
#259 Missing animations

media (1)
Mike Pope

We are missing attack animations for artillery and native units.


  • wintertime

    wintertime - 2015-05-19

    I found the animations for artillery, damaged artillery, pirate ship and frigate. I'll put them in.
    It would be helpful if anyone could provide me a sufficently advanced savegame for testing, that contains these units and enough enemies to attack.

    Animations for native units and ref units are still missing!

    • Mike Pope

      Mike Pope - 2015-05-19

      It would be helpful if anyone could provide me a sufficently advanced savegame for testing, that contains these units and enough enemies to attack.

      The tile popup in debug mode has a "Add Unit" entry that should help you create units, and IIRC the "change ownership" facility works on units.

  • wintertime

    wintertime - 2015-05-19

    I made sza animations from the existing files and added them to the game resources. I did not make mirrored copies like the existing animations have, as I think that can be better done in code (and we could delete the mirrored sza files after that).

    In case people want to make animations, sza files are just zip files with a different file extension and can be easily unziped with 7zip. You could then take some other image (eg the ref soldier) and combine this picture with parts of other existing images in animations (eg the armed colonist animation or others) to create more of them.

    Still to do:
    - brave and kings regular, maybe seasoned scout (normal, armed, mounted, dragoon) - take base image and recombine with parts of existing animations with a bit of recoloring and pixel editing, should be relatively easy
    - darken privateer animation to look more like the flying dutchman - easiest, but lowest priority
    - create more ship animations - manowar would be most important ship as it got most cannons, could be adapted from frigate animation, but starting anew from manowar image and adding some smoke, fire, cannon balls should be easier and more accurate


    Last edit: wintertime 2015-05-19
    • Mike Pope

      Mike Pope - 2015-05-19
      • seasoned scout (normal, armed, mounted, dragoon)

      I think we only have one seasoned scout image that would need an animation (the normal mounted one). A mounted seasoned scout is also by definition armed. If you equip it with muskets or muskets+horses you should get an ordinary soldier or dragoon. If it has no equipment, then it does not need a combat animation.

  • wintertime

    wintertime - 2015-05-19

    The mirroring code is done, but needs testing. I cant really see it cause there is nearly always the map moved and/or a dialog hiding it. And I did not have a savegame where I could better see the animations.
    The left facing copies of animations could be removed after that, to reduce memory consumption.


    Last edit: wintertime 2015-05-19
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2015-08-03
    • status: open --> open-needs-media
  • Stian Grenborgen

    Ticket moved from /p/freecol/bugs/2722/


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