Anonymous - 2011-06-10

I have recently been given the opportunity to build a huge departmental training and certification program from the ground up for a major tech company. I was excited to take on the challenge, but worried about how I was going to organize the enormous amounts of information involved. Having designed courseware for some time, I had an image in my head of my dream application. It would allow me to easily get a visual overview of the organization of topics within a course, then click on a topic to modify its contents in isolation, ensuring that I don't go off on tangents when writing.

By treating each node in my map as a topic, and using icons to identify special cases like callouts, non-topic subdivisions of a topic, etc (I have a script that takes these into account and outputs book-like html instead of a map), I am 75% of the way to having that dream application (and just filed an RFE that would get it closer to 85%)! ;)

It's not exactly a conventional use, but it's been a HUGE time-saver, and I'm sure that my courseware is more organized and concise than it would be otherwise. If FreeMind were a commercial product or you accepted donations, I would gladly pay money for it. Thank you so much!!