
#22 Stuck keys when Tab combined with Command


Ast_A_Moore reports on WoS:

Sometimes, when switching away and to Fuse by using Command-Tab, the Tab key gets “stuck,” (as far as Fuse is concerned). As a result, the cursor changes rapidly between the K and E mode (similar to holding the Tab key or both the Option and the Shift key down). Command-Tabbing out of Fuse at this point will have no effect. Fuse will have to be relaunched.

In a similar fashion, sometimes Fuse will reject sending keypresses to the Spectrum after Command-Tabbing in and out of it. This can (occasionally) be remedied by, say, bringing up the Keyboard window (Command-K) and hiding it again (by pressing Command-K a second time). Yet a third scenario is when the emulated machine will interpret one either the SYMBOL SHIFT or the CAPS SHIFT key as stuck. Again, the only remedy at this point is to relaunch Fuse.

This doesn’t happen when I manually click the Fuse window, only when I Command-Tab to it.

Nothing interesting in Console to report.

NOTE: I just tried to replicate the bug without Command-Tabbing out of Fuse, but rather by pressing and holding the Tab key in Fuse and then pressing the Command key. Sure enough, the Tab key gets to be interpreted as “stuck” after three or four tries; sometimes even after the first try.

The Tab key can also be substituted with the Option and Shift keys, so it seems like it has more to do with how Fuse interprets the Command key itself.


  • Fredrick Meunier

    More from Ast_A_Moore:

    Press and hold the Tab key, wait for the cursor in the emulated machine (the 48k works best, naturally) and, while holding it down, briefly press and release the Command key. Then release the Tab key. It’s almost like mastering a video game. Once you get the hang of it, you can do it almost every time.

    They say “A screen capture is worth a thousand text-based bug reports.” So here’s a demonstration for you (with the Keyboard Viewer onscreen): “A Stuck Key in Fuse” attached.


    Last edit: Fredrick Meunier 2016-08-31
  • Fredrick Meunier

    • status: open --> pending
  • Fredrick Meunier

    I believe this is fixed in [r825].



    Commit: [r825]

  • Fredrick Meunier

    • status: pending --> closed


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