
Loading Wagon Train on Galleon

  • Don Teofilo Manto

    I saw in a thread a mod to be able to load wagon trains onto a galleon but I cannot find it now, Anyone know how to mod the game to allow this?

  • Billy Venus

    Billy Venus - 2017-07-13

    Which wagon are you talking about? The transportation wagon or the treasury wagon?

    In the first case, you aren't supposed to load a transportation wagon on a ship, otherwise you'd transport twice the ship's regular load (the wagon'd be loaded with two cargoes and count as only one cargo space in the ship's bay.
    But I vow I often wanted to carry an empty wagon from a place to an other using a ship... way to boost trade with young colonies...

    In the second case, the thing I do when I lay hands on a wagon is to found a new colony using the military unit who defeated the Natives' town and bring the wagon there. It will be immediately converted in cash. Then I order the military unit to leave the newfounded colony (and to destroy the settlement).
    This way, my military unit can continue its plundering operations behind enemy lines without having to escort it to the main settlement area.

    Does this help you?

  • David Lewis

    David Lewis - 2017-07-18

    Actually it wouldn't necessarily count as one cargo space. Like the TreasureTrain, which takes up 6 cargo holds, and thus the reason a Galleon (or ManOWar) is required to transport a TreasureTrain. Same could be done with the WagonTrain to take up 6 cargo holds. So it would be wholly inefficient to attempt to expand the cargo holds of a ship using this method, but it would allow you to transport wagon trains from one location (e.g.: an island) to another. I'll try creating that mod this week and see if it works.

  • David Lewis

    David Lewis - 2017-07-21

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