
Bounty for fixing retina mac support

  • Jacob Lyles

    Jacob Lyles - 2016-06-21

    Hi. I love freemind. I love macs. These two loves have been in conflict for some time due to a bug with freemind displaying the typing cursor at the wrong position on retina macs. For example, see here:

    I find I can mitigate the problem on short nodes by switching to a monospace font. But the cursor position on long nodes is still way out of wack.

    I'd like to offer the developer who fixes this bug $20 through bitcoin or paypal. Would anybody else like to join me in raising the bounty?

    Please contact me at first name dot last name at gmail to claim the bounty.


    Last edit: Jacob Lyles 2016-06-21
  • Joseph Reagle

    Joseph Reagle - 2016-07-20

    Thanks for doing this! I agree, annoying problem that I mostly get around by using Arial 14pt at 100%.

  • Linden

    Linden - 2016-07-20

    I would chip in $20 for fixing this and general Mac improvements.

  • Jacob Lyles

    Jacob Lyles - 2017-11-01

    I am raising my bug bounty to $150. I will offer $150 by bitcoin or paypal to the developer that fixes this issue.

  • John McDermott

    John McDermott - 2017-11-02

    Does this occur only on Retina Macs? My Pro is kind of old :(

  • Christian Foltin

    Hi Jacob, in the meantime, there are more than one bug descriptions out:
    long nodes are sometimes not displayed completely
    long node editor with formatting is displaying something wrong
    * long node editor without formatting is displaying something wrong

    Perhaps, it is helpful, if you supply a screenshot of your issue.

    TIA, Chris

  • Jacob Lyles

    Jacob Lyles - 2017-12-26

    I've attached a screenshot. Text is being inserted at the end of the line, but the cursor is being displayed 1.5 characters to the left. The offset is not constant, sometimes the cursor catches up to where text is actually being inserted, and sometimes it drifts more to the left. This seems to happen on any retina mac.

    As a separate issue, the last word of a line sometimes has a few characters chopped off.

    Increasing bounty to $250.

  • John McDermott

    John McDermott - 2017-12-26

    Again, does it fail on non-Retina Macs?

    • Jacob Lyles

      Jacob Lyles - 2017-12-28

      Unfortunately, I do not know of anyone that still has a non-retina mac. If I run into one, I'll try it out.

      I seem to recall that it did not fail on non-retina macs. My friend who introduced me to freemind had an old mac and he had no problems with it.


      Last edit: Jacob Lyles 2017-12-28
  • Polly

    Polly - 2018-01-14

    I have used FreeMind extensively on my non-retina macs and experience the same issue.

  • jose i sanchez

    jose i sanchez - 2018-04-05

    Same problem in my retina Mac. Is there any information about if the bug is being solved? it is very annoying :(

  • mkultra329

    mkultra329 - 2019-08-18

    How do these bounties work? I would fix this for the stated bounties.

  • Jacob Lyles

    Jacob Lyles - 2019-10-25

    I want it fixed. I'll paypal you if you produce a build where the mac cursor bug is fixed and I test it out and confirm. Unfortunately, there is no official bounty software/program.

  • Jacob Lyles

    Jacob Lyles - 2019-10-25

    I want it fixed. I'll paypal you if you produce a build where the mac cursor bug is fixed and I test it out and confirm. Unfortunately, there is no official bounty software/program.


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