
#106 Embedded attachments


First, I would like to say that freemind is a thing I always want to
use, but didn't know that it's exists :). Thank you, guys for
excelent work.

My wish: I think it would be very nice feature to have an ability
to attach an external file into the xml map itseld not by link to a
file. This will allow users to store and backup the map file only
regardless of exisiting of attached file on the disk.
It seems that this is not hard to implement but will be very useful

Thank you.


  • jzelno

    jzelno - 2011-04-25

    I would also like to see files embedded in the mm file, especially pictures. Embedding custom icon files would also be great (perhaps as an option, similar to the way MS Word can embed truetype fonts into a document)

  • dave

    dave - 2012-09-26

    I would also like to see this functionality

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-12-09

    Definitely useful; please go for it:)

  • kindlychung

    kindlychung - 2015-01-04

    This is something that I badly want. Xmind can do this.

  • Pmdls

    Pmdls - 2015-08-31

    I would like to see this implemented too

  • chris

    chris - 2018-04-20

    I would like this feature

  • Tiyo Widi Prasetyo

    Yes, me too! It'd be great if we can attach file (notepad, word, excel, powerpoint) to nodes..


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