
Cloud enhancements?

  • Harald Gurres

    Harald Gurres - 2005-03-02


    I'd like to use FreeMind more often, but some features are missing
    which I think are necessary for "real" mindmapping. One example are
    the clouds - it would be very nice to have more possible shapes for them.

    I'd be happy to contribute some work in this direction.
    Regarding the clouds I've started to implement two additional shapes.
    Please have a look at a screenshot: (129 KB) or (48 KB, bad quality)
    Is this in your opinion a good direction of development for FreeMind?
    My current implementation doesn't have a GUI for changing the shape (yet)
    but simply interprets a style attribute from the XML file. Also, the
    distances of the embedded cloudes aren't quite right.
    It's only a first study in this direction, but if you like
    this, it would be nice for me to do it right and also add some
    more shapes I have in mind.

    I'm very interested in what you think about this. Is perhaps somebody
    working on something similar?

    Best regards,

    • Vik Olliver

      Vik Olliver - 2005-03-02

      I think that looks pretty good, particularly the fleecy ones, though the polygonal one has caught my fancy too.

      What other shapes might be possible?

      Crenellated? Sawtooth? Nibbled?

      Gargoyles??? :)

      Actually, sudden brain movement says: a backgroud image for clouds instead of solid background might help with memory jogging too. How hard is that? Obviously, images will need to be toned down so the text is legible, but hey.

      Vik :v)

      • Harald Gurres

        Harald Gurres - 2005-03-02

        Ups, that was hard stuff for my limited vocabulary - after looking the things up, I'd give the Gargoyles some thought :-)

        Actually I'd like to add a "Blob" shape and a "Spike" or "Star" shape (dunno what the right words are - I' d better provide screenshots then)

        Regards, Harald

    • Christian Foltin


      AFAIK there are no other movements in that direction.
      Feel free to implement your ideas into Freemind and send the patch to me.


    • Patrick Scholman

      IMHO this would be a great enhancement! Great work already!


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