
Project status

  • Torsten Schlabach


    I came across this tool and found it quite useful. But I am bit surprised about the fact that it seems to have become quite old. No real activity for nearly three years now.

    This does not necessary decrease the value of the software, but I wonder if the crowed just moved and FOA is living on somewhere else or has been superceeded by another tool which most people use now.

    Any information?


    • Fabio Giannetti

      Fabio Giannetti - 2007-04-12

        you are right the project has no activity for three years now.
      I still have interest in XSL-FO and I am still working on related technologies, but unfortunately I don't have too much time to continue FOA development.
      The real issue is that FOA failed to create a community that was able to take this prototype forward.

    • Torsten Schlabach

      > The real issue is that FOA failed to create a community that was able to take this prototype forward.

      What a pitty. As far as I can tell, there is still no other tool which would serve the same purpose.

      To give you some background, we are currently working on some stuff related to OFBiz, which uses XSL-FO to generate documents such as invoices and the like. And we need some editor which would allow a non-programmer to generate an XSL-FO template. So I found FOA, which seems to serve that purpose.

      I found some little things which I would maybe like to change to make the handling of FOA a bit easier. If I provide some patches, would you take the come to commit them?


    • Fabio Giannetti

      Fabio Giannetti - 2007-04-18

        you have been added you as developer.
      Could you please send me a the new FOA version so I can have a look and then give you the go ahead to update the CVS.
      You can now access to the CVS both in read and write.
      Hope this helps,

    • Herbert Schiemann

      Hi Fabio and Torsten,
      we're in a similar situation. We plan to generally produce XML output and use XSL-FO to create printable documents. Our users like WYSIWYG (at least our customer services think so). FOA seems to be very useful. I'd like to help to "keep the project rolling", but I'm afraid that I'm short of time and that my skills may not be adequate. Nevertheless - let me know where you need help. And may-be I'll suggest some patches ...


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