
Enhance Presentations in Freeplane

C Chiu
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  • Miguel Boyer

    Miguel Boyer - 2017-01-30

    Even more convinced than before.
    And the use you intend to do, as a standing professor that uses the tool to
    COMMUNICATE, well, the devs should appreciate it as an opportunity to
    expand the user base in a new way.
    The image of your moving ahead through freeplane with a remote while you
    perform your show in the classroom is appealing.


    Last edit: Dimitry Polivaev 2017-01-30
  • Leo Ram

    Leo Ram - 2017-01-30

    +1 +1 +1

  • Leo Ram

    Leo Ram - 2017-01-30

    The functionality suggested by Cadux would push Freeplane onto an even more respectable alternative as a presentation tool. If this is doable and the developers consider implementing it, the chances for FP to be viewed as a serious option for projecting to small, medium or large audiences in academic, scientific or business institutions would be considerable high. A good strategy to increase FP popularity.

    I would like to add that, although I am amazed at how fast and innovative the latest implementation has been evolving, and the great deal of effort devs have put into Freeplane not only in the presentation features, but also in some other equally interesting areas, there are still some aspects that I think should be enhanced and I hope you folks agree.

    For example, the assembly phase of a presentation should be streamlined by making it smoother and possibly more user-friendly. I like the last additions in this direction and think there's room for improvement (Wao! Dimitry, an amazing job).

    One enhancement that would be much welcomed would be reducing the "post assembly" steps. What I mean by this is an option in configuration that automates what I get once I press the "Present" button, or give alternatives to group possible combinations. For instance, an idea that comes to mind is making things like "Full screen mode" and "Presentation mode" --options that are currently available in the public build-- as something that will automatically get activated once I click on "Present", just to give an idea.

    VUE has an excellent approach to presentation, and it is the best idea I have seen so far, but the development is extremely slow and they seem not to be interested in user's suggestions nor getting rid of a bunch of bugs and quirks it has. A couple of videos on how VUE does this can be seen here:


    Last edit: Leo Ram 2017-01-31
  • C Chiu

    C Chiu - 2017-01-30

    I've looked at VUE before and the ideas are quite slick and novel but as most of my presentations have a 'story line', you tend to lose the thread when the path seems to go all over in a seemlingly chaotic fashion. That to me is the power of FP in that you not only show a selected 'slide' but the path on how you got there.

    If you look at many of the screen casts of FP demos, there is one big problem to me. They are very hard to read because of the size of the text when you highlight it. Even in FULL Screen mode.

    Of course you can change the zoom or the text size on the original map but the downside of that is that it blows out the size of the map making it harder to manage as you create it. The map creator needs to see more than the presentation audience.

    I've love to find a way to not only HIGHLIGHT the selected node as in Presentation Mode, but also enlarge the text size to make it more attention grabbing.

    I suppose you can apply a style to each node you visit to increase the FONT SIZE but that is clumsy and easy to get wrong when you're doing a live presentation.
    Is there a way to use Conditional Formatting to do this?


  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-02-01

    Extending the ideas on the "Immersive Presentation Mode", I've attached a snapshot, thinking it as an extention of the presentation tab (properties panel).

    I also commented the feature prototype in depth in this screencast:

    You will see the idea is very very simple, but IMO would improve a lot the presentation functionality in Freeplane.

    In essence, the "inmersive presentation mode" would bring the possibility to present your Freeplabe map more freely, even using a simple presentation remote device. You could speak to the audience walking, point to the screen with a laser pointer, and using a presentation remote navigating next/previous slides.

    If you need further info or clarification, let me know.


  • C Chiu

    C Chiu - 2017-02-02

    How does everyone use FP to present?
    Here is an example of how I do it.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.

    My audience usually love this over the typical powerpoints they usually have to watch.

    C Chiu

    • Miguel Boyer

      Miguel Boyer - 2017-02-03

      That's cool and surprising.

      Making so many slides with so little text makes you concentrate more on the
      language, the grammar, and less in the logical structure of your content.
      I think that the tool was originally designed to classify ideas, not to
      process discourse.

      In your presentation I feel you are using the tool to brake the language
      more than the logical structure of the world.

      Unexpected but interesting. Communication. You are exploring the thing.

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-02-03

    C Chiu, nice. I like it. It would be better if you didn't have to manually center and if, as you say, you had better control over what remains visible as you advance thru the presentation. I think that is where the presentation tab is nice.

    Miguel, I'm not sure what you mean RE lots of slides with small amounts of text. Isn't that pretty much like bullet points in powerpoint? They break up language, too. Which is good, since I don't like reading sentences and paragraphs in a presentation. That's really when boredom kicks in.

    I like to see a keyword summary while the presenter expounds on the point he/she is making (and at which I'm looking). Mindmaps have an added advantage, over powerpoint, of seeing the current point in a broader context (surrounding nodes) -- which further lessens the need for more text. If anything, I'd use fewer words.

  • C Chiu

    C Chiu - 2017-02-04

    Miguel, Ken: thanks for the feedback.
    Was hoping for a few more comments ...
    The way the presentation works is that if draws attention to the selected node and 'forces' them to focus on the strory line.

    I think all I need to make this work for me is to have an option to not fold the tree above until I hit a
    hot-key. This allows me to diplay 2 subtrees from the same level and see a clear comparison on the screen.
    Once that sub topic is complete, I can close them both with 1 key press.

    The manual repostition of the map might be solvable as well.
    At the moment, ALT-c is programmed to center the current selected node. If i could define a position on the left side of the map to where I want the selected node to be repositioned to, that would be way too cool. (.. just hoping ..)

    Ken, I played with Presentation mode for hours but I couldn't make it work the way I wanted and there is no PREVIEW option for the slide like Powerpoint has for me to check just exactly what will be displayed.

    It just seemed like a lot more work than the way I currently do it.

    C Chiu

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-02-04

    I played with Presentation mode for hours but I couldn't make it work the way I wanted and there is no PREVIEW option for the slide like Powerpoint has for me to check just exactly what will be displayed.

    If you click the "select" button in the presentation tab, you can see the nodes that are selected for the slide. That may or may not be what actually shows on the slide at presentation time, depending on folding you have done in the map during the presentation. So it may or may not do what you want.

    I, too, would like something more like "preview" rather than/additional to "select".

    I tried out several of the major mindmap programs using their trial offers. Each one has its own quirks. Some were like herding a bunch of spiders.

    I think all I need to make this work for me is to have an option to not fold the tree above until I hit a
    hot-key. This allows me to diplay 2 subtrees from the same level and see a clear comparison on the screen. Once that sub topic is complete, I can close them both with 1 key press.

    Maybe thru scripting, but I'm too script-stupid to be of much help.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I would like to comment some points on the video created by Colin (C Chiu).
    1. Thank you very much for sharing the video with me and with the community.
    2. Colin does not use slides and presentations but just lets unfold nodes one by one using old good feature called "show next presentation item".
    3. I would not use this feature too often, im my eyes showing all child nodes at once can be less distractive because you can longer talk about the same content without changing the visual part. I would use this item only in some particular complex cases with deep thoughts, and for instance not to communicate messages like "practice, practice, ... practice".
    4. I am curious to see a real talk like the one with Sandro Mancuso I shared.
    5. In the bext Freeplane preview "show next presentation item" is renamed to "show next presentation item (fold)". A new "show next presentation item" does not fold other nodes any more as you requested.

    • C Chiu

      C Chiu - 2017-02-05

      Hi Dimitry,
      I can't tell you how much I appreciate this small subtle enhancements.
      I love it !!!!!

      When I get time, I will put together a short video where you will see how useful it can be when explaining things to your audience.

      The Practice practice practice reference in my other demo is just used for emphasis.
      It is no different that using BOLD or HIGHLIGHT in a document - but has quite a different effect when you both say it and show the words on screen at the same time.

      I've had to learn quiet a few tricks like this to make my presentation both be memorable and effective. To me the main thing is that you have to keep everyone's attention, keep them interested and off their smartphones.

      I usually unfold a story which is easier for them to follow and FP is my #1 tool to do this.
      With your latest changes - it is even better.

      On what NOT TO DO in presentations or Powerpoint - you can enjoy this video

      Life After Death by Powerpoint 2010 by Don McMillan

      C Chiu

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-02-05

    I just added 3 feature request tickets RE the presentation tab.

    2340 presentation tab . press new presentation , new slide - focus go to edit box
    2341 presentation tab . hotkeys for common buttons
    2342 presentation tab . multiple presentations in a "script"

    I think these would add to the useability of the presentation tab.

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-02-05

    Many thanks for the developement of the feature:
    Optional presentation automatics "processesUpDownKeys", "switchToFullScreen", "switchToPresentationMode"

    Overall its is already working great in v1.6.1_07, and it follows an issue I'm having and a couple of further minor suggestions:

    a) The issue (bug?) is with "processesUpDownKeys".
    By pressing Down key, the slide jump from first to last; by pressing Up it jumps from last to first slide. The issue is showed in this screen-recording:

    b) Other point is regarding the place "Optional presentation automatics" are available, deep inside "preferences>behavior". Having in mind usability and to assemble in same place the "presentation automatics" options, it sounds the presentation tab fits those options better. Even because I think the user tends to change often the "Optional presentation automatics". So having the options visible at first sight would make easier to set/run/delivrey the presentation. I've attached a suggestion for the presentation tab having "presentation automatics" header.

    c) I'd suggest "center node automatically" to be included as an additional option into "Optional presentation automatics".

    Many thanks for the feature indeed!

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2017-02-05

    I like the way the new icons look. Even zoomed in the icons look great. This is going to make presentations much nicer.

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