
#928 Node opens in old edit box + formatting lost + no canceling


When I use Rich HTML formatting long node edit box (using alt + enter), sometimes the node opens in an old edit box (that one with the mention "enter confirms ..."), and loses all its formatting showing the xml code. It occurs in various cases, the last one I was changing the node's place with ctrl+arrow. The node had Bold, normal, and bulleted text.

Before, I have this :
Amour / couple
In bold, etc

Then, this :
<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 0pt">
<b>Amour / couple</b>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 0pt">
<o p="#DEFAULT">

When I try CTRL+Z, I can cancel the changes made but not the node keeps its strange formatting and still edits in an old box. Only way to recover : get an old TEMP file, or change by hand.

WIN XP, Freemind 0.9.0 RC6 embedded in PortableFreemind version (from portable apps) with portable java 6.

I just got the 0.9.0 build 113, will correct the node, then see if I have anew that bug and how.


  • Daniel Polansky

    Daniel Polansky - 2010-02-04

    You should get a decent user name in SourceForge; "" is an absurd user name. I for one do not want to deal with people who choose absurd user names. --Dan

  • Joël Obrecht

    Joël Obrecht - 2010-02-17

    Corrected. I used openID and google account name and didn't notice I could change this.
    I had anew the same problem on build113. Is there a way to get the new HTML box on changed nodes ?
    I'm a great fan of Freemind, and this is not so bothering, but I would like to understand how to prevent that strange behaviour !
    I've time to run some tests. Will see on my Arch Linux if I have the same behaviour...

  • Joël Obrecht

    Joël Obrecht - 2010-02-17

    I took a look in the code of the map. It happens that the < and > have been changed respectively with &lt; and &gt; // if I make a simple replace in Notepad++, the place of the nodes had changed, and the node where I make the replace is uneditable.
    The best for me is to paste data in a new node and to correct it.

  • Daniel Polansky

    Daniel Polansky - 2010-02-17

    Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this bug.

    I proceed as follows:

    1. I create a node "1"
    2. I create a node "a b c" that is a child node of "1"
    3. I format "b" in "a b c" as bold
    4. I select the node "a b c", and press control + left
    5. The node "a b c" is moved left without losing its formatting.

    If you would find more about the conditions under which your bug occurs, maybe it could be fixed.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-02-18

    In the last attached file, I have had the bug with a move in a map. Use Ctrl arrow to move last part of the map, it should make the bug. By the way, I found a simple way to correct it just replacing in notepad++ the &lt; and &gt with < and > and pasting the html code in the text editor. Then, moving again elements in the map reproduces the bug.

  • Daniel Polansky

    Daniel Polansky - 2010-03-01

    In the attached mind map "bug", there are many nodes that can be moded left, many of them already containing odd-looking HTML markup in plain-text nodes. Playing around with the attached mind map in FreeMind 0.9.0 RC6 on Windows Vista, I cannot reproduce anything wrong.

    Please tell me the following--assuming that, to reproduce the bug, I should select a particular node and then move it:

    1. What is the text of the node that I should select before moving it?

    2. After I select the node, what should I do? Should I press control + left, control + right, or do something else?

    I add what you have already posted: you are on Windows XP, using FreeMind 0.9.0 RC6 embedded in PortableFreemind version.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-03-01

    Yes indeed, when downloading the file and opening it, I too have the odd html look.
    But then, I can try to edit with alt+enter such an odd node, select all and replace, in notepad++, "&lt"; and "&gt" with < and > and paste again in the text editor box the "normal" HTML code.

    But when I try to move backwards using ctrl+arrow, for instance, the "Santé node", I have the odd looking again.

    Hope you may reproduce it and that it would be useful...


    Last edit: Anonymous 2014-10-17
  • Daniel Polansky

    Daniel Polansky - 2010-03-02

    My questions again:

    1. What is the text of the node that I should select before moving it?

    2. After I select the node, what should I do? Should I press control +
    left, control + right, or do something else?


  • Daniel Polansky

    Daniel Polansky - 2010-03-02

    I have reproduced the bug in 0.9.0 RC6. The bug depends on the presence in the HTML code of a node of an opening tag <o> for which the corresponding closing tag </o> is missing. I am unaware that the tag "o" would be a valid HTML tag, though.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Create a new map
    2. Create a new node "a"
    3. Create a child node of the node "a" as a plain text node
    4. Into the created plain text node, enter the following text: "<html><body><b>Test</b> node<o>"
    5. Press enter to confirm the plain text node;
    6. You can see the node formatted as rich text node
    6. Select the rich text node "Test node" and press control + left
    7. The node is moved but all the formatting is lost, and the HTML code is shown instead.

    A workaround for the user is to edit the source code of the node before meoving it, and delete the unclosed "<o>" tag manually.

    The same quirky behavior can be reproduced by using another unsupported tag that is left opened, meaning without the corresponding closing tag, such as "<z>" and "<c>".

    The bug only appears with the functions control + left and control + right, but not with control + up and control + down.

    The bug appears both in 0.9.0 RC6 and 0.9.0 RC7.



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