
Opening some panels shifts the Map

  • Simon Small

    Simon Small - 2015-01-03

    I am not sure if this is a Bug or is intentionally operating this way. On a small number of 'panels' opening, the map is shifted left or right before the panel is displayed. According to the comments in the code this is to make sure that the current tile is still visible.

    The map does not seem to be reset when the panel is closed. Additionally, the panel size is quite big or can be resized.

    This only affects panels ColonyPanel, ColorChooserPanel, IndianSettlementPanel, InformationPanel, PurchasePanel, RecruitPanel, SpyColonyPanel, TradeRoutePanel and TrainPanel, using ShowFreeColPanel(). All the other panels are displayed using ShowSubPanel() that uses a zero offset ('centered') - 'weak' explanation, check the code in

    Is there a good reason why the shift is necessary? I am not aware of the history of this functionality in FreeCol, however, I don't remember this being present in Col1

  • wintertime

    wintertime - 2015-01-03

    If there are comments it was most likely intentional. It can help sometimes to have the colony or some unit visible I think.
    For me the colony panel is actually a little too small, especially later when more buildings got completed and there appear scrollbars. I also remember a similar problem with one advisor panel a long time ago. So its nice to have them resizable at least.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2015-01-03

    Is there a good reason why the shift is necessary?

    There was a bug report that certain panels would pop up so as to obscure the part of the map where the relevant action was occurring (I do not recall which, but suspect it was combat related). I agreed this was a problem and implemented a general solution that has been applied to several more panels. Perhaps we have gone too far, but I find this functionality helpful --- for example I like being able to make colony panel choices while being able to see the colony on the map and check how close the REF is getting. You sound less convinced by this feature, what is your objection?

    ...I don't remember this being present in Col1

    It is an extension, however the GUI is clearly a place where Col1-compatibility is only a serious problem if Col1 had some functionality FreeCol is lacking. If we really cared that much about a fully Col1-compatible GUI you would be looking at tiny tiles with 8-bit images:-).

  • Simon Small

    Simon Small - 2015-01-04

    I have not played FreeCol to a point where things like the REF are involved; I have been checking the UI and issues with that and have tended to start a new game after a while (when I have had the time!). The only issue that I have with this functionality, and it applies when the settled area is small, is that I would be able to have everything visible on the screen, then I would open a Colony panel, and the map had shifted making some of it not visible any more. It would be nice if it shifted back on closing the panel.

    I thought I should raise it as a question here, and not as a Bug, as it seems quite minor, and by design. As I am not yet familiar with the code, I don't know if this is an easy 'fix'.

    I also have not played it on a big screen. On smaller screens the Colony panel fills most of the screen so the tile is not visible anyway. I can see that on bigger screens this would behave more usefully.

    I certainly was not suggesting that the GUI should be like Col1 - the current one is much better :) . If Col1 does something, that is a reason for FreeCol to do it; as Col1 does not do this I needed to understand why. I can accept the reasons given.

  • Simon Small

    Simon Small - 2015-01-08

    I have been playing with this feature in 0.11.2 for a bit, and I have found the Preference setting "Remember panel positions" in the Display options. If I reduce the size, or change the position, of the panels this feature is not as irritating as when I started playing using 0.10.7 some months ago. I don't know what has changed in the UI, but I do know it is a lot. Plus, a simple click on the Map changes the map position if I need to do that; two simple 'tricks' to make play quite enjoyable :) - well done all.


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