
printing notes

  • Patrick

    Patrick - 2008-01-24


    I'm wondering how to do something that would seem to me to be pretty basic: I've written lots of notes attached to nodes, i.e. the nodes have specific terms to be defined and the notes have their definitions. But I can't seem to print out the notes when I print the mind map. Isn't there some way to print the notes?


    • andres

      andres - 2008-03-06

      Maybe I am overlooking some function or command in Freemind but, given the lack of answers to your question and from my own experience trying to print the notes, I would conclude that, unfortunately, it is (at least for the time being?) not possible to print them (I have tried to do this with Word and OpenOffice and also with html, flash, etc., formats).

      • Christian Foltin


        with 0.9.0 Beta16 I can export the map as clickable image html and get all the notes. The same should be true for OOo, I think.
        Which version do you use?


    • andres

      andres - 2008-03-06

      I forgot to mention how I now manage to print the notes: I do not use the Note window, but I replace it by an extra sub-node "Notes".
      I simply add an extra node (with the label "Notes") to each node I want to add notes, and then I add to this sub-node as much (sub-)sub-nodes as needed. The notes are then printed (in Word or OpenOffice) under the title Nodes (this way of including notes has thus certain advantages, at least for the moment). Instead of the icon Note in the parent node, I insert another icon (a clip, pen, etc.) so that I do not overlook the notes when the nodes are folded.
      Maybe a primitive solution, but it works very well for me.

    • Christian Foltin

      Verified with OOo, too.

    • andres

      andres - 2008-03-07

      Hi Chris,
      1) many thanks for your help. You are right; the notes (0.9.0 Beta16) are indeed included when the map is exported to xhtml (clickable map image version) or to OpenOffice (2.3.1). My apologies if I have induced some people to think otherwise.
      2) I have a question now: when exporting to OOo, is there a way you can select the OOo template before you export from the map? The map is exported by freemind automatically to the standard default template in OOo, and not to the user's default template. I have set my own default template, but freemind keeps exporting to the standard default template (which cannot be changed and is very different from my own default template).

      • Christian Foltin


        currently, you can only introduce your template into the xsl.

        HTH, Chris

    • andres

      andres - 2008-03-10

      Chris, thanks for your answer. I cannot, unfortunately, use xsl. Never mind;for the moment I am busy discovering what Freemind can do for me, and that is really a lot: I just discovered that I can insert my bibliography in Zotero directly as a node in Freemind, just by selecting it in Zotero and dragging it with the mouse to Freemind! I reproduced in Freemind the structure of my bibliography in Zotero and I now have an helicopter view of it, with graphical links for the entries I consider relevant. Wow! That is really helpful. So: many thanks to you and your colleagues!

    • andres

      andres - 2008-03-11

      In relation to my question "when exporting to OOo, is there a way you can select the OOo template before you export from the map?":
      I just saw that OpenOffice has now an extension (add-on) that allows to change the templates of your file (
      I can now export my Freemind map to Openoffice (where it takes the default template)and then, by applying this Template-changer add-on, I get automatically the exported file in the OOo format I choose. Fantastic!

    • andres

      andres - 2008-03-16

      In relation to the themes handled in this thread, I found this link, with an interesting discussion about the possibilities offered by an integration of Freemind, Zotero and OpenOffice:


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