    which pmap

    which printf

    which raidautorun

    which rdate

    which renice

    which reset

    which rev

    which scp

    which setkeycodes

    which setterm

    which smemcap

    which sort

    which split

    which ssh

    which stat

    which strace

    which tail

    which tee

    which telnet

    which test

    which time

    which top

    which tr

    which traceroute

    which tty

    which tune2fs.busybox

    which uniq

    which unix2dos

    which unxz

    which unzip

    which uptime

    which uudecode

    which uuencode

    which vi

    which vim

    which wc

    which who

    which whoami

    which xargs

    which xz

    which xzcat

    which yes

    which chroot

    which fbset

    which gpm

    which rpcinfo

    which aespipe

    which ftp

    which ncftp

    which ncftpget

    which ncftpls

    which ncftpput

    which sshfs

    which testdisk

    which testdisk-6.13WIP

    which fsarchiver

    which fsarchiver7

    which partimage

    which partimaged

    which udp-receiver

    which udp-sender

    A number of those files are little scripts that are not needs by g4l main

    On my system where the main g4l script works, I find that 56 files don't show
    in the which, some are mount support files that are there, but which does see
    as others.

    which: no bicode.o3

    which: no bkey

    which: no chkldd

    which: no cleandrive8

    which: no cleandrive8.dialog

    which: no dumpkmap

    which: no efg4l

    which: no exg4l

    which: no fdflush

    which: no fg4l

    which: no ftpd

    which: no g41

    which: no g4l

    which: no g4lmenu

    which: no iostat

    which: no ipaddr

    which: no lblank7

    which: no lzopcat

    which: no mdev

    which: no mpstat

    which: no nbd-client

    which: no ntfsclone.txt

    which: no ntfsreloc

    which: no ntpclient

    which: no powertop

    which: no startftpd

    which: no tcpsvd

    which: no telnetd

    which: no udhcpc

    which: no unlzop

    which: no xg4l

    which: no xprogress

    which: no zexg4l

    which: no zxg4l

    which: no freeramdisk

    which: no fsck.minix

    which: no klogd

    which: no loadkmap

    which: no makedevs

    which: no mkfs.minix

    which: no mount.ntfs

    which: no mount.ntfs-3g

    which: no mount.ntfs-fuse

    which: no syslogd in

    which: no umount.cifs

    which: no watchdog

    which: no bootchartd

    which: no dnsd

    which: no inetd

    which: no iplink

    which: no iproute

    which: no length

    which: no loadfont

    which: no raidautorun

    which: no smemcap

    which: no tune2fs.busybox

    I was thinking of making a setup option similar to memtest, which it would
    just put the kernel file, ramdisk.lzma file, and then add the lines to the
    lines to the grub.conf....

  • Michael Zintakis

    Why do I need to do it? Because I like to know what I am building/installing
    on my machine! In the "development" archive 98% of the files are binaries! So,
    how do I know what's in there?

    Besides, by building it from source I have a greater deal of flexibility to
    tailor the build to my own configuration/architecture/cpu etc.

    Reading your answer above, I take it I have to check all of the (s)bin
    directories to see what packages are used, is that what you are suggesting? Do
    you not know what packages are you using in your own project?

    What about the scripts, object files and executables in the root directory
    (xg4l, zexg4l,,, bicode.o3, cleandrive*, grldr,
    blank6.exe - to name just a few files scattered in the root directory)? What
    are they part of?

    There is also a directory in the development package called
    resources/g4lscripts, but that contains just g4l* scripts - I don't believe
    that is everything as far as the "g4l" package is concerned (no xg4l, zexg4l
    etc either). What else is needed to form just the g4l package?

  • Michael Setzer II

    What I presented is to see if you want to have all of the things that are
    included on the g4l build.

    The development kit is for building a custom CD image not to develop an RPM.

    You could also just take the g4l main script, and go thru it, and add only
    those programs that the options you use.

    I don't think you mentioned NTFSCLONE, which is for backing up ntfs

    The little scripts in the root directory, are mostly linked in the bin
    directory, but are just front end loaders to the main g4l script. ifcheck
    script is to setup the IP, but if you are booting from a running system, it
    has already setup the ip. The is to get the key files from an usb
    for use with the AESPIPE. The bicode.o3 is used to decrypt front end scripts
    that are downloaded via ftp. cleandrive scripts are to clear unused sectors
    for raw backups. blank6.exe is a dos/windows program to clear unused space.
    grldr is the grub4dos boot loader that can be used to run g4l from a ntfs

    The G4L main script is probable 99% of what the program is, and with the
    jetcat-mod it uses a number of other commands.

    ncftp, ntfsclone, dialog, dd, sed, etc.

    I once did a 64 bit rebuild of the g4l and the difference in speed was less
    than 1%.

    Don't know if there is something that could scan the g4l script, and pull out
    everything that is a program to list it. It would be a big job to go thru
    every line, and write down all the programs it uses?


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