istomoya - 2013-07-05

FRUIT 3.2.3

There was a problem in FRUIT 3.2.2.
Module names with upper case characters were not processed correctly.
Fixed in this version.

FRUIT 3.2.2

  • On gfortran and ifort, coverage reports can be generated for samples
    In these directries, do "rake coverage" for generate reports such as
    *.f90.gcov (gfortran)

  • FruitProcessor warns if user-specifiled filenames given in
    fp.process_only = [ (filenames) ]
    line does not match with *_test.f(90|95|03|07) or any of the corresponding files is absent.

  • rake_estimate.rb warns if two fortran source files
    define the same module name.

  • Fixed a problem that fruit_basket_gen.f90 and fruit_driver_gen.f90
    are compiled twice when rake_estimate.rb is used.