Sergio Baldoví - 2019-01-27

Hi Guesser,

Fuse doesn't support well two chained periherals that do RAM/ROM paging. In this case ZX Interface 1 -> ZX Interface 2 -> ZX Printer.

We need to order peripherals in a sensible way, module_romcs() currently apply the same order than startup_manager_module.

The inner peripheral should decide what to do when the outer peripheral and itself want to enable ROMCS at the same time, either yield precedence to outer peripheral or take the control.

The IF1 service manual states:

!ROMCS2 from Interface 2 would disable both ROM IC2 (Interface 1) and the Spectrum ROM, via isolating diodes D10 and D9 respectively.

Related to [bugs:#189].



Bugs: #189