
Is g4l able to...

  • biuro74

    biuro74 - 2007-06-15

    .. make a complete image of any partition including other data ?


    I've got a case: I have 1 computer and 2 the same disks. Target: to install everything from first disk on second one. Second disk is not formatted nor even partitioned (and I don't want to do this :))

    Question is: how to (if it's possible, of course) make a disk1 image to restore it further on disk2 ? I mean something like partition's files backup + partition table backup + MBR backup. I assume there are 2 partitions only (and is it better for that case purposes divide disk to 2 primary partitions, or pri + extended including logical ?).

    I'd like to have a identical copy of my first disk, like it were a RAID-1 mirror ;-) If I put it instead of disk1, I'd like to have the same in my system (including booting, bootloader and so on).
    Deleted portions of my data from disk1 can be converted to 0, it can be one and only difference ;-)


    • Michael Setzer II

      The Click and Clone option does just that, but note a few things.
      The second drive must be the same size or larger. Just being the same model doesn't mean they are the same size. I have a classroom that has all identical machines, but one of the drives comes up as having 32MB less than all the other drives. I use that one to create images to the others, since going from the smaller to larger works fine.

      Second note: You need to be sure that you are select the correct drives as source and target, since the system just copies the source to the target.

      If you use the click and clone, it creates an exact copy of everything on the source drive to the target drive. That includes the MBR, partition table, and all partitions.

      If you use local backup, you could create and format a partition on the second drive. Then you could make a local image file on the first drive or partitions on the first drive to the second. Those would be smaller, since they would be compressed images of the disk/partition, but would then have to be restored to a drive before they could be used. So, if you are looking at being able to swap the disks to get the machine up and running quickly, that is click and clone, since it only would require changed the master/slave jumpers on the drives.


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