
Windows Surface RT - Unlocked and Running

  • sharepointuser01

    Hey guys,

    I started playing with a unlocked Widows Surface RT. With a few tweeks I think we can make Freemind run just fine on the platform. Right now the only problem I see if it throws a few windows registry errors while running but other wise is looking good. I'm gonna start testing with some of my maps and see what challenges I find.

    Here is a picture of it running

    • John McManus

      John McManus - 2014-03-20

      Hi, I use freemind extensively and have only recently bought a surface RT. I'd appreciate any help you could provide in relation to instruction for installing java and freemind, as it'd make the rt very useful, if I had freemind running on it.

      Cheers, John

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    How have you done it? I thought Java generally did not run on Windows RT.

    Regards, Dimitry

  • sharepointuser01

    There is nothing preventing Java from running on the RT besides microsoft disallowing unsigned apps. Anything that can run on a ARM processor will run. Bryan from another forums is doing some testing and I think I'll be posting a how to shortly after I get drop box working.

  • sharepointuser01

    After some testing, My large uncomplex maps work fine. My maps with encrypting and html I am having some problems with as I get lots of standard errors on them. I'm sure a pro could look at it and say.. Oh yeah. Yet for me just having the basic mind map functions is enough for me.

  • sharepointuser01

    Thats what I was using at the time, but it wasn't able to do everything. Just view a few basic maps. Where the improvements to IKVM with Freemind that I don't know about?


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