
How to improve Freeplane better and faster

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  • Evan Rogers

    Evan Rogers - 2019-04-07

    Freeplane as project manager for FEATURE REQUESTS
    Add voting functionality to Freeplane

  • euu

    euu - 2019-01-25

    I wish there were some kind of fundraising for individual Feature Requests. I would be happy putting money on specific requests. It would be nice if each developer could put his price to each request that he thought he has the skill to work on.

  • quickfold

    quickfold - 2019-01-26

    I tried to bulk move and bulk delete the feature request tickets, but couldn't. Does anyone here know how to do it? Does it require moderator status or something?

    We have all talked a lot in this thread about how to improve the feature request system. I personally think that clearing out old requests is necessary to fix it going forward.

    Does anyone here know how to manage tickets well on Sourceforge? Are there ways for moderators to tag or classify requests? I'm sure all would appreciate efforts to improve the system.

  • Curt Hellwig

    Curt Hellwig - 2019-02-01

    Hello Developers,

    you make a great Job for Freeplane. I’m working every day with Freeplane.

    In earlier Releases Freeplane does not shift all nodes to the right, when I insert a new node at the left side of the central node. Alt+C is not the solution for me.

    Automatic centering to a node (Options) is not the solution for me, too. My eyes are strained by switching the whole Mindmap to central every time I point a node.

    For example, Freeplane Release 1.2.20 works fine for my Requirements.

    Thanks Curt

  • Justin

    Justin - 2019-03-08

    Have you considered creating a Patreon and/or a Liberapay account? You can have it at the project/organization-level, and collect/distribute funds to different main contributors however you wish. This is how Godot does it, to good effect. And community polls, to decide what to allocate resources towards.


    Last edit: Justin 2019-03-08
    • Dimitry Polivaev

      The question is rather not how to collect money than how to decide which features are real game changers.


      Last edit: Dimitry Polivaev 2019-03-08
  • Evan Rogers

    Evan Rogers - 2019-04-03

    Freeplane is a project.
    Freeplane is a tool implemented for project management,
    Could Freeplane use Freeplane to manage feature requests?
    There could be voting integrated.
    I have included an .mm made in Freeplane to share some thoughts. The map is not specifically about feature requests, but related.
    Please open and see what you think. Add anything you feel appropriate and reply with an attachment of the updated .mm
    I am new to Freeplane, just got it yesterday and love it so I apologize if I have overlooked features that already exist.
    I appreciate that the documentation and tutorial are on a map, seems like a good solution for what this post is asking.

  • quickfold

    quickfold - 2019-04-24

    I find this very sad. After a lot of new energy and discussion several months ago, it seems that no progress can be made because the ticket management system here doesn't allow us to delete and/or manage 10+ years of old feature requests, so it is impossible to create a useful system. Or the system does allow this but no one knows how it works.

    Obviously this project is not going to disappear overnight, but there is so much interest and goodwill here that is willing to help improve it, it is a huge waste that we just don't have an Internet platform to organize the discussion appropriately. I just cannot believe there is not some free or open solution for organizing a community discussion that genuinely wants to constructively communicate in a way to help make this project grow.

  • brainchild

    brainchild - 2019-04-24

    I think the conflict is whether 1) to find a single platform to solve every problem, though none that does so is yet identified, 2) to maintain the current platorm, though it appears inadequate for expanding needs, or 3) to separate concerns across several new platforms. The final option from this list is feasible, though not ideal according to certain tastes, and so appears to me to be the most acceptable among them. I can't say much on the topic beyond that which I already have said.

  • quickfold

    quickfold - 2019-04-29

    It looks like you can bulk edit and bulk delete tickets:

    If someone with admin status can look at these simple instructions I think we can move forward on improving the feature request system. If no one else wants to do it, I will if you want to give me the permissions I need to do it.

  • Ramon Bucher

    Ramon Bucher - 2019-06-01

    I'm a long time user but haven't contributed to the project yet. I don't know the project organization that much (eg. number of active developers) but it seems there are only a few developers and helpers. In my humble opinion I give you some thoughts:

    • The feature tracker as it is, is very very technical. So you're problem kind of starts there -> you will only get feature requests and upvotes from part of your user base which is technically versatile and very motivated
    • There seem to be people willing to help but they were unable because of lack of project organization or technical issues
    • Sourceforge is a developer tool and is as such by definition a "working tool", something you have to learn to use with lots of features made for its target use base (developers). It's probably not intended for end users.

    My suggestions:
    1. Have an easy to use, very accessible and very usable place for discussion for users of freeplane (must be cognitively easy to use, so end users will use it)
    2. Once a lively discussion has been established, you will see real user interest based on user activity
    3. "Remove"/hide sourceforge from the end user and only use it internally for developers. Transfer feature requests from the discussion place to the sf feature tracker for you to work on. This way you only have relevant feature requests.

    As for which place to use for discussion: reddit, facebook, twitter etc. I would probably not use another, easier to use discussion forum (eg. disqus). Keep using the sf discussion forum but more for internal or more complicated/developer things but let end users join the discussion with an easier platform altogether, something they already use.

    As for the transition. Let the core developers choose 20 most fun features they want to implement because, hey, you have to do the work, so why shouldn't it be fun! Then post these on the new discussion channels for people to discuss and to chime in. Then let's see what happens.

    And as a rule of thumb, for each 5 feature requests you implement, I would do some usability or accessiblity work to keep the software usable and attractive for new users. Otherwise it will get more and more complicated.

  • Andres Leon-Geyer

    Sorry, this is slightly off-topic, but wanted to say about something mentioned at the start = money. Dimitri, I am user of freeplane for really a lot of years, certainly more than a decade, and would be eager to contribute with a donation. I dont have a lot of money, but I earn something, in difference which when I started using freeplane as student. If I find a link fot that, I will send my economic regards, in some modest dosis :).

    • Andrew Brown

      Andrew Brown - 2020-07-13

      Dmitri wants to know what he should prioritise, and of course the answer
      that everyone gives him is either "Me! Me! The thing I care about!" or
      "There must be some piece of software that will solve the problem".

      Neither answer is satisfactory.

      There is another problem, too: not only does he not know what to start on,
      he doesn't know how to measure afterwards whether he had made the right
      choice. In commercial software, that's easy. You can tell if you've made
      something people want because they pay for it. The equivalent for free
      software, I suppose, is that they download it and use it.

      So, pick a feature that looks possible to implement and easy for the user
      to recognise. [Just as a suggestion, half a dozen pre-made templates for
      common use cases: note-taking, project planning ... the sorts of things
      that people write elaborate scripts for nowadays]
      Make sure that it is
      obvious in the UI. In my template example, you might have a menu entry, so
      that instead of just "New Mind Map" there would also be "New Meeting
      notes", "New Project plan", "New study plan" ...

      Put on the download page a big, simple explanation of why the new Freeplane
      is better for you than the old one and how it makes the user's life easier.

      See if downloads go up as a result. If they do, you can assume that it's a
      feature people wanted and can use.

      Rinse, repeat.

      Andrew Brown
      Writes for people
      mobile: +44-(0)7968-945618

      On Tue, 7 Jul 2020 at 21:45, Andres Leon-Geyer wrote:

      Sorry, this is slightly off-topic, but wanted to say about something
      mentioned at the start = money. Dimitri, I am user of freeplane for really
      a lot of years, certainly more than a decade, and would be eager to
      contribute with a donation. I dont have a lot of money, but I earn
      something, in difference which when I started using freeplane as student.
      If I find a link fot that, I will send my economic regards, in some modest
      dosis :).

      How to improve Freeplane better and faster

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