
FreeMind Version 1.0.0 RC4

  • Christian Foltin

    Dear FreeMind users,

    the (hopefully) last release candidate R4 before realasing version 1.0.0 is available under

    Main differences:
    * On creating a new clone, it can be decided, whether or not it should be fully cloned, or only the children are cloned.
    * Folding/Unfolding can be done by a button at the folding circle

    If you plan to add a translation, then hurry up.

    Have fun,


    The complete list of changes:

    Changes made in FreeMind 1.0.0 RC 4
    * New: page up/down moves cursor only one page, if there are many nodes to the same parent
    * Fix for bug report 1140: Link to parent in Branch As New Map is incorrect. Thanks to Alexandre.
    * Fix: update map as changed on disk question for hidden maps fixed.
    * Fix: cancel the edit of existing nodes inside geographical maps deleted the node
    * Standard styles can be translated 
    * New: Clone types can be chosen: complete synchronization or children-only-cloning
    * Fix: #1145 freemind does not close files after export 
    * Fix: #1142 "ant dist" stoped working on linux after commit. Thanks to Alexandre
    * New: folding button for easier folding added.
    * Fix: #1146 Erroneous folding symbol created

    Last edit: Christian Foltin 2013-06-01
    • Joshua Moore

      Joshua Moore - 2013-06-08

      Sehr geehrte Freemind Nutzer,

      Der (hoffentlich) letzte release candidate R4 vor Voröffentlichung der
      Version 1.0.0 steht bereit unter:


      Beim kreieren eines neuen Klons kann entschieden werden ob es vollständig
      geklont werden soll, oder nur die Kinder.

      Falten/Entfalten kann durch einen Knopf am Faltkreis erreicht werden.

      Falls Sie vorhaben eine Übersetzung beizutragen, dann beeilen Sie sich.

      Viel Spaß,


      • On creating a new clone, it can be decided, whether or not it should be
        fully cloned, or only the children are cloned.
      • Folding/Unfolding can be done by a button at the folding circle

      If you plan to add a translation, then hurry up.

      Have fun,


      The complete list of changes:

      Changes made in FreeMind 1.0.0 RC 4
      New: page up/down moves cursor only one page, if there are many nodes to
      the same parent
      Fix for bug report 1140: Link to parent in Branch As New Map is
      incorrect. Thanks to Alexandre.
      Fix: update map as changed on disk question for hidden maps fixed.
      Fix: cancel the edit of existing nodes inside geographical maps deleted
      the node
      Standard styles can be translated
      New: Clone types can be chosen: complete synchronization or
      Fix: #1145 freemind does not close files after export
      Fix: #1142 "ant dist" stoped working on linux after commit. Thanks to
      New: folding button for easier folding added.
      Fix: #1146 Erroneous folding symbol created

      On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Christian Foltin wrote:

      Dear FreeMind users,

      the (hopefully) last release candidate R4 before realasing version 1.0.0
      is available under

      Main differences:
      On creating a new clone, it can be decided, whether or not it should be
      fully cloned, or only the children are cloned.
      Folding/Unfolding can be done by a button at the folding circle

      If you plan to add a translation, then hurry up.

      Have fun,


      The complete list of changes:

      Changes made in FreeMind 1.0.0 RC 4
      New: page up/down moves cursor only one page, if there are many nodes
      to the same parent
      Fix for bug report 1140: Link to parent in Branch As New Map is
      incorrect. Thanks to Alexandre.
      Fix: update map as changed on disk question for hidden maps fixed.
      Fix: cancel the edit of existing nodes inside geographical maps deleted
      the node
      Standard styles can be translated
      New: Clone types can be chosen: complete synchronization or
      Fix: #1145 freemind does not close files after export
      Fix: #1142 "ant dist" stoped working on linux after commit. Thanks to
      New: folding button for easier folding added.
      Fix: #1146 Erroneous folding symbol created

      FreeMind Version 1.0.0 RC4

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    • Carl Brusse

      Carl Brusse - 2013-07-04

      Just want to say thanks so much for the full-cloning feature/option. This is a wonderful software project and the active, engaged development process is an exemplar for open source software.

    • Carl Brusse

      Carl Brusse - 2013-07-04

      Aesthetic suggestion: try doubling or trippling the speed at which the folding circle shrinks after use, it might make it less visually distracting and look more 'snappy'?

    • qadex

      qadex - 2013-08-28
      1. With respect to the bubbles that have generated so much discussion. I'm OK with them but found them visually confusing until I figured them out. I thought the minus sign was dividing the bubble into two targets. I think it would be clearer if the plus and minus did not extend all the way to the circle. making them bolder than the circle would also help.

      2. I also like the free floating node idea.

      3. When a node (A) is moved to the left of the root, it would be nice if its children were to the left of the node (A) so they don't overlap the branch line. Another way to say this is consider making the branch to a child node always point away from the root.

      4. It would be helpful to be able to move a node independently from all the other nodes, that is without the other nodes (other than the nodes children) moving in response. Typically the adjustments that siblings make are not what I want and I end up going back and forth a lot trying to the map compact, but with a little extra space between a node's children and its sibling's children.

      5. support for footnotes that would be normally visible, as opposed to notes which are visible on hover, would be great.



      Last edit: qadex 2013-08-30
  • Alex

    Alex - 2013-06-03

    "Folding/Unfolding can be done by a button at the folding circle"

    There needs to be a way to disable this. It's extremely annoying to have the circles expand when mousing over them. This isn't a feature I would ever use, and aesthetically I find it very not good.

    Also, the circles don't look right when using the newest version of Java on OS X. They look more like triangles, even though antialiasing is enabled:

    For comparison, here is what .9.0 looks like when running on the same system:

    The old version looks much better than the new version. Also, is there a way to disable the html editor from being used when saving nodes with HTML in them? I also find this extremely annoying and haven't found any way to disable it, other than just leaving out the html tag at the beginning of a code snippet. It drives me insane though when I enter in a long chunk of code, and then suddenly it's basically all lost and I need to reenter it because FreeMind has decided to add a bunch of crap to it without consulting me.

    Sorry for being negative, I'm actually a huge FreeMind supporter, and a few months ago wrote a blog post about it that got 20,000+ reads:


    Last edit: Alex 2013-06-03
    • Christian Foltin

      Hi Alex,

      don't you like the functionality or the look?

      Br, Chris

  • Alex

    Alex - 2013-06-06


    I personally don't like either. For me the look and functionality (or lack thereof) of the bubbles in .9.0 was perfect.

    There is a principle in graphic design that if you're going to stray from some archetype/rule/pattern, you want to stray far enough from it that people instantly know it's intentional. When I look at these icons, it looks like it's supposed to be a circle that just isn't getting rendered correctly. (Another example of this rule would be that it's ok to have a magazine headline that's slanted at, say, 50 degrees off from horizontal, but if it's at 2 degrees off from horizontal then it just looks unprofessional/broken.)

    In terms of functionality, I find it distracting and unnecessary. It might make sense as a default option when exporting mindmaps for the web, where a large percentage of users may have never seen FreeMind before and where most people hit the back button in less than 2 seconds if they don't instantly 'get' something. But for the desktop app, where users are actually doing significant amounts of work for years on end, it doesn't make any sense to me since it only takes 10 seconds to figure out how to expand nodes the first time you use the program, and then after that it's always easier/cleaner to either use the keyboard or else click on the node text directly.


    Last edit: Alex 2013-06-06
  • Philip Wobst

    Philip Wobst - 2013-06-12

    Hi Christian,

    thanks for the new version - good work!
    I have an issue with the notes for a node when you copy the parent node. The child node has a comment and this is shown with the little editor icon. If you now copy and paste the parent the new child node does not have an editor button although the notes were copied correctly. Only after changing the notes will the editor button appear.
    To reproduce:
    - create nodes 1 and 2
    - create node A as a child of 1
    - create node A1 as a child of A
    - enter a note for A1 - the editor icon should appear
    - copy node A and paste it into node 2
    - the two nodes should now look the same but the node 2->A->A1 does not have the editor icon shown.

    Hope you can reproduce this and if you have any questions please let me know.

  • Gill

    Gill - 2013-06-14

    Hi everyone

    • i seem to have lost my whole message that i put so much effort writing, so excuse me for being very short and going right to the points. Also, if i come off as negative and complaining, ignore it, im only going to provide my personal opinion on the matter (i am a little angry at this point since the message i lost cost me some effort)

    great job on the program. For me RC4 really made a big difference. I cant thank you enough for listening to my personal request of having 2 types of cloning. I appreciate the fact that i can choose which cloning method i can use for individual nodes. Exactly what i needed, perfect. THANK YOU.
    I like the circle buttons a lot as well, really. Its useful for me actually.

    I have some suggestions. Whether you (devs) agree they are good ideas or not, ill let that decision on you. Im writing up list of things I think need improving.

    • direct node selection method
      when having node with subnodes, mose click wont open the node for edit, but unfolds the tree. Not a bug, but i believe its actually an anti-feature. Now that we have those circle buttons for folding i think it makes a lot of sense to tweak direct selection method. What id like to see is the same behavior for nodes that have and dont have children, currently the behavior is inconsistent.

    • changing all instances of certain icon
      is this possible? something like this would be handy. Not necessarily big deal

    • graphical customization
      lets face it - freemind is user-unfriendly in this aspect. Compare with Mindmeister. Freeemind needs some semitransparent floating window to quickly apply quick styles for nodes and subbranches.
      simple font color, bgr color, border color, border width and rectangle vs elipse node style would be enough.

    • splitting inserted text into multiple nodes based on text formatting
      i think there is something like this in Freemind but silly me dont know how to use it. Though having the app ask me if i want to split my inserted text when i hit CTRL+V would make things more fluent.

    now the big guns

    • nodes without relationship. Simple floating nodes. My brain needs this. Mindmapping without this is like using paralyzed hand. I realize actually implementing this could be nightmare.

    now the game changer

    • ability to display map from any node's perspective.
      Simply put, being able to put any node as root node. Not really, just for displaying map. Why this didnt matter before is because you dont really need this unless you can clone nodes. But it would still be interesting.

    But the moment you can clone nodes things change. Say i need to see all clones of my nod. How can i find them? How can i see all the relationships all the clones have?

    The feature im requesting is simple and groundbreaking.
    In a no-clones scenario, imagine we have a map with A = root, B, C, D are children of A and Ba and Bb are children of B:


    lets display the map from the point of view of D (meaning D=root):


    now A will be subnode of D and thats it. A should be unfoldable and able to display its contents. Like i did.
    It is important to note that i excluded duplicating the nod D and didnt put it as subnode of A. Whether this is the right way - i really dont know right now.

    lets do the same for nod Bb:


    Notice the problem here. Sibling of Bb, the Ba is now sibling of A! This is because parent node and children node of a node have the same distance from this node and this inverted perspective map only shows the 'distances' between nodes. This is the only problem i see with this feature. Should it be able to distinguish between originally parent/children of the node? I think yes.

    Nice things start to happen for cloned nodes. Lets imagine scenario where we have 2 clones of the node C and root A


    now in a big map with folded branches, the clone of C will probably get lost somewhere. But lets put the mind from perspective of C:


    Now A and B are subnodes of C exactly because both are parents of C. We must consider all C clones to be equal.
    This is enourmously insightful feature. It changes mindmap from static tree with static root into centre-less net where all that matters is the 'distance' between nodes and user can change the whole perspective. This would make cloned nodes shine.
    As i said there is one big problem with this whole thing. Distinguishing between original content and inverted relationship. I am not sure that original children of a node should become siblings of its parent's parent when the perspective becomes flipped. There needs to be a visual difference so we know what is a simple flipped relationship and what is original content of a node.

    im including attachment, where i am better showcasing what happens when you change the perspective of the view on the map to that from a cloned node (C)

    As to why would anyone use this feature, let me demonstrate:

    ->my multimedia
    --->my top
    --->why i like games
    ---->good story
    --->my top
    --->why i like movies
    --->my worst

    • now notice i have cloned content. For example game1.
      Now lets put the map around and display it from perspective of game1.

    -->good story
    ->my top

    I hope my explanation made sense and it is clear how this feature could be very helpful with using clones and bringing all relationships of all clones into one place for someone to nicely see stuff. Needless to say, this display mode should still retain editing capabilities.

    once again good job. Just considering what i said will be enough. Any back-feedback would be appreciated.


    Last edit: Gill 2013-06-14
  • br_shadow

    br_shadow - 2013-06-28

    I strongly agree with Gill's suggestion, A floating node is certainly a very mportant feature to be considered.

  • Clive Sabey

    Clive Sabey - 2013-06-28

    Bug ...

    The keyboard short cut ..


    has been assigned twice - View Menu and Paste Format. Hope this helps. Clive

  • Techno.Scavenger

    First off, thanks for the great software.

    I also don't like the bubble feature. That was the first thing I was trying to disable. It is also not consistent. Sometimes it shows the small bubble, sometimes it does not. When it does show the small circle, it shows up weird.

    I got hesitant to recommend RC4 for use by my colleague due to the bubble thing - the product does not look professional.

  • Landis

    Landis - 2013-07-01

    I think RC4 is FANTASTIC. I acutally really do like the TARGET CIRCLE feature (is this what is refered to as "the Bubble" - I expect so). It is a lot easier to see and deal with and makes me much quicker navigating the live document.

    I have not exported or anything, and I would really like a the ability to have the Notes be edited and reside somewhere else than the bottom of the screen.

    But all in All - Great Work. I find that RC4 is much more efficient for me than .9.
    Thank you.


    Last edit: Landis 2013-07-01
  • Techno.Scavenger

    One more thing about the bubble (target circle), is that it does not show up on bigger maps. I have a map that is 110KB in size that I use daily. There is no way for me to see if there are sub-node as it only shows a line - no more circle/bubble. It seems to work on smaller files.

  • Andrew

    Andrew - 2013-07-11

    Don't like the change in the PDF export between 0.9 and 1.0 RC4.

    In 1.0 RC4, you have to specify the PDF page size and orientation and you only get European choices (yes, there are US users out there). You have to guess what the best fit will look like. Results can be a small mind map on a large page if you guess wrong.

    In 0.9, the PDF page size was a best fit (cropped?) to the mind map. Non-standard page sizes didn't make sense at first, but worked really well. Adobe Reader and other PDF viewers will fit the PDF page to the printer's page, so the PDF page size doesn't really matter. If you are only viewing it, you don't get any extra white space. If you want to print it, you don't have to make the paper decision until you actually print. Adobe Reader's "Fit" option makes sure that white space is minimized on whatever paper size you use.

  • Alex

    Alex - 2013-07-18

    I just ran into a bug where FreeMind wouldn't let me scroll down by clicking a blank area and dragging up, the way it normally works. It worked when all the nodes were closed, but once I had three levels open (which resulted in the screen looking mostly like a wall of text), I was getting a rubber banding error where every time I tried to scroll down the map would bounce back up. Minimizing and expanding the nodes did not fix this, however restarting FreeMind did. I have not been able to reproduce it, perhaps because FreeMind was probably open for several days when this happened.

    edit: This was in RC4 on OS X


    Last edit: Alex 2013-07-20
  • Carl Brusse

    Carl Brusse - 2013-07-26

    Hi, I've got another issue to report with clone nodes. (definitely a bug this time)

    I'm working with a large mm and 'fully cloned' nodes. However the behaviour of these nodes seems to revert to 'children only' after a day or two. So I copy and clone a childless node, and physical styles changes are initially mirrored as expected (and this persists between saves and Freemind sessions), however none of the ones from previous days persist in being full clones - physical style changes are no longer mirrored.

  • Holger Schulz

    Holger Schulz - 2013-08-04

    "Folding/Unfolding can be done by a button at the folding circle"

    First of all I want to thank for this great peace of software. I'm using it for a very long time now and although I have iMindmap and Mindmanager I'm using freemind most of the time.

    But as Alex Krupp already menssioned this feature realy disturbing. It doesn't add anything to the functionality of the programm but is very distracting to the user.

    I have gone back to the last version and I hope this feature can be disabled in future versions.

  • Kai

    Kai - 2013-08-30

    Thanks for this new version - cloning is fantastic. I have discovered two bugs in RC4 though:
    1) When applying a filter, the small circles introduced for folding/unfolding nodes is still visible for all hidden nodes. Thus the display with a filter on is quite odd, as all the bubbles are still on the screen in the whitespace.
    2) A bug that occurs quite frequently, but can not be reproduced 100% of the time: I use a flash-drive to work on a mind map on two computers. Both have the 1.0.0RC4 installed. When I open the map that was edited last on the other PC the whole initially loaded screen is fuzzy. When I scroll away and back to the part the problem is gone. If you want a screenshot please send me a mail, I can send one via email.

  • Christian Foltin

    Hi, yes a screenshot would be nice. And thanks for the bug report.

    TIA, Chris

    • Kai

      Kai - 2013-09-03

      Hi Chris,
      I found one more minor issue: The folding (-) is displayed in the root at an odd position and has no effect. Screenshots to all 3 problems I discovered can be found in one uploaded zip file at:
      If you have more questions, please feel free to ask. Many thanks for the development and your effort! Kai


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