
Multiple victory conditions?

  • James Bayes

    James Bayes - 2008-06-01

    I was just wondering, maybe there could be a loyalist option (especially to appeal to us Motherland dwellers :p), where somehow it's possible to gain independence (or Commonwealth status or such like) diplomatically? Maybe with more liberty bell requirements or something?

    • Leong Kooi Ewe

      Leong Kooi Ewe - 2008-06-02

      I kinda like that idea eventhough it deviates from the original Colonization.  However, I think it should be worked upon only after the AI has improved.

      At the moment the AI will always beeline for the weakest settlement no matter what lies between it and the settlement.  In my last game I forgot about independence and by the time I almost eliminate the last AI I realized that I am still not independent, lol.  So I promptly declare independence and sure enough the 16 Man-Of-War heading straight for my 1 dragoon inland settlement.  But, alas, the 16 ship never reach land as I had 40+ Frigate and 30+ Privateer just hanging around the water waiting for them. ;)

      Honestly, the AI should have consider approaching a few other settlement that may have 5-6 dragoon but with no navy near their water.  Once a few city is captured and serving as base it will be a different battle.  No doubt its a loosing battle cause by then I had like 300 colonial cavalry and 600+ Vet Dragoon plus 200+ artillery, it will at least be some fight instead of no fight at all, heh.

      I strongly agree with the suggestion especially when you have an overwhelming army & navy.  The motherland should be smart enough to know that she can't win instead of blindly sending her troops to certain doom. :D

    • James Bayes

      James Bayes - 2008-06-02

      Oh, I agree, as the game stands it does not really lend itself to being a loyalist (from the moment you land in America your purpose is seemingly to be a rebel). I'd like to see that modified (while still letting you be a rebel, maybe even making it easier to be a rebel).

      Part of this is that I think an active diplomacy with the motherland would be good. They might ask for certain things (I want so many coats, so much tobacco, I want you to conquer quebec etc etc) and doing what he wants means your taxes stay low, maybe you get military aid from time to time and your overall relationship goes up. Part of a loyalist/commonwealth victory would possibly include having a VERY high relationship with the motherland, a certain degree of military/economic strength and a set number of liberty bells. Basically the victory shouldn't be any easier than the rebel victory, you'd still need to build up a powerful set of colonies and have actively used it to wage war on European enemies or granted aid to the motherland.

  • David Nuttall

    David Nuttall - 2012-08-18

    As a Canadian, I am all for this style of victory.  Of course, you need a few Congress people to make this approach easier, such as:
    Military:  Issac Brock:  Improves defence of fortified units.
    Diplomatic:  John A. MacDonald: Roads that connect to a colony are built at twice the normal rate.

  • David Nuttall

    David Nuttall - 2012-08-19

    Oops,  I guess Sir John A. should be Political, not Diplomatic.

    Yes, these guys came far after the American War of Independence, but their activities were integral to Canada becoming a nation.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-03

    Sounds good to me. I'm an American from the South, so I'm fiercely in favor of fighting for independence, but I can see that this would be an easier method that might be helpful-easier in that we don't have to worry as much about the motherland and can concentrate on subdueing other colonies instead, with help from the crown to boot.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-03

    Message to the Forum organizers: there are two topics running on this subject. Could you merge them to avoid confusion?

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2012-09-03

    Merging threads is not an option available to project admins.


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