
Embedding Images

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I know I can link to an image, but can I actually paste/embed an image into FreeMind? I've used these different lines of html but still receive a node with an arrow and a broken graphical icon.

    <html><body><img src="colorwheel.JPG"</body></html>

    <html><img src="colorwheel.JPG"</html>

    <html><body><img src="F:\FreeMind\colorwheel.JPG"</body></html>

    <html><img src="F:\FreeMind\colorwheel.JPG"</html>

    • Susanne

      Susanne - 2005-04-23

      Ok, I'm registered now. Just wanted to stop being a 'nobody'!

    • Christian Foltin


      your html is broken:
      <html><img src="colorwheel.JPG"></html>


      PS: Isn't there a menu item for graphics? should be...

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        There _is_ a menu item and a keyboard shortcut (Alt-K).

        With HTML you can do a lot more, like setting the width, height and border. You can combine text and images. You can.... wow, there is so much you can do!

        HTML makes freemind my favorite toy ...errr... tool.

    • Susanne

      Susanne - 2005-04-23

      Thanks! Fixed the html . . . still just a red arrow and a broken graphical icon

      • Christian Foltin


        next problem is, that FM does not find the image.
        try to give a complete path, but in url style, i.e.
        open your image in a browser (not internet exploder) and copy the url. Should be something like:

        Yours, Chris

    • Susanne

      Susanne - 2005-04-24

      Ok - got it. FreeMind is awesome!!


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