
This is our discussion forum since the 2014/06/20

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Unfortunately SourceForge has discontinued support for phpBB forum and mantis bug tracker for freeplane. We can use this forum for discussions and for bug reports and feature requests.

    We are working on restoring the old content.

    Regards, Dimitry


    Last edit: Dimitry Polivaev 2014-06-20
  • Antonimo

    Antonimo - 2014-06-20

    Hi Dimitry,

    Congratulations on Project of the Month!

    Is this a decision that Sourceforge has made only for Freeplane, or have they discontinued support for phpBB and Mantis for all projects?



    Last edit: Antonimo 2014-06-20
    • Dimitry Polivaev

      Is this a decision that Sourceforge has made only for Freeplane, or have they discontinued support for phpBB and Mantis for all projects?

      I think they are generally disabling hosted apps because they want all to use their internally
      developed tool allura.

  • Henk van den Akker

    Hi Dimitry,

    I automatically was subscribed to this discussion forum. I turned it of because I do not want to receive e-mail messages on all topics. But is it possible to subscribe to single topics? So far I did not find a way to do so.



  • Dimitry Polivaev

    There is a "follow this" button at the top of each topic. It means only one topic, not the whole forum.

    • Henk van den Akker

      The "Follow this" button is a rss feed, not an e-mail subscription.

      • Volker Börchers

        As most e-mail clients support rss feeds I think that's pretty close. If
        SF had to manage subscriptions to individual topics it had to keep a lot
        of data. It's wise of SF to let that up to the client via rss.



        Last edit: Volker Börchers 2014-06-28
        • Henk van den Akker

          Yeah, that makes sense. I do not have an e-mail client supporting rss feeds, but tried it in Feedly. However the feed did not show any of the forum messages. Did you see this working?


          • Dimitry Polivaev

            It turned out that RSS feeds in this forum do not work at all.
            We raised ticket .
            It is not clear whether and when it can be fixed.


            Yeah, that makes sense. I do not have an e-mail client supporting rss feeds, but tried it in
            Feedly. However the feed did not show any of the forum messages. Did you see this working?


  • Rigel

    Rigel - 2016-03-27

    Freeplane and Java. Are they still compatible?

    With oracle deprecating the java plugin, which is its consumer baby, is it time to start migrating freeplane to a new standard? I would like to present this early, as freeplane could take some time to port to another platform. If the plugin is being deprecated, it means microsft will probably move java into a legacy support state, which means that the OS will drop support for the API's except in enterprise editions. I think now would be a good time to look at a migration strategy for Freeplane.

    Cheers, Rigel

    • zipizap

      zipizap - 2016-03-27

      Rigel, dont take me wrong but I'm having doubts if this post could be made
      by a spam bot...

      In any case rest assured because java will continue to exist in windows in
      the future
      On 27 Mar 2016 09:09, "Rigel" wrote:

      Freeplane and Java. Are they still compatible?

      With oracle deprecating the java plugin, which is its consumer baby, is it
      time to start migrating freeplane to a new standard? I would like to
      present this early, as freeplane could take some time to port to another
      platform. If the plugin is being deprecated, it means microsft will
      probably move java into a legacy support state, which means that the OS
      will drop support for the API's except in enterprise editions. I think now
      would be a good time to look at a migration strategy for Freeplane.

      Cheers, Rigel

      This is our discussion forum since the 2014/06/20

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

  • ygyd

    ygyd - 2016-06-07

    It's possible to create bookmarks for file directories in map opening, saving window? (using 1.3* v., linux)

    • Volker Börchers

      Elaborate, please. Are you are looking for a possibility to make a node a bookmark for a file?

  • Felix Natter

    Felix Natter - 2016-06-10


    for saving there is Tools->Preferences->Environment->Save->Default save directory.
    I don't think there is a default directory for opening maps.

    Maybe your file chooser allows to create bookmarks? You can change the file chooser
    by changing the L&F (Tools->Preferences->Appearance->Look and Feel).

    Best Regards,

  • linuxuser123

    linuxuser123 - 2016-11-29

    Visibility of new posts


    I know it's not directly related to Freeplane, but as the Freeplane Forum is the only one I use on Sourceforge I post my question here. I had a search around within Sourceforge and on Google to find an answer. But couldn't find any.

    I'm used from other forums that there is a way to quickly access new posts. I just can't find that option on Sourceforge. It's obvious that the last post's time stamp within a thread is used for sorting the list of threads. Below the sticky posts it is of course. So I do know which thread got updated recently. But how do I find the actual post easily due to the fact that Sourceforge allows sub posts within a thread. If I have a thread spanning over plenty of pages do I really have to browse through all of them to find the recent post(s)?

    Am sure I've overlooked something...
    Any hint would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks :)

    • linuxuser123

      linuxuser123 - 2016-12-17

      Replying to my own post just in case someone else wonders...

      I opened a ticket with SourceForge Support. Unfortunately there is no method to filter posts by new (submittion date).

  • Randall Kelton

    Randall Kelton - 2017-10-15

    I need a programmer to add some functinality to Freeplane. I use Freeplane to capture an experts entier expertise on a particular subject, then deliver it back to the novice in the form of an onlinel, interactive questionnaire. For each node in the map I need a table in a database related to a parent table in the same relationship as the node is related to its parent node. I also need a folder in a folder structure with the same relationships.
    Anyone have any suggestions where I might look to find a programmer?