
Post-Independence etc.

  • Jonjon

    Jonjon - 2010-07-28

    I got some ideas about freecol 2 which I'd like to present to you:

    1.: What about your country having Presidents after the War of Independence is won?
    I'd make it like that:
    -No more FFs after Declaration of Independence
    -FFs generally limited to, say, 16
    -At gamestart you elect a Governor with special abilities (like FFs)
    -After DOI you elect a President every 10-20 turns or so; one-time re-election

    Often it's talked about:
    2.: Slavery

    -Slaves may be captured from Enemy towns, ships, native settlements
    -Also you can buy slaves in Europe, the more you buy the more expensive they are
    -Special unit "Slavecatcher"; put them in one of your ships, send them to Africa to catch slaves
    -> Africa-Panel: Like Europe panel thou with other options like trading with native tribes, plunder, catch slaves (as seen above), missions may fail
    -Slaves may die during transport from Europe/Africa
    -slaves may flee as event
    -maybe thru an event which occurs when you have a special amount of liberty bells all slaves will become free colonialists; after that event you cannot buy or catch slaves anymore.
    -slaves revolting, maybe burning ressources etc.

    3a.: Tories revolt after DOI (burning ressources etc.)
    3b.: Tories leave new world after DOI (random units, depending on how many tories there are in which colony, leave)
    3c.: Tories leave colonies (like 3b) and become forces of his majesty
    3d.: Tories become small criminals after doi (some free colonialists get downgraded b/c they support the king)

    4.: Ships may be damaged or sink b/c of a storm, cliffs etc.

    5.: Special Indian Chiefs (eg. Chief Seattle), treaties with natives

    6.: Also, often talked about, trade with all European nations, but: not only after DOI but everytime when you're not at war with the country. Of course, your king doesn't like that and may confiscate property of you or immigrants may want to stay home.

    7.: Reforestation, gaining land (Iced poles -> Tundra)

    8.: More workers working on a tile to speed up things

    9.: New ressources such as Paper to use with your printing stations; Paper needs wood (duh) or Hemp (another new ressource, may be cultivated like tobacco or so); Hemp may also be needed for building ships.

    10.: More exploration points

    11.: Missions you may accomplish like the Lewis and Clark Expedition; if you succeed you may get a gold bonus and/or special units, FFs or something like that

    12.: More events like Irish people coming to your country after DOI or so

    13.: Capital city: usually your first founded city has a bonus on freedom bells, also seat of your FFs and President (see above), if it's captured your units face a penalty until you re-capture it. Your capital has an extended land range (like some native towns) and comes with a harbor (docks).

    Thats it for now :)

  • Lastrix

    Lastrix - 2010-07-28

    Again slavery. Doh!

  • Jonjon

    Jonjon - 2010-08-29

    14.: Use custom house to import goods

    15.: (Maybe even for 0.9.*) Show Borders in Minimap (like if you play England show the tiles around your cities red)

    16.: Railroads!

    16.1: Speed up unit movement

    16.2: Train stations as additional building can be used to auto-transport goods to other colonies

    16.3: Railroads can only be built after maybe 1800, only on roads and need ore

    16.3.a: Let free colonists (and other units) carry goods as well (a small amount, like only 20 units of one kind of goods)

    16.3.b: Railroad Engineers to build Railroads

    17.: Engineers as Extra Unit to put (in the colony screen) in the tile of the building to be built; they speed up the construction and maybe lead to less hammers needed.

    18.: More peaceful natives OR your actions will directly affect you; if you ignore the natives they will ignore you, if you give them presents they will do so etc.; no (or very rare) random killing of your units by native units.

    19.: Goods to help the units to produce stuff (eg.: Farmers may use horses to produce more food, the lumberjack may use extra-sharpened axes which may be produced by the iron works using up hammers)

  • Carl Ramirez

    Carl Ramirez - 2016-03-09

    Ideas 1 to 19 are good, but consider this:
    - What if your monarch continues to pursue settlement in the New World, possibly solely so they can get revenge for your war of independence? This is part of the reason behind the War of 1812.
    - After winning independence, can you play with internal political issues (e.g. tax rate, trade policy, what to spend taxes on, treatment of natives, military policy, foreign affairs) because in real life, you would likely find varying opinions on these political topics within your country.
    - What if when you have no rebels and all royalists, they can invite a member of the royal family over to become a kingdom of the colonies and if this happens, GAME OVER.
    - What if you can choose to improve your troops' effectiveness in war by choosing to commit war crimes (e.g. torching settlements to get the war over and done with at the cost of destroying the settlement and killing all its residents), but if you do so, your opponent will be allowed to do the same to you.
    - Internal revolts where your citizens stop working and in the worst case, kill each other or desert your colonies: may be a result of starvation, too many loyalists, lack of gold in your coffers or committing war crimes.

    • luke west

      luke west - 2017-03-09

      thats god points. i wish we can play more after we get freed from the mother countery.

  • Joel Snyder

    Joel Snyder - 2017-03-21

    To extend the play beyond independence, select defeat all european powers as the victory condition. Chooding this means that after independence (or before if you never get around to that) you have to scour the new world and capture all foreign colonies in order to win.


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