
Simple search and escape

  • Joseph Reagle

    Joseph Reagle - 2016-12-20

    I can see the search and filter featureset is very sophisticated, but I'm having difficulty with a simple use case: find some text in a node and navigate from there using the keyboard.

    Presently, I press command-g, type my query, hit return, it takes me to the first node. To search again, I hit command-g again, hit return, and I find the second. Repeat. If I find the node I want, and if I want to navigate to its child, the keyboard won't do that, the arrow keys instead moves the whole map left or right. Hitting escape doesn't put me in node navigation mode; instead, I have to reach for the mouse and click on a node.

    What I'd like is to hit a command-key, type in my search+return, then hit another command-key to move forward through matches; when I'm where I want to be, cursor keys naturally moves the selection to different nodes.


  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-12-20

    If I understand your issue, I had this problem, too. I had been pressing ctrl-F twice. Someone suggested pressing alt-leftArrow (previous node) then immediately pressing alt-rightArrow (next node).

    These are just work arounds to avoid having to mouse click.

    I logged a bug ticket -

  • Joseph Reagle

    Joseph Reagle - 2016-12-20

    Yes Ken, sounds like the same thing. I've been hitting enter twice (to select/unselect node for editing) so as to exit pan mode and enter node navigation mode.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I am not sure if you mean the same thing. Ctrl f usually is filter toolbar and ctrl g is actually obsolete find dialog. And issue reported by Ken I could never reproduce. If you hit enter in the filter toolbar field again you get the next matching node.

    • Ken Hill

      Ken Hill - 2016-12-20

      I just went to the bug ticket and can see no indication it is closed. What should I be looking for?

      There was a user confirmation on this thread:

  • Joseph Reagle

    Joseph Reagle - 2016-12-21

    I use ctrl-g because once I enter the string the dialog goes away and I can use my shortcuts for continue forward/backward. (But I am then trapped in pan mode.)

    ctrl-f has the virtue of allowing me to do node navigation with the arrow keys, but while I'm searching, I can't go to the previous match. If you do assign a hotkey for "find previous" (e.g., alt-j) the alt-j character ends up being entered in the search dialog!
    Of course, maybe I'm not getting the finding mechanism from the start, but I find it confusing.