
HUD Overlay on WinXP / Logs & defaul...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello everyone,

    two thumbs up for this great project - thank you!

    I'm having trouble getting the HUD run properly. AFAIK I've correctly configured all settings.
    I can not find the mentioned file "default.conf" though - using the current v0.12.

    - FPDB will start porperly
    - Footnote / Status: connected to DB on localhost
    - Auto-Import shows correct directory to HH
    - Auto-Import starts, HUD window is opened ("Close this Window to ….")
    - App. Msg reports added hands:

     * Add PokerStars import directory C:\Programme\PokerStars\HandHistory\MyUserName.......................
    HH20111323 Laodica VII fast - 5-10 - Play Money No Limit Hold'em.txt

    - HUD Error Log shows: "HUD_main: starting …" - not more
    - HUD Log shows:

    2010-03-24 00:15:06,625 - hud          DEBUG    hud logger initialised
    2010-03-24 00:15:06,634 - hud          INFO     HUD_main starting: using db name = None
    2010-03-24 00:15:06,634 - hud          INFO     Note: error output is being diverted to:C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\admin\Anwendungsdaten\fpdb\log\HUD-errors.txt
    2010-03-24 00:15:06,634 - hud          INFO     Any major error will be reported there _only_.
    2010-03-24 00:15:06,694 - db           DEBUG    Creating Database instance, sql = None
    2010-03-24 00:15:06,704 - db           INFO     Connecting to SQLite: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\admin\Anwendungsdaten\fpdb\database\fpdb.db3
    2010-03-24 00:21:18,710 - hud          INFO     Terminating normally.

    There's no overlay though. I've read up o everything I could find but still can't solve the problem.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    regards, andy

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Sorry for the slip-up in the HUD-Log file.
    This should show up correctly now:

    2010-03-24 00:15:06,625 - hud          DEBUG    hud logger initialised
    2010-03-24 00:15:06,634 - hud          INFO     HUD_main starting: using db name = None
    2010-03-24 00:15:06,634 - hud          INFO     Note: error output is being diverted to:C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\admin\Anwendungsdaten\fpdb\log\HUD-errors.txt
    2010-03-24 00:15:06,634 - hud          INFO     Any major error will be reported there _only_.
    2010-03-24 00:15:06,694 - db           DEBUG    Creating Database instance, sql = None
    2010-03-24 00:15:06,704 - db           INFO     Connecting to SQLite: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\admin\Anwendungsdaten\fpdb\database\fpdb.db3
    2010-03-24 00:21:18,710 - hud          INFO     Terminating normally.

    regards, Andy

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    As far as I'm aware, we don't support play money games… though that might've changed in the last 6 months ..


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