
#70 Mission modification to native tension


I think the point of Missions in original Colonization is to keep the indians happy (green exclamation mark), but in FreeCol it seems ineffective.
I've made a mission in an indian village, and they've became happy first, but after a few turns they became content again, and a few turns later they attacked me.


  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2010-01-30

    I doubt there is a real bug here. There is code present in FC to improve relations with a native settlement when a mission is established. It even sounds like it worked for you. However does not guarantee that other things you are doing are not going to cause anger, which is most likely what happened.

  • Fenyo

    Fenyo - 2010-01-30

    The only thing i've done and can anger them is that my colony is only 2 tiles from their capital village, and i've bought one of their tile.
    But in original Colonization it does not matter how close your colony to their villages: _missions always keep them happy._ (especially if it's an expert mission)

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2010-01-31

    ``always keep them happy''? That is a strong claim. Anyone else care to comment?

    As far as FreeCol is concerned, I am not surprised. Currently our natives do not like colonies developing close to their borders, especially if it is their capital.

  • Darklord

    Darklord - 2010-02-02


    In Col1, missions didnt keep the indians always happy, they just minimized the tensions (just as Pocahontas did), as well as providing converts.

    Not only that, if the tension in a camp with a mission went too high, the indians would burn the mission (something im unsure its implemented in FreeCol).

    Its possible that the missions arent sufficiently minimizing the tensions to simulate Col1, but they certainly should not remove all tension.

  • Fenyo

    Fenyo - 2010-02-02

    Ok, i found the solution:
    Changing the constant named MISSIONARY_TENSION to -30 solves the problem.

    I clearly remember: in Col1, i had colonies very close to capital villages, acquired almost of their lands, i had a lot of forces in the nearest colonies, and i had an expert mission in that capital village, and the exclamation marks were _always_ green! And no, i didn't traded with that village.

  • Darklord

    Darklord - 2010-02-06

    In rev.6396 (0.9.x branch) and rev.6397 (Trunk), i have adjusted the missionary influence to -10 (instead of your suggestion of -30), experts double that value.

    This is a gameplay balance issue, so im making a change with a lower value to evaluate how the game behaves; if the problem persists, we can make a higher change.

    So for now the bug report stays open, pending further game testing.

  • Darklord

    Darklord - 2010-02-06
    • labels: 1165074 --> General Gameplay
    • assigned_to: nobody --> pruano
    • status: open --> open-remind
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2013-01-12
    • status: open-remind --> open
    • assigned_to: Darklord --> nobody
    • milestone: --> Current
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2013-01-17
    • status: open --> open-WWC1D
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2013-01-17

    Switching to open-WWC1D status. I have checked the code (0.10.7) and adding a missionary provides a one off tension bonus, and an ongoing bonus of 10/20(expert) every turn.

    WWC1D?: The claim here is that you can have a colony two tiles from a native capital that has your missionary, and the tension stays at "happy" forever.

    This seems highly unlikely, but should be reasonably easy to test. To be fair, the colony should be the only one near the tribe in question, who should otherwise be left alone as much as possible so that there are no tribe-wide tension modifiers in effect. I would recommend a first try with Average difficulty, building the colony up to about size 8, fortifying as required, allowing pioneering, but not acquiring (steal or buy) any tiles closer to the native settlement than the colony centre, and keeping a minimal garrison.

    The question to answer is: in what year does the tension marker change from green? If it happens reasonably quickly (say, before 1600) I think this bug is definitively invalidated. If it takes significantly longer or indeed never happens as reported here, then there is a clear case that the missionary alarm modifier is too weak. If the result is in between, we ought to get a better handle on the parameters, which will need testing at the upper and lower difficulty levels etc.

    If so, we have a bug, but this seems unlikely.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2014-11-12

    Looking at this again I believe it is not a bug but a quantitative incompatibility (amount of tension modification is disputed) rather than a qualitative difference between Col1 and FreeCol. Reclassifying to the Pending Features tracker. IMHO this issue should not block the release of FreeCol 1.0.


    Last edit: Mike Pope 2014-11-12
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2014-11-12

    Ticket moved from /p/freecol/bugs/1776/

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2014-11-12
    • summary: Missions are ineffective --> Mission modification to native tension

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